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单词 fool
释义 fool nounadjective | verb + fool | preposition | phrases adjective➤big, great, silly, stupid大傻瓜;愚笨的傻瓜;愚蠢的傻瓜◆you're an even bigger fool than i thought.你甚至比我想像的还傻。➤absolute, complete, total, utter十足的/彻头彻脑的/整个一个/纯粹的傻瓜▸➤poor (= unfortunate) 可怜的傻瓜▸➤old (used to show sympathy, affection or a lack of respect表示同情、关爱或缺乏尊敬) 老傻瓜◆the poor old fool was imprisoned on my account.这个不幸的老傻瓜因为我的原因入狱了。➤young年轻的傻瓜▸➤little小傻瓜◆you silly little fool!你这个小笨蛋!verb + fool➤feel, feel like感觉像傻子◆i felt such a fool when i realized what i'd done. (bre) 当我明白自己干了什么时,感觉自己就像个傻瓜。◆i felt like a fool when i realized what i'd done.当我明白自己干了什么时,感觉自己就像个傻瓜。➤look, look like看上去像傻瓜◆they had left me looking like a fool.他们让我看起来像个傻子一样。➤act like, behave like行为像/举止像傻瓜◆stop behaving like a fool!不要再像个傻瓜一样了!➤suffer迁就笨人◆she doesn't suffer fools gladly.她对蠢人没有耐心。➤call sb称某人是傻瓜▸➤take sb for把某人当傻瓜◆he had taken me for a complete fool.他把我当成十足的傻瓜了。preposition➤like a fool像傻瓜一样◆like a fool, i told her everything.我像傻瓜一样把一切都告诉她了。➤fool of a sth笨⋯◆that fool of a doctor has prescribed me the wrong medicine!那个笨医生给我开错药了!phrases➤act the fool, play the fool行为像傻瓜;装傻◆stop acting the fool and be serious!别再像傻瓜一样,严肃点儿!◆being an actor doesn't just mean playing the fool.当演员不是装傻逗乐就行了。➤be no fool, be nobody's fool (= be too clever to be deceived by sb/sth) 绝不是傻瓜◆she's nobody's fool. she had the car checked by a mechanic before buying it.她才不会受骗呢,买车之前就找机修工检查过了。➤make a fool of sb/yourself, make a fool out of sb丢丑;使某人出丑◆she was angry at having been made a fool of.她因为被愚弄而感到生气。➤more fool (sb) (bre) (某人)那样太傻了◆i thought it was safe to leave my suitcase there. more fool me (= i was stupid to think so).我还以为把我的手提箱放在那儿是很安全的,我真是太傻了。fool verbadverb | verb + fool | preposition | phrases adverb➤completely完全愚弄▸➤easily轻易愚弄◆she's not easily fooled.她不会轻易被人愚弄。verb + fool➤cannot无法愚弄▸➤try to试图愚弄preposition➤into骗⋯做⋯◆he fooled them into thinking he was a detective.他骗了他们,让他们以为他是个侦探。➤with用⋯来欺骗◆you can't fool me with all that nonsense!你那些无稽之谈骗不了我!phrases➤have sb fooled使某人受骗◆she had me completely fooled for a moment.她一时间完全骗倒了我。 fool nounfool ♦︎ idiot ♦︎ jerk ♦︎ moron ♦︎ bimbo ♦︎ prat ♦︎ dorkthese are all words for a person who you think is stupid.这些词均表示蠢人、笨蛋。note 辨析 all these words can be offensive, especially if you tell sb directly that they are a fool, an idiot, a jerk, etc. jerk, moron and bimbo are the most offensive; the other words can sometimes be used in an affectionate way between friends.所有这些词都有可能冒犯别人,尤其是当面称某人为 fool、idiot、jerk 等时。jerk、moron 和 bimbo 的冒犯义最强。其他词有时可以用在朋友之间,以示亲昵。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆like a / an fool / idiot / jerk / bimbo / prat◆what a / an fool / idiot / jerk / moron / prat / dork!◆you fool / idiot / jerk / moron / prat / dork!◆a complete fool / idiot / jerk / moron / prat / dork◆an absolute fool / idiot / moron / prat / dork◆a / an stupid / utter fool / idiot / jerk / prat◆to feel / look like a fool / an idiot / a jerk / a moron / a prat / a dork◆to act like a fool / an idiot / a jerk / a moron / a prat◆to call sb a fool / an idiot / a jerk◆to make a fool / an idiot / a prat / a dork of yourself■ fool [countable] (disapproving, sometimes offensive) a person who behaves or speaks in a way that shows a lack of intelligence or good judgement蠢人;傻瓜◆don't be such a fool!别这么傻了!◆i felt like such a fool when i realized my mistake.我意识到了自己的错误,觉得自己就像个傻瓜。