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单词 business/agency/company/consultancy/firm/house
释义 which_word 相似词business / agency / company / consultancy / firm / house business is used especially to mean a business that is owned by an individual or family. * business 尤指个人或家族拥有的企业:to start your own business 自主创业a small family business 小型家族企业company is the general word for a business with a number of managers and employees. * company 是拥有若干管理人员和雇员的企业的总称:to join a company 加入某公司the director of the company 公司董事 the word is often combined with other nouns. 这词通常与其他名词搭配使用:an insurance/oil/a phone company 保险/石油/电话公司firm is the general word for a business that provides a professional service. * firm 是提供专业服务的公司的总称:an accountancy/a law firm 会计/律师事务所other words, such as consultancy, agency and house, are used in fewer contexts. nouns that are often combined with these words include * consultancy、angency、house 等词使用场合不多。与这些词汇搭配的名词有:a design/it/management consultancy 设计/信息技术/管理咨询公司an advertising/employment agency 广告公司;职业介绍所a publishing/software house 出版社;软件开发公司an auction house 拍卖行  ➡ trade




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