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单词 freedom
释义 freedom nounadjective | ... of freedom | verb + freedom | preposition | phrases adjective➤complete, full, maximum, perfect, real, total, true完全的/充分的/最大限度的/绝对的/真正的/全部的/实实在在的自由▸➤considerable, great相当的/很大的自由◆the new syllabus allows students greater freedom of choice.新的教学大纲给学生更多选择自由。➤relative相对的自由▸➤basic, fundamental基本的/根本的自由◆living without war is a fundamental freedom.在没有战争的情况下生活是最基本的自由。➤human人类的自由▸➤individual, personal个人自由◆individual freedom should be balanced against the rights of the community.个人自由应与公众权益相平衡。➤new, new-found新(获得)的自由◆when she lost her job, she at first relished her new-found freedom.失业后,一开始她还很享受新获得的自由。➤academic, artistic, creative, economic, intellectual, political, press, religious, sexual学术自由;艺术自由;创作自由;经济自由;思想自由;政治自由;出版自由;宗教自由;性自由◆without academic freedom, we cannot do any research.没有学术自由,我们就不能开展任何研究工作。... of freedom➤measure一定程度的自由◆teachers can exercise a measure of freedom in their choice of materials.教师在选择教材方面有一定的自由。verb + freedom➤enjoy (= have) , have享有自由◆publishers here enjoy comparative freedom to publish what they want.这里的出版商享有比较自由的出版权。➤enjoy, relish, value享受/喜欢/珍惜自由◆i was enjoying the freedom of not having to go to work.我在享受不用去上班的自由。◆as a society we value freedom and privacy.作为一个社会,我们很珍惜自由与隐私。➤seek, want谋求/想要自由▸➤find找到自由▸➤exercise行使自由权▸➤achieve, gain, obtain, secure, win争取到/得到/获得/确保/赢得自由◆the women have won many new freedoms for themselves.这些妇女为自己争取到了很多新的自由。➤maintain, preserve, retain保留自由权利▸➤defend, protect捍卫/维护自由◆this newspaper defends freedom of speech.这家报纸维护言论自由。➤promote提倡自由▸➤give up, lose, surrender放弃自由;失去自由◆as mike saw it, marriage would mean giving up his freedom.在迈克眼里,结婚就意味着要放弃自由。➤cost sb使某人付出自由的代价◆his inability to resist temptation would eventually cost him his freedom.他无法抵抗诱惑,这最终将会使他失去自由。➤allow sb, give sb, grant sb, offer sb, permit sb容许/给予/赋予/提供给/允许某人自由▸➤bring (sb), provide(给某人)带来自由;提供自由◆the party claims it can bring freedom and democracy to the country.该党宣称能给国家带来自由与民主。➤guarantee确保自由◆the constitution guarantees freedom of the press.宪法保证新闻自由。➤deny sb剥夺某人自由◆he was denied freedom of movement for a month.他被剥夺一个月的行动自由。➤curtail, inhibit, limit, reduce, restrict, threaten削减/压制/限制/减少/限定/威胁到自由◆i don't want to curtail my daughter's freedom.我不想限制女儿的自由。◆our freedom was threatened by press censorship.新闻审查制度威胁到了我们的自由。➤take, take away剥夺自由▸➤violate侵犯自由preposition➤freedom from摆脱⋯◆freedom from fear and pain免于恐惧和痛苦➤freedom in⋯方面的自由◆managers have considerable freedom in running their offices.经理在管理办公室方面有相当大的自主权。➤freedom of⋯的自由◆to allow greater freedom of information容许更大的信息自由phrases➤freedom of choice自由选举权▸➤freedom of expression, freedom of speech言论自由▸➤freedom of movement行动自由▸➤freedom of the press新闻自由 freedom nounfreedom ♦︎ independence ♦︎ autonomy ♦︎ liberty ♦︎ leewaythese are all words for the right or ability of sb to do things or make decisions without being controlled by sb else or without needing help from sb else.这些词均表示自由、自主、自立。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆freedom / liberty / leeway to do sth◆greater freedom / independence / autonomy / liberty / leeway◆complete / individual / personal freedom / independence / autonomy / liberty◆to have freedom / independence / autonomy / liberty / leeway◆to enjoy / lose freedom / independence / autonomy / liberty◆to encourage / promote freedom / independence / autonomy◆to undermine sb's freedom / independence / autonomy■ freedom [uncountable, countable] the right or ability to do or say what you want without anyone or anything stopping you自由(指权利)◆branch managers have considerable freedom in running their offices.