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单词 gulp
释义 gulp noun¹ 1amount you swallow when you gulp一大口的量adjective | verb + gulp | preposition adjective➤big, deep, great, huge, large, long一大口;非常大的一口verb + gulp➤take大口喝◆she took a large gulp of wine from the bottle.她对着瓶喝了一大口葡萄酒。➤down sth in (informal) , drink sth in, swallow sth in大口喝下⋯;大口喝⋯;大口吞咽⋯◆i downed it in one gulp.我一口就吞了下去。preposition➤in gulps大口大口地◆she drank the tea in great gulps.她大口大口地喝着茶。➤gulp of一大口⋯gulp noun² 2act of gulping大口吞咽adjective | verb + gulp | preposition | phrases adjective➤loud, noisy大声的吞咽➤quick快速的吞咽◆she drained half the mug in one quick gulp.她猛地一口就喝掉了半杯。verb + gulp➤give大口吸气◆he gave a loud gulp and stopped mid-sentence.他使劲地吸了一口气,话没说完就停了下来。preposition➤with a gulp哽塞地◆'i'm afraid i've broken it,' she said with a gulp.“恐怕我把它打碎了。”她哽塞着说。phrases➤in one gulp, in a single gulp一口气◆he downed half the contents of the glass in one loud gulp.他咕咚一口就把杯里的饮料喝掉了一半。gulp verb¹ 1eat/drink sth quickly快速吃喝adverb➤greedily狼吞虎咽➤quickly快速吞咽◆she quickly gulped down the rest of her coffee.她急忙把剩下的咖啡一饮而尽。➤noisily大声地吞咽▸➤down大口吞下◆she gulped down her coffee and left.她咕咚咕咚地喝完咖啡就离开了。gulp verb² 2make a swallowing movement做吞咽动作adverb | phrases adverb➤nervously紧张地咽一下◆the man gulped nervously and nodded.那个男人紧张地倒吸了一口气,点了点头。phrases➤gulp for air, gulp for breath大口吸气◆keith swam to the surface and gulped for air.基思游到水面,大口吸气。gulp [countable] an act of breathing in or swallowing sth吸入;吞咽◆she gave an audible gulp.她出声地吸了一口气。◆he drank his glass of whisky in one gulp.他将整杯威士忌一饮而尽。gulp [countable] an amount of a drink or air that you swallow or breathe quickly吞饮的量;一大口(饮料或空气)◆she emptied her glass in one gulp.她把杯中的酒一饮而尽。◆he leaned out of the window and took a few gulps of sea air.他把身体探出窗外,狠狠吸了吸海边的空气。gulp¹/gʌlp ||; gʌlp/verb1. [i,t] gulp sth (down);gulp (for) sth to swallow large amounts of food, drink, etc quickly 快速地、大口地吃或喝;狼吞虎咽: ◇he gulped down his breakfast and went out. 他赶紧吃完早饭便出去了。◇she finally came to the surface, desperately gulping (for) air. 她终于浮出水面,拚命地大口吸气。 2. [i] to make a swallowing movement because you are afraid, surprised, etc (因恐惧、惊愕等而)吞咽,咽 gulp²/gʌlp ||; gʌlp/noun[c] 1. the action of breathing in or swallowing sth 吸气;吞咽: ◇i drank my coffee in one gulp and ran out of the door. 我一口气喝完咖啡,奔出门外。 2. a gulp (of sth) the amount that you swallow when you gulp 大口吞咽的量 gulp /gʌlp; ɡʌlp/v 1. [t] also 又作 gulp down to swallow a drink quickly 快速地喝下,大口地吞咽[饮品]:◇she gulped her tea and ran to catch the bus. 她一口气喝完了茶,跑去赶公共汽车了。 2. [t] also 又作 gulp in to breathe large amounts of air quickly 大口吸气:◇steve leaned on the car and gulped in the night air. 史提夫斜靠在车上,深深地呼吸着夜晚的空气。 3. [i] to swallow suddenly because you are surprised or nervous [因为惊讶或紧张而]倒吸气:◇shula read the test questions, and gulped. 舒拉看着试题,倒抽了一口气。 gulpn [c]




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