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单词 allocation
释义 allocation noun¹ 1process of giving sth out分发adjective | verb + allocation adjective➤efficient, inefficient高效的/低效的分配▸➤random随机分配➤fair公平的分配▸➤asset, budget, budgetary, grant, housing, land, resource, time财产/预算/专项资金/拨款/住房/土地/资源/时间分配verb + allocation➤make进行分配◆the allocation must be made according to a strict set of criteria.分配必须按照一套严格的标准进行。➤announce宣布分配◆he announced the allocation of additional funds for the campaign.他宣布了竞选追加资金的分配方法。allocation noun² 2amount given to sb所给量adjective | verb + allocation adjective➤total全部拨款➤fair相当多的拨款verb + allocation➤get, receive获得/收到拨款▸➤increase增加拨款◆the charity is trying to get its allocation increased for next year.这家慈善机构正争取使明年的拨款能有所增加。➤cut, reduce削减/减少拨款☞ allocate allocation /æləkeɪʃn/ [countable] an amount of sth, especially money, that is given to sb for a particular purpose分配的东西;(尤指)划拨的款项◆we have spent our entire allocation for the year.我们已经把今年拨给我们的经费全都花光了。 ➡ see also allocate → allocate allocationsee ⇨ share 5 al·lo·ca·tion /ˏælə`keʃən; ˌæləˈkeɪʃən/n 1. [c] an amount of something that is allocated 配给物; 配给量,份额 2. [u] the decision to allocate something 拨给; 分配,配给:◇the allocation of state funds to the university 国家基金给该大学的拨款




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