分公司经理在经营上有相当大的自由。◆this case is about protecting our freedom of speech.这个案例是有关保护我们的言论自由的。◆the new syllabus allows students greater freedom of choice.新教学大纲给了学生更大的选择权。◆the constitution contains guarantees of democratic rights and freedoms.宪法包含了对民主权利和自由的保障。ⓘ in this meaning freedom is often used in the expression the freedom of sth.表达此义时,freedom 常用于短语 the freedom of sth 中◆freedom of speech / thought / expression / worship / choice / action / movement言论/思想/表达/信仰/选择/行动/活动自由 freedom of information is the right to see secret information that a government has about people and organizations; freedom of association is the right to meet and talk to whoever you like, even in large groups. people also often talk about press/academic freedom or the freedom of the press, which is the right to write and publish anything, so long as it is true. * freedom of information 指知情权。freedom of association 指结社自由。还可以说 press freedom 或 freedom of the press (新闻自由)和 academic freedom (学术自由)。▸ free adjective◆i have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free.我没有雄心大志,只求自由自在地过幸福生活。◆students have a free choice of classes in their final year.学生在最后一学年可以自由选修课程。◆you are free to come and go as you please.你来去自由。◆a true democracy complete with free speech and a free press was called for.人们呼吁要有包括言论自由和新闻自由在内的真正民主。■ independence [uncountable] the freedom to make decisions, organize your life, do your job, etc. without needing help from other people or being controlled by other people自主;自立◆some people have questioned the independence of the inspectors.有些人已经对检查员的独立自主性提出了质疑。◆her work gave her a degree of financial independence.她的工作让她有了一定的经济自立。◆the car became a symbol of independence.汽车成了自立的象征。opp dependence ⓘ dependence is the state of needing the help and support of sb/sth in order to survive or be successful. * dependence 指依靠、依赖、依存◆his dependence on his parents他对父母的依赖◆financial / economic dependence财政/经济依赖  ➡ see also independence → independence ▸ independent adjective◆it was important to me to be financially independent.经济上自立对我来说很重要。  ➡ see also independent → confident ■ autonomy /ɔːtɒnəmi; name ɔːtɑːnəmi/ [uncountable] (formal) the freedom to make decisions and do things without being controlled by anyone else自主;自主权◆schools have gained greater autonomy from government control.学校受政府的管控少了,获得了更大的自主权。◆one of the aims of modern nursing is to encourage patient autonomy.现代护理的目标之一是鼓励病人自主。ⓘ autonomy is a more formal way of saying independence. it is used especially about organizations or classes of people being free from official control; it is used less about individual people. * autonomy 是 independence 更正式的说法,尤用于描述组织机构或某些阶层的人脱离官方控制,较少用于个人◆she doesn't want to lose her hard-won autonomy.  ➡ see also autonomy → independence▸ autonomous /ɔːtɒnəməs; name ɔːtɑːnəməs/ adjective◆teachers help children to become autonomous learners.教师帮助学生成为自主的学习者。■ liberty [uncountable] the freedom to live as you choose without too many restrictions from government or authority自由(自己选择生活方式而不受政府及权威限制)◆the system allows us complete liberty to do the task as we like.这一制度赋予我们充分的自由,可以按自己喜欢的方式完成任务。◆the concept of individual liberty is enshrined in the constitution.个人自由的观念已庄严地载入宪法。