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单词 missile
释义 missile noun¹ 1explosive weapon爆炸性武器adjective | verb + missile | missile + verb | missile + noun adjective➤long-range, medium-range, short-range远程/中程/短程导弹▸➤ballistic, cruise, guided, heat-seeking, laser-guided弹道/巡航/制导/热跟踪/激光制导导弹▸➤land-based陆基导弹➤air-launched, shoulder-fired空射/肩射导弹▸➤mobile移动式导弹▸➤intercontinental洲际导弹▸➤strategic, tactical战略/战术导弹▸➤anti-aircraft, anti-ballistic, anti-tank, etc.防空、反弹道、反坦克等导弹▸➤air-to-air, air-to-ground, air-to-surface, surface-to-air, surface-to-surface空对空导弹;空对地导弹;地对空导弹;地对地导弹▸➤conventional, nuclear常规导弹;核导弹➤incoming来袭的导弹➤enemy敌方导弹➤interceptor拦截导弹verb + missile➤be armed with, carry装备有/携带导弹▸➤aim瞄准导弹▸➤fire, launch, send发射导弹➤lob以高弧线发射导弹▸➤destroy, intercept, shoot down摧毁/拦截/击落导弹▸➤deploy, use部署/使用导弹◆strategic missiles deployed in sparsely populated desert areas部署在人烟稀少的沙漠地区的战略导弹➤detect发现导弹➤track追踪导弹➤test测试导弹missile + verb➤fly导弹飞行▸➤destroy sth, hit sth, strike (sth)导弹摧毁⋯;导弹击中(⋯)➤kill sb导弹杀死某人➤fall导弹落下◆missiles fell on the city.导弹在这个城市落下。➤target sth导弹以⋯为目标◆missiles targeting the capital以首都为攻击目标的导弹➤miss sth导弹未击中⋯◆all of the missiles missed their target.所有的导弹均未击中目标。missile + noun➤base, site导弹基地/发射场▸➤attack, strike导弹攻击/袭击➤launch导弹发射➤defence/defense导弹防御▸➤programme/program, system导弹计划/系统➤launcher导弹发射器▸➤warhead, weapon导弹弹头/武器➤test导弹测试➤capability导弹能力;导弹性能➤technology导弹技术➤threat导弹威胁missile noun² 2object fired or thrown发射或投掷物verb + missile | missile + verb verb + missile➤hurl, pelt sb with, throw用力投掷投射物;连续向某人投掷投射物;扔投射物◆they pelted her with eggs and various other missiles.他们不断向她扔鸡蛋和其他东西。➤fly投射物飞行◆another missile flew through the air.又有一块东西飞了过去。➤dodge躲避投射物missile + verb➤hit sb/sth, strike sb/sth投射物击中⋯missile /mɪsaɪl; name mɪsl/ [countable] a weapon that is sent through the air and that explodes when it hits the thing it is aimed at导弹◆all of the missiles missed their target.所有导弹均未命中目标。missile/ˈmɪsaɪl; us ˈmɪsl ||; ˈmɪsḷ/noun[c] 1. a powerful exploding weapon that can be sent long distances through the air 导弹;飞弹: ◇nuclear missiles 核导弹 2. an object or weapon that is fired from a gun or thrown in order to hurt sb or damage sth (用枪发射或用手投掷的)投射物,投掷物: ◇the rioters threw missiles such as bottles and stones. 暴乱者投掷瓶子、石块等物件。 mis·sile /`mɪsḷ; ˈmɪsaɪl/n [c] 1. a weapon that can fly over long distances and that explodes when it hits the thing it has been aimed at 导弹,飞弹:◇nuclear missiles 核导弹 2. formal an object that is thrown in order to hurt someone 【正式】 [用来伤人的]投掷物




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