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单词 astonish
释义 astonish /əstɒnɪʃ; name əstɑːnɪʃ/ [transitive] to surprise sb very much使十分惊讶;使大为惊奇;使大吃一惊◆you astonish me!你让我大吃一惊!◆the news astonished everyone.这消息使大家十分惊讶。 ➡ see also astonishing → amazing ▸ astonished adjective◆he was astonished to learn (that) he'd won the competition.听说自己赢得了比赛,他感到很惊讶。◆my parents looked astonished at my news.父母听到我的消息后显得十分惊讶。▸ astonishment noun [uncountable] ◆to my utter astonishment, she remembered my name.使我万分惊讶的是,她竟然记得我的名字。◆he stared in astonishment at the stranger.他惊愕地盯着那陌生人。note 辨析 amaze or astonish?in most cases you can use either word. if you are talking about sth that both surprises you and makes you feel ashamed, use astonish.大多数情况下这两个词可通用。如果某事使人既惊讶又羞愧,就用 astonish◆he was astonished by his own stupidity.他为自己干的蠢事感到吃惊。astonish/əˈstɒnɪʃ ||; əˈstɑnɪʃ/verb [t] to surprise sb very much 使惊讶: ◇she astonished everybody by announcing her engagement. 她宣布订婚,令大家都很惊异。 ➔astonished adj ◇i was astonished by the decision. 我对这项决定大为震惊。 as·ton·ish /ə`stɑnɪʃ; əˈstɒnɪʃ/v [t]to surprise someone very much 使[某人]惊讶,使惊骇:◇martina's speed and agility astonished her opponent. 马蒂娜的速度与敏捷使她的对手感到惊讶。




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