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单词 assignment
释义 assignment noun¹ 1task任务adjective | verb + assignment | preposition adjective➤special特殊任务▸➤important重要任务▸➤dangerous, difficult, tough危险的/困难的/棘手的任务▸➤job, work工作任务▸➤modelling/modeling, photographic时装表演的任务;摄影任务verb + assignment➤accept, take on接受/承担任务◆why did you take on this assignment if you're so busy?既然你这么忙,为什么还要承担这项任务?➤get, have, receive得到任务;有任务;接受任务▸➤carry out执行任务▸➤refuse拒绝任务◆if you refuse this assignment you risk losing your job.如果你拒绝这项任务,就有可能丢掉工作。➤complete, finish完成任务▸➤give sb分派任务给某人preposition➤on assignment因公◆the photographer is on assignment in china at the moment.这位摄影师目前正在中国公干。assignment noun² 2piece of school/college work学校作业adjective | verb + assignment | preposition adjective➤reading, writing, written阅读/写作/书面作业▸➤homework家庭作业▸➤class, group (both especially name) 班级/小组作业verb + assignment➤give, hand out, set (especially bre) 布置作业◆the teacher gave us an assignment on pollution.老师给我们布置了有关污染的作业。➤get, receive (especially name) 接到作业▸➤do, write (especially name) 做作业;写作业▸➤read读布置的作业▸➤complete, finish完成作业▸➤hand in交作业◆the students handed in their assignments.学生们交了作业。preposition➤assignment on关于⋯的作业◆an assignment on modern lifestyles有关现代生活方式的作业assignment /əsaɪnmənt/ noun1. [countable] a piece of work that sb is given to do, usually as part of their job (分派的)工作◆the project started out as a fairly routine assignment. 项目开始时简直就是一件例行工作。◆she has been given a tough assignment. 给她分派了一个困难的任务。⨁ to accept / refuse / reject / take (on) / turn down an assignment接受/拒绝/拒绝接受/承担/拒绝一项工作 ⨁ to give sb an assignment给某人分派工作 ⨁ to carry out / complete / work on / finish an assignment进行/完成/做/做完一项工作 2. [uncountable] the act of giving sb a particular task or sending them to work somewhere for a time (任务、工作等的)分派,布置◆he has requested assignment to other duties in the company. 他要求在公司里担任其他职务。◆i was on assignment in germany. 我获派驻德国。 (law 法律) [uncountable, countable] the act of officially arranging for your property or legal rights to belong to sb else (财产、权益的)转让,让与◆an assignment of leasehold property 转让租赁的房地产☞ assignment assignment noun  ➡ see also the entries for paper and task另见 paper 条和 task 条assignment ♦︎ project ♦︎ homework ♦︎ exercisethese are all words for a task or piece of work that sb has to do, especially as part of their studies.这些词均表示作业、任务,尤指学生的功课。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a project / homework / an exercise on sth◆a / an easy / difficult assignment / exercise◆(a) geography / history / biology, etc. project / homework◆to do an assignment / a project / your homework / an exercise◆to have an assignment / some homework to do◆to get on with an assignment / a project / your homework◆to finish an assignment / a project / your homework◆to give sb / set (sb) an assignment / their homework / some exercises■ assignment /əsaɪnmənt/ [countable] a task that sb is given to do, usually as part of their job or studies(分派的)工作,任务◆you will be expected to complete three written assignments.你们要完成三份书面作业。◆i'd set myself a tough assignment.我给自己安排了一项艰巨的任务。◆she's on assignment in greece at the moment.目前她在希腊执行一项任务。■ project [countable] a piece of work involving careful study of a subject over a period of time, done by school or college students(大、中学学生的)专题研究◆my class is doing a project on medieval towns.我班学生正在做中世纪城镇的专题研究。◆the final term will be devoted to project work.最后一学期的时间将全部用来做专题研究。■ homework [uncountable] work that is given by teachers for students to do at home(学生的)家庭作业◆i still haven't done my geography homework.我还没做完地理作业呢。◆how much homework do you get?你有多少家庭作业?◆i have to write up the notes for homework.我不得不写好家庭作业笔记。■ exercise [countable] a set of questions in a book that tests your knowledge or practises a skill练习;习题◆grammar exercises语法练习◆do one exercise for homework.家庭作业是做一个练习。 assignment /əsaɪnmənt/ [countable] a task that sb is given to do, usually as part of their job or studies(分派的)工作,任务◆you will be expected to complete three written assignments.你们要完成三份书面作业。◆i'd set myself a tough assignment.我给自己安排了一项艰巨的任务。◆she's on assignment in greece at the moment.目前她在希腊执行一项任务。assignment/əˈsaɪnmənt ||; əˈsaɪnmənt/noun [c,u] a job or type of work that you are given to do 指派的工作;任务: ◇the reporter disappeared while on (an) assignment in the war zone. 那名记者在战区执行采访任务时失踪了。 assignmentsee ⇨ work 10 as·sign·ment /ə`saɪnmənt; əˈsaɪnmənt/n [c]a piece of work that you are given to do 任务,工作,作业:◇a homework assignment 家庭作业◇nichol was sent on a dangerous and difficult assignment to bosnia. 尼科尔被派去波斯尼亚执行一项危险而艰巨的任务。




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