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单词 fearful
释义 fearful adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤appear, be, feel, look, seem, sound显得恐惧;害怕;感觉害怕;看上去担心;好像害怕;听上去害怕▸➤become, grow变得恐惧起来▸➤remain一直很害怕▸➤leave sb, make sb使某人恐惧;让某人担心◆the experience had left her fearful and uncertain.这次经历使她感到恐惧不安。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常害怕▸➤deeply深感恐惧▸➤almost几乎害怕起来▸➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/略有些恐惧preposition➤about对⋯担心◆understandably fearful about the future对未来的担忧可以理解➤for为⋯担忧◆i felt fearful for my life.我担心性命不保。➤of害怕⋯◆he was fearful of every shadow.每一处阴影都让他害怕。fearful (formal) afraid and nervous害怕的;忧虑的◆fearful of an attack, the government declared a state of emergency.政府担心遭到袭击,宣布进入紧急状态。◆parents are ever fearful for their children.父母总是为子女担忧。 opp fearless → brave  ➡ see also fear → fear noun ▸ fearfully adverb◆we watched fearfully.我们忧心忡忡地观察着。fearful/ˈfɪəfl ||; ˈfɪrfəl/adj (formal 正式) 1. fearful (of sth/doing sth);fearful that... afraid or worried about sth 担心的;害怕的: ◇you should never be fearful of starting something new. 你不应害怕开始作新的尝试。◇they were fearful that they would miss the plane. 他们担心赶不上这班飞机。 ☞look at frightened and scared and the note at afraid. these words are much more common. 参看frightened、scared及afraid的注释。这几个词常用得多。 2. terrible 可怕的: ◇the fearful consequences of war 战争造成的可怕结果 ➔fearfully /-fəli ||; -fəlɪ/ adv ➔fearfulness noun [u] fearful• ⇨ be fearful fear·ful /`fɪrfəl; ˈfɪəfəl/adjformal 【正式】 1. afraid 害怕的:◇fearful of doing sth he said no more, fearful of upsetting her. 他没再说话,害怕她生气。 2. bre very bad 【英】 很糟的:◇the small kitchen was in a fearful mess. 小小的厨房里脏乱不堪。




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