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单词 hallway
释义 hallway noun  ➡ see also corridor adjective | verb + hallway | hallway + verb adjective➤long长长的门厅➤narrow, wide狭窄的/宽敞的门厅➤crowded拥挤的过道◆she walked through the crowded hallways to the locker room.她走过拥挤的过道来到更衣室。➤deserted, empty没人的/空荡荡的走廊➤dark, dimly lit黑暗的/灯光微弱的过道➤bright, brightly lit明亮的/灯火通明的走廊➤carpeted铺着地毯的过道➤communal (bre) 公共走廊➤main主通道➤downstairs, upstairs楼下/楼上走廊➤school (especially name) 学校走廊verb + hallway➤enter进入通道➤fill, line充满/排列于通道◆lockers lined the hallways.过道里有一排排衣物柜。➤roam, walk down, wander在过道里闲逛;顺着通道走◆i walked down the hallway, not knowing where i was heading.我沿着通道往前走,自己也不知道去向哪里。hallway + verb➤connect, lead to过道连着/通向hallway /hɔːlweɪ/ [countable] (especially name) a hall(建筑物内部的)走廊◆as i walked along the hallway, i passed several open doors.我沿着走廊前行时经过几处房门打开的房间。  ➡ see also hallway → hall 2 note 辨析 corridor, hallway or hall?these words are very close in meaning. a corridor is usually long and straight, and is normally used when talking about large public buildings. hall and hallway can be used to talk about a connecting space in both public buildings and large private houses. corridor is mainly used in british english, and is much more frequent in british english than hall and hallway; hall is used in both british and american english, and is the most frequent of these words in american english; hallway is used especially in american english.这些词意思很相近。corridor 通常长而直,一般指大型公共建筑内的通道。hall 和 hallway 既可指公共建筑,亦可指较大私宅的连接空间。corridor 主要用于英式英语,在英式英语中比 hall 和 hallway 常用得多; hall 用于英式和美式英语均可,是这些词中最常见于美式英语的词; hallway 尤用于美式英语。hallway /hɔːlweɪ/ [countable] (especially bre) a space or passage inside the entrance or front door of a building门厅;正门通道◆he walked down the tiled hallway and into the kitchen.他走过铺了瓷砖的门厅进入厨房。  ➡ see also hallway → corridor note 辨析 hall or hallway?there is very little difference in the meaning of these words. hall is more frequent and has a broader range. hallway is used especially to describe a hall that is long and narrow.这两个词含义差别很小,hall 更常用,语义更广。hallway 尤指又长又窄的过道。hallway/ˈhɔ:lweɪ ||; ˈhɔlˌwe/=hall hall·way /`hɔlˏwe; ˈhɔːlweɪ/n [c]the area just inside the door of a building that leads to other rooms 门厅




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