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单词 direct¹
释义 di·rect¹ /də`rɛkt; dɪˈrekt/adj 1. without any other places, people, actions, or processes coming in between 直接的,径直的:◇the most direct route to madrid 去马德里最直接的路线◇over 100 people have died as a direct result of the fighting. 这场战斗直接造成一百多人死亡。 2. saying exactly what you mean in an honest way 坦率的,直截了当的:◇it's best to be direct with children when someone in the family dies. 家里有人去世后最好坦率地跟小孩子说。 3. exact or complete 正好的,准确的; 完全的:◇weight increases in direct proportion to mass. 重量的增加与质量的增加成正比。→ opposite 反义词 indirect




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