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单词 impatient
释义 impatient adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤appear, be, feel, seem, sound显得不耐烦;不耐烦;觉得不耐烦;似乎不耐烦;听起来不耐烦▸➤become, get, grow变得不耐烦;焦躁起来◆the children were growing impatient.孩子们越来越不耐烦了。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常不耐烦◆he spoke in a somewhat impatient tone.他说话的口气有些不耐烦。➤increasingly越来越焦躁▸➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/略有些不耐烦preposition➤about对⋯急躁◆she's getting impatient about the delays.一再拖延使她变得急躁起来。➤at对⋯没有耐心◆sean was a little impatient at the time valerie devoted to her mother.肖恩有点儿忍受不了瓦莱丽花太多时间在她母亲身上。➤for急于◆impatient for change急于改变➤with对⋯不耐烦◆sometimes he is very impatient with his wife.有时候他对妻子很没耐心。impatient [not usually before noun] wanting to do sth soon; wanting sth to happen soon急于;热切期待◆she was clearly impatient to leave.她显然迫不及待地想离开。◆we are impatient for change.我们急于求变。ⓘ people are often impatient for success/change, or impatient to leave/get away/escape/go home/get on.常用的搭配有 be impatient for success/change 或 be impatient to leave/get away/escape/go home/get on。▸ impatience noun [uncountable] ◆she was bursting with impatience to tell me the news.她迫不及待地要告诉我这个消息。impatientannoyed or irritated by sb/sth, especially because you have to wait for a long time(尤指因等待时间长)不耐烦的,没有耐心的◆i'd been waiting for twenty minutes and i was getting impatient.我等了二十分钟,有点不耐烦了。◆try not to be too impatient with her.尽量别对她太没耐心。opp patient → calm adj. ▸ impatience noun [uncountable] ◆she was bursting with impatience to tell me the news.她迫不及待地要告诉我这个消息。 opp patience → patience ▸ impatiently adverb◆we sat waiting impatiently for the movie to start.我们坐着,焦急地等待电影开演。impatient/ɪmˈpeɪʃnt ||; ɪmˈpeʃənt/adj1. impatient (at sth/with sb) not able to stay calm and wait for sb/sth; easily annoyed by sb/sth that seems slow 不耐烦的: ◇the passengers are getting impatient at the delay. 乘客对这次延误越来越不耐烦。◇it's no good being impatient with small children. 对小孩子光着急没有用。 [opp] patient 反义词为patient 2. impatient for/to do sth wanting sth to happen soon 迫不及待: ◇by the time they are sixteen many young people are impatient to leave school. 很多年轻人满十六岁时都迫不及待要离开学校。 ➔impatience noun [u]: ◇he began to explain for the third time with growing impatience. 他开始作第三次解释的时候,就越来越不耐烦了。 ➔impatiently advimpatientsee ⇨ wait 6 im·pa·tient /ɪm`peʃənt; ɪmˈpeɪʃənt/adj 1. annoyed because of delays or mistakes that make you wait 不耐烦的,急躁的:◇after an hour's delay, the passengers were becoming impatient. 乘客们被延误了一小时以后,变得不耐烦起来。◇+ with he gets impatient with the slower kids. 他对较迟钝的小孩没有耐心。 2. if you are impatient to do something, you want to do it as soon as possible and do not want to wait 迫不及待的,急切的:◇impatient to do sth gary was impatient to leave. 加里急着要离开。 ☞ impatient




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