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单词 gift
释义 gift noun¹ 1sth that you give to sb礼物adjective | verb + gift | gift + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤generous, kind, thoughtful (especially name) 慷慨的/表示友善的/考虑周到的礼物◆thank you all for your kind gifts.谢谢你们每一个人的礼物。➤expensive, lavish, precious, valuable昂贵的/丰厚的/珍贵的/贵重的礼物◆she received lavish gifts of clothes and perfume.她收到服装和香水等厚礼。➤lovely, special, wonderful可爱的/特殊的/精彩绝妙的礼物▸➤perfect极好的礼物➤small小礼物▸➤free免费赠品◆when you place your first order with us, we will send you a free gift.第一次订购将获得免费赠品。➤birthday, christmas, hanukkah, holiday (name) 生日/圣诞节/光明节/节日礼物▸➤anniversary, christening, graduation, parting, shower, wedding周年纪念日/洗礼/毕业/临别/送礼会/结婚礼物◆an outfit that aunt marilyn gave as a baby shower gift玛丽莲姨妈在迎接宝宝的送礼会上送的一套衣服➤hostess送给女主人的礼物◆these little boxes make perfect hostess gifts (= for the hostess of a party, etc.).这些小盒子送给女主人作礼物很合适。➤monetary (especially name) 礼金➤gag (name) 恶作剧礼物▸➤unwanted不想要的礼物◆the problem of what to do with unwanted gifts如何处理不想要的礼物的问题verb + gift➤bear, bestow, bring (sb), buy (sb), exchange, give sb, make sb, offer sb, present, send (sb)带礼物给(某人);交换礼物;给某人礼物;赠送某人礼物;(给某人)寄礼物◆he arrived home bearing gifts for everyone.他回家时给每个人都带了礼物。◆they gave each other gifts at christmas.圣诞节时他们互赠礼物。◆she wanted to make a gift to her grandchildren.她想给孙子孙女们送个礼物。➤accept, get, receive接受礼物;得到赠品;收到礼物◆please accept this small gift.请收下这个小礼物。◆the children all received gifts.孩子们都收到了礼物。➤wrap将礼物包好➤open, unwrap打开/拆开礼物gift + noun➤shop礼品店➤wrap礼品包装纸➤card, tag礼品卡;礼品标签▸➤bag, basket, box, pack, set礼品袋;礼品篮;礼品盒;礼品包;礼品套装◆new customers will receive a free gift pack containing a selection of our products.新客户将会收到装有本公司精选产品的免费礼品包。◆a gift set of shampoo, soap and hand cream包括洗发香波、肥皂和护手霜的礼品套装➤certificate, token, voucher (bre) 礼券;赠券➤idea礼物点子◆here are ten great gift ideas for your friends.这儿有 10 个帮你选礼物送给朋友的好点子。➤tax礼品税preposition➤as a gift作为礼物◆her parents brought a set of spoons as a gift.她的父母带来一套匙子作为礼物。➤gift for给⋯的礼物◆there were gifts for all the children.有送给所有孩子的礼物。➤gift from⋯送的礼物◆this vase was a gift from my mother.这个花瓶是妈妈送的礼物。➤gift to给⋯的礼物◆the golf clubs were her gift to her husband.这些高尔夫球杆是她送给丈夫的礼物。phrases➤shower gifts on sb, shower sb with gifts赠送某人大量礼物gift noun² 2natural ability天资adjective | verb + gift | preposition adjective➤amazing, extraordinary, great, outstanding, remarkable, special, unique, wonderful惊人的/非凡的/很高的/突出的/不寻常的/特殊的/独特的/了不起的天赋◆his great gifts as a teacher他当教师的过人天分➤rare罕见的天分➤god-given, innate, natural, special天赋;与生俱来的才能;特殊才能➤artistic, musical艺术天分;音乐才华verb + gift➤have, possess具有天赋preposition➤gift for⋯方面的才华◆she has a natural gift for music.她具有音乐天赋。 gift /gɪft/ noun [countable] 1.a thing, an amount of money, etc. that you give to sb 礼物;赠品◆we are not allowed to accept gifts from clients. 我们不允许收受客户的礼品。◆thank you for your generous gift. 谢谢你的慷慨馈赠。 (law 法律) property or money that is given to sb and recognized as a present in law 赠予◆she made a gift of her property to charity. 她将财产赠给了慈善机构。3. (informal) [usually singular] a thing that is very easy to do or cheap to buy 轻而易举的事;极便宜的东西◆at €17 a share, this stock is a gift. 每股 17 欧元,这支股票真便宜。 business gift ◇ free gift gift /gɪft/ verb [transitive] to give money or property to sb, especially in order to help them financially 赠予,给予(金钱或财产,尤指财务上的帮助)◆the government had gifted the company more than $1 billion in loans and support. 政府给予这家公司 10 亿元以上贷款等方面的支持。☞ gift☞ gift gift noungift ♦︎ present ♦︎ donation ♦︎ contribution ♦︎ tip ♦︎ gratuity ♦︎ handoutthese are all words for a thing that you give to sb, for example on a special occasion, to help them, or to say thank you.