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单词 accommodation
释义 accommodation noun¹ 1 (bre) place for sb to live/stay住所adjective | verb + accommodation | accommodation + noun | preposition adjective➤comfortable, decent, good, suitable舒适的/像样的/不错的/适宜的住处▸➤inadequate, poor, substandard拥挤的/条件差的/低于一般标准的住处▸➤excellent, luxurious条件极好的/奢华的住处▸➤overnight, temporary只待一晚的住处;临时住所◆the family is staying in temporary accommodation until their house is rebuilt.房屋改建好之前,这家人一直住在临时的住房里。➤permanent永久住处▸➤free免费住处▸➤private, rented私人住处;租来的住处◆she lived on her own in rented accommodation.她独自一人居住在租来的房子里。➤holiday, hotel度假住宿处;旅馆住宿▸➤living, residential居住处;居所▸➤sleeping下榻处▸➤bed-and-breakfast提供住宿和早餐的处所▸➤furnished配有家具的住处▸➤sheltered为需要者提供照顾的住处◆many old people choose to live in sheltered accommodation.许多老年人选择到养老院居住。➤secure防守严密的住处◆we need more secure accommodation for young prisoners.我们需要为少年犯提供防守更严密的住处。➤student学生住宿处verb + accommodation➤have有住处◆the council should be able to help families who have no accommodation.政务委员会应该有能力帮助那些没有住房的家庭。➤look for, seek寻找住处▸➤find, get, secure找到住处▸➤offer (sb), provide (sb with)(给某人)提供住处◆it is the duty of the local community to provide accommodation for the homeless.为无家可归者提供住处是当地社区的责任。accommodation + noun➤costs住宿费preposition➤in accommodation住宿accommodation noun² 2accommodations (name) place for sb to live/stay, often providing food, etc.住宿;膳宿adjective | verb + accommodations adjective➤overnight, sleeping只住一晚上的食宿;睡觉的住处▸➤guest, hotel, tourist旅客的/旅馆的/游客的食宿▸➤living食宿▸➤public公共住处▸➤comfortable, de luxe, luxurious, luxury, upscale舒适的/豪华的/奢华的/奢侈的/高档的住处verb + accommodations➤offer (sb), provide (sb with)(给某人)提供食宿◆the boat provides reasonable overnight accommodations for four adults.这艘小船可为 4 个成年人提供一晚上不错的食宿。➤arrange, book安排住宿;预订住处◆you should book your travel accommodations and flights quickly.你应该迅速预订旅游时的住处和航班。accommodation noun³ 3satisfactory arrangement满意的安排verb + accommodation | preposition verb + accommodation➤come to, make, reach, work out达成和解;妥协;达成调解协议▸➤seek谋求和解preposition➤accommodation between⋯之间的调解◆some accommodation between conservation and tourism is essential.环境保护与旅游业之间的相互协调是至关重要的。➤accommodation to对⋯的适应◆accommodation to the harsh circumstances of rural life对农村艰苦生活环境的适应➤accommodation with与⋯的和解◆they were forced to reach an accommodation with the rebels.他们被迫与叛乱者达成和解。 accommodation /əˌkɒmədeɪʃn; name əˌkɑːm-/ noun1. [uncountable] (bre) (name aˌccommodations [plural]) a place to live, work or stay in 住处;办公处;停留处◆(bre) we have moved to temporary accommodation. 我们已搬进临时住所。◆(name) there is a shortage of good office accommodations in the area. 这个地区好的办公用房短缺。2. (formal) [uncountable; countable, usually singular] a satisfactory agreement or arrangement between people or groups with different opinions 调解;和解◆we hope to arrive at/reach an accommodation with the trade unions. 我们希望与工会达成调解协议。 (finance 金融) [singular] (especially name) money that is lent for a short time, especially because sb has an urgent need for it, before a formal arrangement is made 短期贷款(尤指在正式贷款协议签署之前应急之用的贷款)☞ accommodation accommodation [uncountable] (bre) a place to live, work or stay in住处;办公处;停留处◆i live in rented accommodation.我租房子住。◆the prize includes flights plus seven nights' hotel accommodation.大奖是双程机票加七晚酒店住宿。◆the building plans include much-needed new office accommodation.建筑规划包括紧缺的办公用房在内。 ➡ see also accommodate → accommodate accommodation/əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn ||; əˌkɑməˈdeʃən/noun1. [u] (brit 英) a place for sb to live or stay 居所;住宿: ◇we lived in rented accommodation before buying this house. 我们没买这个房子之前是租房子住的。◇the price of the holiday includes flights and accommodation. 度假的费用包括机票和住宿费。 in british english, accommodation is uncountable. we cannot say, ‘i will help you to find an accommodation.’ in this case we could say, ‘i will help you to find somewhere to live.’ 在英国英语中,accommodation 为不可数名词。不能说 i will help you to find an accommodation,在此情形可以说 i will help you to find somewhere to live。 2. accommodations [pl] (us 美) somewhere to live or stay, often also providing food or other services 住处(常提供膳食或其他服务) 3. [u] (technical术语) the way in which part of your eye (the lens)automatically becomes flatter or thicker in order to create a clear image of the object that you want to look at 眼睛调节(眼球晶状体变平或变厚,以形成清晰的映像) ☞picture at eye 见eye插图 accommodationsee ⇨ house 3 ⇨ stay 7 ac·com·mo·da·tion /əˏkɑmə`deʃən; əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn/n [u]also 又作 accommodations [plural 复数] ame 【美】 a place to live, stay, or work in 住所,住处; 工作场所:◇the college will provide accommodation for all new students. 这所大学将为所有新生提供住宿。 ☞ accommodation




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