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单词 feed¹
释义 feed¹ /fid; fiːd/v fed /fɛd; fed/ , fed, feeding 1. [t] to give food to a person or animal 喂(养),饲(养):◇have you fed the cats? 你喂过猫了吗? 2. [i] if animals or babies feed, they eat [动物或婴儿]吃:◇+ on hippos feed mainly on grass. 河马主要以草为食。 3. [t] to provide enough food for a group of people 为[一群人]提供足够食物:◇how can you feed a family on $50 a week? 靠一星期 50 美元你一家人怎能吃得饱? 4. [t] to put information into a computer 将[信息]输入电脑 5. [t] to give someone false information 提供[虚假信息]:◇people get fed all kinds of lies by the media. 媒体向大众提供各种各样的谎言。




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