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单词 cunning
释义 cunning nounadjective | verb + cunning | preposition adjective➤great非常狡猾▸➤devious, low (especially bre) 卑鄙的欺诈手段▸➤animal动物的狡猾▸➤native天生的机灵◆she relied on her native cunning to survive.她依赖天生的机灵活了下来。verb + cunning➤have狡猾◆she had great cunning and ruthlessness.她非常狡猾冷酷。➤show表现出狡诈▸➤use使用狡诈的手段◆he had used cunning to get what he wanted.他用了狡诈的手段来得到他想要的东西。preposition➤with cunning狡诈地◆she managed him with great cunning.她十分狡猾地控制着他。 cunning adjectivecunning ♦︎ crafty ♦︎ sly ♦︎ sneaky ♦︎ wily ♦︎ sharp ♦︎ calculating ♦︎ schemingthese words all describe people behaving in a dishonest or indirect way in order to get sth.这些词均表示狡猾的、奸诈的、诡计多端的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a cunning / sly / sneaky trick◆a cunning / calculating / scheming mind◆a cunning / crafty / sly / sneaky / scheming bastard◆a cunning / crafty / sneaky / calculating / scheming bitch◆a crafty / sly / sneaky devil / thing◆a cunning / crafty / sly / sneaky / scheming little...◆a cunning / crafty / sly / sneaky / wily old...■ cunning (sometimes disapproving) having or showing skill at getting what you want, especially by indirect or dishonest methods精明的;(尤指)狡猾的,奸诈的◆that cunning old rogue is up to something, i'm sure.我确信那个狡猾的老流氓在捣鬼。◆it's just a cunning ploy by the marketing people to get us to buy more cornflakes.那只是市场营销人员让我们买更多玉米片的狡猾伎俩。  ➡ see also devious → dishonest ▸ cunning noun [uncountable] ◆it took energy and cunning just to survive.既要花力气又要有心计才能生存。■ crafty cunning精明的;(尤指)狡猾的,奸诈的◆he's a crafty old devil.他是个奸诈狡猾的老狐狸。◆she's one of the party's craftiest political strategists.她是该党最精明的政治战略家之一。note 辨析 cunning or crafty? cunning can describe a person or a plan. crafty usually describes a person; it can also describe a single action, but not a whole plan. * cunning 可以形容人或计划。crafty 一般形容人,此外还可描述单一的行为,但不指整个计划◆that was a crafty move / touch.那是一次巧妙的行动/接触。◆a crafty ploy by the marketing people when used to describe people, both cunning and crafty can suggest admiration for sb's cleverness as much as disapproval of their dishonesty.用来形容人时,cunning 和 crafty 均表示既赞赏其聪明,又不齿其诡诈。■ sly (disapproving) behaving or done in a secret and usually dishonest way诡诈的;狡诈的◆that was a sly political move.那是一种诡诈的政治手段。◆she's a sly one-never lets on what she's thinking.她心机很深 - 从不让别人知道她在想什么。ⓘ if you do sth on the sly, you do it secretly, not wanting other people to discover what you are doing. * on the sly 指秘密地、偷偷地◆he has to visit them on the sly.他只好偷偷去看望他们。■ sneaky (informal, sometimes disapproving) behaving or done in a secret and sometimes dishonest or unpleasant way悄悄的;偷偷摸摸的;鬼鬼祟祟的◆i took a sneaky glance at my watch.我悄悄瞥了一下我的手表。◆that was a sneaky trick to play!耍这种把戏也太不光明正大了!note 辨析 sly or sneaky? sneaky is a less formal word than sly and shows less serious disapproval. * sneaky 比 sly 较不正式,贬义较轻。■ wily /waɪli/ (of a person) clever at getting what you want, and willing to trick people(人)狡猾的,诡计多端的,爱捉弄人的◆he was outwitted by his wily opponent.他被他狡猾的对手用计击败了。■ sharp (disapproving) (of a person or their way of doing business) clever but possibly dishonest(人或做生意手法)狡猾的,诡诈的◆his lawyer's a sharp operator.他的律师是个老狐狸。◆the firm had to face some sharp practice from competing companies.该公司不得不面对几家竞争对手的小动作。ⓘ operator and practice are by far the most frequent collocates of sharp in this meaning.表达此义时,sharp 最常与 operator 和 practice 搭配。■ calculating (disapproving) (of a person) good at planning things so that they have an advantage, without caring about other people(人)精明的,精于算计的◆the judge called him 'a cold and calculating killer'.法官称他是个“工于心计的冷酷杀手”。■ scheming /skiːmɪŋ/ (rather formal, disapproving) (of a person) often planning secretly to do sth for their own advantage, especially by deceiving other people(人)惯搞阴谋的,诡计多端的,狡诈的◆she plays the role of a scheming wife in a doomed marriage.她扮演的角色是个在一桩注定失败的婚姻中诡计多端的妻子。 cunning (sometimes disapproving) having or showing skill at getting what you want, especially by indirect or dishonest methods精明的;(尤指)狡猾的,奸诈的◆that cunning old rogue is up to something, i'm sure.我确信那个狡猾的老流氓在捣鬼。◆it's just a cunning ploy by the marketing people to get us to buy more cornflakes.那只是市场营销人员让我们买更多玉米片的狡猾伎俩。  ➡ see also devious → dishonest ▸ cunning noun [uncountable] ◆it took energy and cunning just to survive.既要花力气又要有心计才能生存。cunningnoun [uncountable] ◆it took energy and cunning just to survive.既要花力气又要有心计才能生存。cunningnoun [uncountable] ◆it took energy and cunning just to survive.既要花力气又要有心计才能生存。cunning/ˈkʌnɪŋ ||; ˈkʌnɪŋ/adj clever in a dishonest or bad way 狡猾的;诡诈的: ◇he was as cunning as a fox. 他跟狐狸一样狡诈。◇a cunning trick 诡计 [syn] sly or wily 同义词为sly或wilycunning noun [u] ➔cunningly advcunningsee ⇨ intelligent 6,8 cun·ning /`kʌnɪŋ; ˈkʌnɪŋ/adjclever and good at deceiving people 狡猾的,狡诈的:◇a cunning criminal 狡猾的罪犯 cunningn [u]




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