■ leeway /liːweɪ/ [uncountable] the amount of freedom that you have to change sth or to do sth in the way you want to自由度;自由的空间◆how much leeway should parents give their children?父母应该给孩子留多少自由的空间?freedom [uncountable, countable] the right or ability to do or say what you want without anyone or anything stopping you自由(指权利)◆branch managers have considerable freedom in running their offices.分公司经理在经营上有相当大的自由。◆this case is about protecting our freedom of speech.这个案例是有关保护我们的言论自由的。◆the new syllabus allows students greater freedom of choice.新教学大纲给了学生更大的选择权。◆the constitution contains guarantees of democratic rights and freedoms.宪法包含了对民主权利和自由的保障。ⓘ in this meaning freedom is often used in the expression the freedom of sth.表达此义时,freedom 常用于短语 the freedom of sth 中◆freedom of speech / thought / expression / worship / choice / action / movement言论/思想/表达/信仰/选择/行动/活动自由 freedom of information is the right to see secret information that a government has about people and organizations; freedom of association is the right to meet and talk to whoever you like, even in large groups. people also often talk about press/academic freedom or the freedom of the press, which is the right to write and publish anything, so long as it is true. * freedom of information 指知情权。freedom of association 指结社自由。还可以说 press freedom 或 freedom of the press (新闻自由)和 academic freedom (学术自由)。▸ free adjective◆i have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free.我没有雄心大志,只求自由自在地过幸福生活。◆students have a free choice of classes in their final year.学生在最后一学年可以自由选修课程。◆you are free to come and go as you please.你来去自由。◆a true democracy complete with free speech and a free press was called for.人们呼吁要有包括言论自由和新闻自由在内的真正民主。freedomnoun [uncountable] ◆freedom from fear / hunger / pain免于恐惧/饥饿/痛苦freedomnoun [uncountable] ◆he finally won his freedom after twenty years in jail.他坐了二十年牢后终于获得了自由。freedomnoun [uncountable] ◆freedom from fear / hunger / pain免于恐惧/饥饿/痛苦freedomnoun [uncountable] ◆he finally won his freedom after twenty years in jail.他坐了二十年牢后终于获得了自由。freedom/ˈfri:dəm ||; ˈfridəm/noun1. [u] the state of not being held prisoner or controlled by sb else 自由: ◇the opposition leader was given his freedom after 25 years. 反对派领袖25年后重获自由了。 2. [c,u] the right or ability to do or say what you want 行动或言论自由的权利: ◇you have the freedom to come and go as you please. 你有随意来去的自由。◇freedom of speech 言论自由◇the rights and freedoms of the individual 个人的权利和自由 ☞look at liberty. 参看liberty。 3. [u] freedom from sth the state of not being affected by sth unpleasant 没有令人不快的事物: ◇freedom from fear/hunger/pain 免受恐惧╱饥饿╱痛楚之苦 4. [u] the freedom of sth the right to use sth with nothing to limit you 自由使用某物的权利: ◇you can have the freedom of the whole house while we're away. 我们外出时你可以自由使用整幢房子。 freedomsee ⇨ free 5,8 ⇨ right 9     • • •• ⇨ give sb the freedom to do sth free·dom /`fridəm; ˈfriːdəm/n 1. [c,u] the right to live your life the way you want to, make your own decisions, express your own opinions etc, without being prevented or controlled 自由权利:◇kids have too much freedom nowadays. 现在的孩子太自由了。◇freedom of speech/choice etc (=the right to say or choose what you want) 言论/选择等自由◇freedom to do sth people should have the freedom to vote for whoever they choose. 人们应该有权投自己所选的人一票。 2. [u] when someone is no longer in prison 释放 3. freedom from sth when you are not affected by something harmful 免受某事之苦:◇freedom from fear and oppression 免于恐惧和压迫 ☞ freedom




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