这些词均表示礼物,馈赠品、谢礼。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a gift / present / donation / contribution / tip / gratuity / handout for / from sb◆a gift / present / donation / contribution to sb / sth◆£50 000, $10, etc. in gifts / donations / contributions / tips / handouts◆a small gift / present / donation / contribution / tip / gratuity◆a large / generous gift / present / donation / contribution / tip◆a / an birthday / wedding / anniversary / christmas gift / present◆a cash gift / donation / handout◆a free gift / handout◆to get a gift / present / donation / contribution / tip / handout◆to receive a gift / present / donation / contribution / gratuity◆to send (sb) a gift / present / donation / contribution◆to leave (sb) a gift / present / donation / tip / gratuity◆to give (sb) a gift / present / donation / tip◆to make a donation / contribution■ gift [countable] (rather formal, especially written) a thing or a sum of money that you give to sb礼物;赠品;礼金◆there's a free gift for every reader.每位读者均有赠品。◆the gift of love is the greatest gift a person can give or receive.爱是一个人可以给予或接受的最好的礼物。◆the party was originally funded by a gift of £50 000 from a top motor manufacturer.最初,一家顶尖汽车制造商赠送 5 万英镑资助了这个政党。◆ (bre) all such posts are in the gift of the managing director (= only given by the managing director).所有这些职位都由总经理任命。 ➡ see also give → give 5 ■ present [countable] a thing that you give to sb, especially on a special occasion or to say thank you(尤指在特殊场合赠送或表示感谢的)礼物,礼品◆what can i get him for a birthday present?我给他送什么生日礼物好呢?note 辨析 gift or present? gift is more formal than present and is used especially in business contexts: a store will advertise its christmas gift ideas; the people who buy them will talk about the christmas presents they have bought for family and friends. a present is usually given by and to an individual; a gift may be given by a company ( a corporate gift) and/or to an organization. a present is usually an object, but a gift may be a sum of money, or sth such as the gift of love/life. * gift 比 present 正式,尤用于商务语境。商店作广告宣传的圣诞礼物创意用 christmas gift idea,为家人或朋友购买的圣诞礼物用 christmas present。present 通常为个人赠送或收到的礼物,gift 通常为公司或机构赠送或收到的礼物,如 a corporate gift。present 通常为物品,但 gift 可以是一笔钱,或另类形式的礼物,如 the gift of love/life (爱/生命的给予)◆funded by a present of £50 000 ◆she gave me the present of love. especially in american english, however, gift is not always so formal and is sometimes used in personal contexts instead of present.不过,尤其在美式英语中,gift 不总是如此正式,有时会代替 present 用于个人场合◆the watch was a gift / present from my mother.这块手表是我妈妈送的礼物。■ donation /dəʊneɪʃn; name doʊneɪʃn/ [countable] something that is given to a person or organization such as a charity, in order to help them; the act of giving sth in this way(给某人或慈善机构等的)捐赠物,捐款;捐赠◆i made a £200 donation to charity.我向慈善机构捐了 200 英镑。◆the work of the charity is funded by voluntary donations.这家慈善机构的运作靠自愿捐款资助。◆organ donation (= allowing doctors to use organs from your body after your death in order to save a sick person's life) has not kept pace with the demand for transplants.器官捐献赶不上器官移植的需求。 ➡ see also donate → give 5 ■ contribution /kɒntrɪbjuːʃn; name kɑːntrɪbjuːʃn/ [countable, uncountable] a sum of money or sth that is given to a person or organization in order to help pay for sth or raise money for sth; the act of giving sth in this way捐款;捐物;捐助◆he has made several valuable contributions towards the upkeep of the cathedral.他几次慷慨捐资修葺大教堂。◆contributions of cakes and other items for the cake sale can be left in the school office.为糕点义卖捐赠的糕点和其他物品可以放到学校办公室。