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单词 ecology
释义 ecology nounadjective | verb + ecology | ecology + noun adjective➤fragile脆弱的生态系统➤natural自然生态系统◆non-native plants have colonized the area and altered the natural ecology.外来的植物在这一地区蔓生,改变了当地原有的自然生态系统。➤animal, human, plant, wildlife (name) 动物/人类/植物/野生动物生态学➤forest, marine森林/海洋生态学➤behavioural/behavioral, evolutionary, physiological行为/进化/生理生态学➤landscape (name) 景观生态学➤global, local全球/地域生态系统verb + ecology➤damage, disrupt破坏/扰乱生态➤study研究生态ecology + noun➤movement生态保护运动➤research生态学研究ecology/iˈkɒlədʒi ||; iˈkɑlədʒɪ/noun [u] the relationship between living things and their surroundings; the study of this subject 生态;生态学 ➔ecological /ˌi:kəˈlɒdʒɪkl ||; ˌikəˈlɑdʒɪkḷ/ adj an ecological disaster 生态灾祸 ➔ecologically /-kli/ adv ecologysee ⇨ environment 1 e·col·o·gy /ɪ`kɑlədʒɪ; ɪˈkɒlədʒi/n [singular 单数,u]the way in which plants, animals, and people are related to each other and to their environment, or the study of this 生态; 生态学




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