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单词 distinctive
释义 distinctive adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be有特色adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常独特▸➤highly, particularly, truly极富特色;尤其独特;真正与众不同◆the shell has a highly distinctive pattern.这枚贝壳的图案很独特。➤visually视觉效果独特distinctive /dɪstɪŋktɪv/ having a quality or characteristic that makes sth different and easily noticed独特的;特别的;有特色的◆the male bird has distinctive black and white markings on the head.雄鸟的头上有明显的黑白斑纹。◆there was nothing distinctive about the envelope in which the letter came.装这封信的信封毫无特别之处。▸ distinctively adverb◆it's a blue cheese with a distinctively sharp taste.那是一种味道特别冲的蓝纹奶酪。distinctive/dɪˈstɪŋktɪv ||; dɪˈstɪŋktɪv/adj clearly different from others and therefore easy to recognize 有特色的;与众不同的;抢眼的: ◇the soldiers were wearing their distinctive red berets. 这些士兵戴着醒目的红色贝雷帽。 ➔distinctively adv distinctivesee ⇨ different 3 dis·tinc·tive /dɪ`stɪŋktɪv; dɪˈstɪŋktɪv/adjshowing a person or thing to be different from others 有特色的,与众不同的:◇chris has a very distinctive laugh. 克里斯的笑声很有特色。




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