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单词 expendable
释义 expendable /ɪkspendəbl/ adjective1.that you believe you can get rid of without causing yourself or your business harm 可消耗的;可牺牲的◆he was seen as expendable to the organization. 他对于组织来说可有可无。◆they sold all their expendable assets. 他们出售了全部可变卖资产。2. expendable supplies are items that have little value and are used in such a way that they cannot be used again or there is little or none left afterwards 消耗性的;易耗的◆expendable office supplies such as paper, pens, paper clips, staples, etc. 诸如纸张、笔、纸别针、订书钉等办公耗材3.made to be used for a limited period of time and then replaced 不可回收的;一次使用的◆the warranty does not include expendable items such as tyres and batteries. 该质量保证不包括轮胎和电池之类的不可回收品。 ▸ expendable noun [countable] ◆the cost of chemicals and other expendables 化学品和其他消耗品的成本  ➡  disposable ☞ expendable☞ expendableexpendable/ɪkˈspendəbl ||; ɪkˈspɛndəbḷ/adj (formal 正式) not considered important enough to be saved 可消耗的;可牺牲的: ◇in a war human life is expendable. 战争中,人命彷如草芥。 ex·pen·da·ble /ɪk`spɛndəbḷ; ɪkˈspendəbəl/adjnot needed enough to be kept or saved 可消耗的,可牺牲的:◇generals who regarded the lives of soldiers as expendable 认为士兵的生命可以牺牲的将军们




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