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单词 infant
释义 infant nounadjective | verb + infant | infant + noun | phrases adjective➤young婴儿◆he is studying hearing in very young infants.他在研究新生婴儿的听力。➤month-old, two-month-old, etc.一个月大、两个月大等的婴儿▸➤newborn新生儿▸➤premature, preterm早产儿◆jaundice in premature infants早产儿的黄疸病➤full-term足月出生的婴儿▸➤healthy, normal健康的/正常的婴儿▸➤low-birthweight出生时体重过低的婴儿▸➤human人类的婴儿◆a book on intellectual development in the human infant关于人类婴儿智力发育的书➤female, male女婴;男婴▸➤sleeping熟睡的婴儿◆marjorie looked down at the sleeping infant in her arms.玛乔丽低头看了看怀里熟睡的婴儿。verb + infant➤breastfeed, feed, nurse用母乳喂养婴儿;给婴儿喂奶infant + noun➤death, mortality婴儿夭折;婴儿死亡率◆countries with high infant mortality婴幼儿死亡率很高的国家➤child, daughter, son婴孩;(某人的)女婴;(某人的)男婴➤formula婴儿配方(奶粉)phrases➤sudden infant death syndrome婴儿猝死综合症infant /ɪnfənt/ [countable] (formal or technical术语) a baby or very young child婴儿;幼儿◆we studied newborn infants up to two months old.我们研究了出生两个月以内的新生儿。◆the country has an appallingly high infant mortality rate.这个国家的婴儿死亡率高得令人震惊。ⓘ in the british and australian education systems infant is also the word for a child at school between the ages of four and seven.在英国和澳大利亚的教育体制中,infant 也指四到七岁的学童◆the majority of infant teachers are women.大多数幼儿教师是女性。◆i've known her since we were in the infants (= at infant school).从幼儿学校时我就认识她了。infant/ˈɪnfənt ||; ˈɪnfənt/noun [c] a baby or very young child 婴儿;幼儿: ◇there is a high rate of infant mortality (= many children die when they are still babies). 婴儿夭折率很高。◇mrs davies teaches infants (= children aged between four and seven). 戴维斯太太是幼儿教师。 baby, toddler and child are more common in spoken or informal english. 口语及非正式英语里,baby、toddler或child较为常用。infantsee ⇨ baby 1 in·fant /`ɪnfənt; ˈɪnfənt/n [c]formal a baby or very young child 【正式】 婴儿; 幼童




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