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单词 bus
释义 bus nounadjective | verb + bus | bus + verb | bus + noun | preposition adjective➤regular定时公交车◆there are regular buses to the beach.有去海滨的定时公共汽车。➤shuttle穿梭巴士▸➤double-decker, open-topped (bre) 双层/敞篷公共汽车▸➤last最后一班公共汽车◆i missed the last bus and had to walk.我错过了最后一班公交车,只好步行。➤city, local, public城市公共汽车;当地公共汽车;公车➤sightseeing, tour, tourist观光车;游览车➤school, yellow校车;黄色校车➤campaign竞选车➤airport机场巴士➤crowded拥挤的公交车➤team球队大巴verb + bus➤go by, go on, ride, take, travel by, use乘公共汽车▸➤wait for等公共汽车◆i waited 40 minutes for a bus.我等公共汽车等了 40 分钟。➤run for跑着赶公共汽车◆i left work a little late and had to run for my bus.我下班有点儿晚,得跑去赶公共汽车。➤catch, get赶公共汽车▸➤miss错过公共汽车▸➤board, get on, get onto登上公共汽车▸➤get off, leave下公共汽车▸➤drive开公共汽车bus + verb➤go, run公共汽车运行◆local buses run regularly to and from the campus.当地有定时往返校园的公交车。➤arrive, come公共汽车到达▸➤pull up, stop公共汽车停下◆the bus pulled up and we got on.公共汽车停下来,我们上了车。◆the buses stop outside the post office.公共汽车在邮局外停靠。➤pick sb up公共汽车搭载某人◆the double-decker bus stopped to pick up some more passengers.那辆双层公共汽车停下来又搭载了一些乘客。➤leave sth公共汽车离开⋯◆the bus left the city, heading north.那辆公交车离开城市向北开去。➤go from..., leave from...公共汽车从⋯出发◆buses leave from here every hour or so.公共汽车每隔 1 小时左右从这儿出发。➤carry sb公共汽车运载某人◆a bus carrying 56 passengers一辆载着 56 名乘客的公共汽车➤be full公共汽车满载➤be late公共汽车晚点bus + noun➤schedule, times, timetable (bre) 公共汽车各班次的时刻;公共汽车时刻表◆look up the bus schedule on the internet.在因特网上查找公共汽车各班次的时刻。➤line, route公交线路▸➤lane公交车道▸➤depot, shelter, station, stop, terminal公共汽车站;公共汽车候车亭▸➤queue (bre) 等公交车的长龙▸➤journey, ride, trip乘公共汽车旅行◆a short bus journey to work (bre) 上班乘公交车短短的车程◆a four-hour bus journey over the mountains (bre, name) 穿山越岭的 4 个小时公交车程➤tour乘公共汽车游览▸➤conductor, driver, passenger, rider (name) 公交车售票员;公交车司机;公交车乘客▸➤fare公交车费▸➤pass, ticket公共汽车乘车证;公交车票▸➤company, line (name) 公交公司;公交线路➤service, system公共汽车服务/系统➤boycott抵制乘坐公共汽车preposition➤by bus乘公共汽车◆it's about 15 minutes away by bus.乘公交车大约 15 分钟车程。➤on a/the bus在公共汽车上◆people who travel on buses乘公共汽车的人➤bus for到⋯的公共汽车◆is this the bus for recife?这趟公共汽车是到累西腓的吗?➤bus from, bus into从⋯开出的/进入⋯的公共汽车◆the bus into town进城的公共汽车➤bus to开往⋯的公共汽车◆the bus from charlottesville to union station从夏洛茨维尔到联合车站的公共汽车 bus [countable] a large road vehicle that carries passengers, especially one that travels along a fixed route and stops regularly to let people get on and off公共汽车;巴士◆shall we walk or go by bus?我们步行还是坐公共汽车?◆it's a short bus ride from here.从这里坐公共汽车去很快就到。◆i was waiting at the bus stop.我在公车站等着。ⓘ especially in american english a bus is also a large road vehicle that carries passengers over long distances; in british english, this is usually called a coach.尤其在美式英语中,bus 亦指大型长途客车;在英式英语中,这种车通常称为 coach。bus/bʌs ||; bʌs/noun [c] (plural buses) a big public vehicle which takes passengers along a fixed route and stops regularly to let people get on and off 公共汽车;巴士: ◇where do you usually get on/off the bus? 你平时在哪里上/下公共汽车?◇we'll have to hurry up if we want to catch the 9 o'clock bus. 我们要快点呀,要不就赶不上9点钟的巴士。◇we'd better run or we'll miss the bus. 我们最好跑步,要不然就赶不上这趟巴士了。 the bus driver may also take the money (your fare) and give you your ticket, or there may be a conductor who collects the fares. you can get on or off at a bus stop and the place where most bus routes start is the bus station. note that we travel on the bus or by bus ‘how do you get to work?’ ‘on the bus.’ 公共汽车司机(bus driver)可能兼顾收车费(fare)及发车票(ticket)的工作,不然就由售票员(conductor)负责收费。乘客可以在各公共汽车站(bus-stop)上下车,大部份公共汽车路线的起点称为公共汽车总站(bus station)。搭乘公共汽车用 on the bus,也可以说 by bus:‘how do you get to work?’‘on the bus.’“你怎么样上班?”“乘公共汽车。”☞ bus¹☞ bus²




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