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单词 dormant
释义 dormant /dɔːmənt; name dɔːrm-/ adjective1.not active or growing now but able to become active or to grow in the future 休眠的;暂停活动的◆a dormant company 一家暂停经营的公司◆inflation has remained dormant. 通货膨胀保持稳定。⨁ to be / become / lie / remain / sit dormant暂停活动;变得静止不变;潜伏;保持稳定;暂停活动 2.(about a bank account) that has not been used for a long time (银行账户)休眠的,长时间不用的◆a dormant account 休眠账户⨁ to be / become / lie / remain / sit dormant休眠;变得不活动;休眠;保持休眠;休眠 ☞ dormantdormant/ˈdɔ:mənt ||; ˈdɔrmənt/adj not active for some time 暂时不活跃的;休眠的: ◇a dormant volcano 休火山 dor·mant /`dɔrmənt; ˈdɔːmənt/adjnot active now, but able to be active at a later time 停止活动的,休眠的:◇a dormant volcano 休眠火山




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