◆he told me he was an actor and i was fool enough to believe him.他告诉我他是演员,而我真傻,竟相信了他的话。 ➡ see also foolish → crazy , foolish → ridiculous ■ idiot /ɪdiət/ [countable] (rather informal, disapproving, sometimes offensive) a person who behaves or speaks in a very stupid or annoying way蠢人;笨蛋◆i just stood there like an idiot with my mouth open.我就像个白痴一样张着嘴站在那儿。◆not that switch, you idiot!不是那个开关,你这个蠢货!◆what stupid idiot left their shoes on the stairs?哪个蠢蛋把鞋子丢在楼梯上了? ➡ see also idiotic → crazy ■ jerk (especially name, informal, disapproving, offensive) a person, especially a man or boy, who is stupid, rude or annoying蠢人,傻瓜,笨蛋(尤指男子)◆he was acting like a complete jerk.他的行为像个十足的笨蛋。◆he silently swore at himself for being such a jerk.他暗骂自己竟然这么蠢。■ moron /mɔːrɒn; name mɔːrɑːn/ [countable] (rather informal, disapproving, offensive) a stupid person who deserves no respect笨蛋;蠢货◆shut up, you moron!闭嘴,你这个蠢货!◆the people responsible for this are mindless morons.对此负责的人全是没有脑子的笨蛋。■ bimbo (plural bimbos) [countable] (informal, disapproving, offensive) a young person, usually a woman, who is sexually attractive but not very intelligent傻乎乎的性感青年(通常为女子)◆he's going out with an empty-headed bimbo half his age.他正在同一个年龄比他小一半的胸大无脑的女孩交往。■ prat [countable] (bre, informal, disapproving, sometimes offensive) a person who behaves or speaks in a very stupid or embarrassing way笨蛋;蠢驴;傻瓜◆you look a right prat in that outfit.你穿那套衣服看起来蠢呆了。◆he got drunk and made a complete prat of himself.他喝醉了,出尽了洋相。■ dork [countable] (especially name, informal, disapproving, sometimes offensive) a person who you think is boring and stupid, sometimes because they behave in a strange way and wear unfashionable clothes呆子,无聊乏味之人(有时是因为他们举止怪异、穿着过时)◆he's such a dork!他可真是个呆瓜!◆oh no, what a dork i am!哎呦,我可真蠢!fool [transitive] (sometimes disapproving) to make sb believe sth that is not true, especially in order to laugh at them or to get what you want(尤指为嘲弄别人或实现自己的目的而)欺骗,愚弄◆ha! fooled you! you really thought i was going to jump, didn't you?哈!你被骗了!你真以为我要跳,是不是?◆you can't / don't fool me!不要骗我!◆she certainly had me fooled-i really believed her!她确实把我骗了 - 我真的相信了她!fool [countable] (disapproving, sometimes offensive) a person who behaves or speaks in a way that shows a lack of intelligence or good judgement蠢人;傻瓜◆don't be such a fool!别这么傻了!◆i felt like such a fool when i realized my mistake.我意识到了自己的错误,觉得自己就像个傻瓜。◆he told me he was an actor and i was fool enough to believe him.他告诉我他是演员,而我真傻,竟相信了他的话。 ➡ see also foolish → crazy , foolish → ridiculous fool¹/fu:l ||; ful/noun [c] a person who is silly or who acts in a silly way 蠢人;傻瓜: ◇i felt such a fool when i realized my mistake. 我发现自己的错误时觉得自己真是一个大傻瓜。 ☞look at april fool. 参看april fool。 make a fool of sb/yourself to make sb/yourself look foolish or silly 使出丑;闹笑话: ◇barry got drunk and made a complete fool of himself. 巴里喝醉了,出尽洋相。 fool²/fu:l ||; ful/verb1. [t] fool sb (into doing sth) to trick sb 哄骗;欺骗: ◇don't be fooled into believing everything that the salesman says. 别让推销员把你骗得糊里胡涂的,他说什么你就信什么。 2. [i] to speak without being serious 开玩笑: ◇you didn't really believe me when i said i was going to america, did you? i was only fooling. 你不是真的相信我说的要到美国去吧?我只是开玩笑罢了。 fool about/around to behave in a silly way 做傻事: ◇stop fooling around with that knife or someone will get hurt! 别再乱耍那把刀子,否则会伤到人。 foolsee ⇨ trick/deceive 1     • • •• ⇨ any fool/idiot• ⇨ be nobody's fool• ⇨ idiot/fool☞ fool¹☞ fool²




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