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单词 sacrifice
释义 sacrifice noun¹ 1giving sth up放弃adjective | verb + sacrifice adjective➤big, considerable, enormous, great, heavy, huge, real, tremendous重大牺牲;巨大牺牲▸➤financial, personal经济上的/个人牺牲▸➤heroic, noble英勇的/崇高的牺牲▸➤final, supreme, ultimate献出生命;最重大的牺牲◆soldiers who die for their country have made the supreme sacrifice.那些为国捐躯的士兵们作出了最大的牺牲。verb + sacrifice➤be牺牲◆i know it's a sacrifice for you, but please try to understand.我知道这对你来说是种牺牲,但是还请你理解。➤make作出牺牲▸➤involve, mean, require意味着牺牲;需要作出牺牲◆completing the course will require sacrifice.修完这门课程需要作出牺牲。sacrifice noun² 2part of a ceremony仪式adjective | verb + sacrifice | preposition adjective➤animal, human动物祭祀;人祭▸➤pagan, religious, ritual异教祭祀;宗教祭祀;献祭仪式▸➤blood血祭verb + sacrifice➤perform举行祭祀仪式▸➤offer (sth as)(以⋯)献祭preposition➤sacrifice to献给⋯的祭品◆food and wine were offered as sacrifices to the gods.食物和酒被作为贡品献给众神。sacrifice verbadverb | verb + sacrifice | preposition | phrases adverb➤gladly, willingly乐意/愿意牺牲verb + sacrifice➤be forced to, be obliged to, have to被迫牺牲;不得不牺牲▸➤be prepared to, be ready to, be willing to准备/打算/愿意牺牲◆she was prepared to sacrifice having a family in order to pursue her career.为了追求事业她甘愿放弃成家。preposition➤for为⋯而牺牲◆soldiers who sacrificed their lives for their country为国捐躯的士兵们➤to因⋯而牺牲◆in her writing, clarity is sometimes sacrificed to (= for the sake of) brevity.她的写作有时为追求简短而损害了意思的清晰表达。phrases➤sacrifice sth for the sake of sth为⋯而牺牲⋯◆comfort has been sacrificed for the sake of improved performance.为了提高性能而舍弃了舒适。sacrifice /sækrɪfaɪs/ [transitive] to give up sth that is important or valuable to you in order to get or do sth that seems more important for yourself or for another person牺牲;献出◆she sacrificed everything for her children.她为子女牺牲了一切。◆the designers have sacrificed speed for fuel economy.设计师为节省燃料牺牲了速度。▸ sacrifice noun [countable, uncountable] ◆her parents made sacrifices so that she could have a good education.为了让她受到良好的教育,她的父母作了很多牺牲。◆the makers assured us that there had been no sacrifice of quality.制造商向我们保证他们没有牺牲质量。sacrificenoun [countable, uncountable] ◆her parents made sacrifices so that she could have a good education.为了让她受到良好的教育,她的父母作了很多牺牲。◆the makers assured us that there had been no sacrifice of quality.制造商向我们保证他们没有牺牲质量。sacrificenoun [countable, uncountable] ◆her parents made sacrifices so that she could have a good education.为了让她受到良好的教育,她的父母作了很多牺牲。◆the makers assured us that there had been no sacrifice of quality.制造商向我们保证他们没有牺牲质量。sacrifice¹/ˈsækrɪfaɪs ||; ˈsækrəˌfaɪs/noun[u] [c] 1. giving up sth that is important or valuable to you in order to get or do sth that seems more important; sth that you give up in this way 牺牲(品): ◇if we're going to have a holiday this year, we'll have to make some sacrifices. 我们要作出一些牺牲,才可以在今年度假。 2. sacrifice (to sb) the act of offering sth to a god, especially an animal that has been killed in a special way; an animal, etc that is offered in this way 献祭,供奉(尤指以宰杀的牲口);作祭品或供品用的牲口sacrifice²/ˈsækrɪfaɪs ||; ˈsækrəˌfaɪs/verb1. [t] sacrifice sth (for sb/sth) to give up sth that is important or valuable to you in order to get or do sth that seems more important 牺牲;舍弃: ◇she is not willing to sacrifice her career in order to have children. 她不想为了生孩子而放弃自己的事业。 2. [i,t] to kill an animal and offer it to a god, in order to please the god (宰杀牲口)献祭 sacrificesee ⇨ give 12☞ sacrifice¹☞ sacrifice²




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