◆we rely entirely on voluntary contribution.我们全靠自愿捐资。 ➡ see also contribute → give 5 note 辨析 donation or contribution? contribution places more emphasis on the money or thing given being part of a whole, to be added to other amounts or things that other people have given. contributions are often expected or asked for; donations are seen more as voluntary gifts. * contribution 更强调捐赠的财物为整体的一部份,和他人捐赠的财物合在一起。contribution 常为预期会得到或请求别人作出的捐助,donation 更多为自愿捐赠。■ tip [countable] a small amount of extra money that you give to sb who has provided a service for you, for example in a restaurant小费(如在餐馆中给的)◆are we supposed to leave a tip?我们要留小费吗?◆he gave the waiter a generous tip.他给了服务员很多小费。▸ tip verb(-pp-) [transitive, intransitive] ◆did you remember to tip the waiter?你记得给服务员小费了吗?◆americans were always welcome because they tended to tip heavily.美国人总是很受欢迎,因为他们往往给很多小费。■ gratuity /grətjuːəti; name grətuːəti/ [countable] (formal) a tip小费;赏钱◆our employees may not accept gratuities.我们的员工不允许收小费。■ handout /hændaʊt/ [countable] (often disapproving) money that is given to a person or organization by the government, for example to encourage commercial activity政府拨款(如为了促进商业活动而拨给个人或机构)◆the company is currently thriving thanks to a £70 000 government handout.受惠于政府 7 万英镑的拨款,这家公司目前正在蓬勃发展。ⓘ handouts can also be given to people who are poor. * handout 还可指派给穷人的捐赠品、救济品。  ➡ see also handout → aid noun , hand sth out → distribute gift [countable] (rather formal, especially written) a thing or a sum of money that you give to sb礼物;赠品;礼金◆there's a free gift for every reader.每位读者均有赠品。◆the gift of love is the greatest gift a person can give or receive.爱是一个人可以给予或接受的最好的礼物。◆the party was originally funded by a gift of £50 000 from a top motor manufacturer.最初,一家顶尖汽车制造商赠送 5 万英镑资助了这个政党。◆ (bre) all such posts are in the gift of the managing director (= only given by the managing director).所有这些职位都由总经理任命。 ➡ see also give → give 5 gift [countable] (especially written) a natural ability to do sth very well天赋;天才;才能◆she has a great gift for music.她极有音乐天赋。◆he has the gift of making friends easily.他天生善交朋友。 ➡ see also gifted → good 4 note 辨析 talent or gift? gift is often used in more literary contexts, especially to talk about people's ability in the arts, as well as in relationships and helping people. * gift 常用于文学性较强的语境,尤指艺术才能以及与人相处和助人的才能◆a gift for drawing / painting / writing / drama / improvisation / languages / music素描/绘画/写作/戏剧/即席创作/语言/音乐天赋◆a gift for friendship / teaching / humour / calming people down / bringing people together / healing交友/教学/幽默/平抚他人情绪/使人和好/抚慰心灵的天赋 talent is used more often than gift in spoken english. it can also be used to talk about people's abilities in the arts, but it is commonly used to talk about business skills. * talent 比 gift 更常用于口语,也可指人在艺术方面的才能,但通常指业务才能◆a talent for business / computing / diplomacy / leadership / figures / governing / management / organization业务/计算机/外交/领导/算术/治理/管理/组织才能gift/gɪft ||; gɪft/noun[c] 1. something that you give to sb; a present 礼物: ◇this watch was a gift from my mother. 这手表是妈妈给我的礼物。◇this week's magazine contains a free gift of some make-up. 本星期的杂志附送化妆品。◇the company made a gift of a computer to a local school. 这家公司给当地一所学校捐赠了一台计算机。 ☞look at the note at present. 参看 present 的注释。 2. a gift (for sth/doing sth) natural ability 天赋的才能;天资 giftsee ⇨ give 4     • • •• ⇨ free gift• ⇨ have a gift for gift /gɪft; ɡɪft/n [c] 1. something that you give to someone as a present 礼物,礼品 2. a natural ability to do something 天赋,禀赋; 才能:◇+ for gary has a real gift for telling stories. 加利讲故事很有天赋。 ☞ gift




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