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单词 wildlife
释义 wildlife nounadjective | verb + wildlife | wildlife + noun | phrases adjective➤abundant大量野生动植物▸➤endangered, rare濒危/稀有野生物种▸➤indigenous, local, native土生土长的野生动植物;本地的野生动植物➤exotic外来的野生动植物▸➤marine, urban, wetland海洋野生动植物;城市中的野生生物;湿地野生动植物verb + wildlife➤conserve, preserve, protect, save保护野生动植物;拯救野生动植物◆they called on the government to help protect native wildlife.他们呼吁政府保护本地野生动植物。➤attract, encourage吸引野生动物;促进野生动植物生长◆the large variety of native plants attracts wildlife to the area.多种多样的本地植物吸引了野生动物来到该地区。➤benefit有益于野生动植物▸➤endanger, threaten危及/威胁到野生生物◆the increasing use of pesticides threatens the wildlife of the area.越来越多地使用杀虫剂威胁到这个地区野生动植物的生存。➤damage, harm伤害野生动植物▸➤disturb扰乱野生动物◆do not allow your dog to disturb wildlife.不要让你的狗扰乱野生动物。➤be (a) home for, be (a) home to, be rich in成为野生动植物的家园;野生物种丰富◆the forest is home to a wealth of wildlife.森林是许多野生动植物自然生长的地方。wildlife + noun➤habitat野生动植物栖息地▸➤area, garden, haven, park, preserve, refuge, reserve, sanctuary, site (bre) 野生动植物区;野生动植物园;野生动植物避难所;野生生物保护区;野生动物聚居点◆the school has its own small wildlife garden.这个学校有自己的小型野生生物园。◆the wichita mountains wildlife reserve in texas得克萨斯州威奇托山野生动物保护区➤corridor野生动物走廊◆wildlife corridors that tigers use to travel between reserves不同保护区之间老虎出没的野生动物走廊➤conservation, management, protection野生动植物保护;野生生物管理➤agency, trust (bre) 野生生物保护机构;野生生物基金◆data compiled by us and canadian wildlife agencies由美国和加拿大野生生物保护机构共同搜集的数据➤biologist, conservationist, expert, manager, officer, official (especially name) 野生生物学家;野生动植物保护主义者;野生生物专家;野生生物管理者;野生动植物管理官员◆federal and state wildlife officials联邦及州野生动植物管理官员➤population, species野生生物种群/种类◆the local fish and wildlife population may be lost forever.当地的鱼类和野生动植物种群可能会永远消失。➤trade野生动植物买卖◆the illegal wildlife trade野生动植物的非法贸易➤artist, film-maker, photographer野生动植物艺术家;野生生物电影制作人;野生生物摄影师➤photography野生生物摄影phrases➤a diversity of wildlife, a wealth of wildlife多种多样的野生动植物▸➤a/the impact on wildlife, a/the threat to wildlife对野生生物的影响/威胁◆the bacteria pose a real threat to wildlife.细菌确实会对野生生物构成威胁。wildlife /waɪldlaɪf/ [uncountable] animals that are wild and live in a natural environment that is not controlled by people野生动物;野生生物◆development of the area would endanger wildlife.开发这一地区将会危及野生生物。◆the area is an important wildlife habitat.该地区是重要的野生动物栖息地。wildlife/ˈwaɪldlaɪf ||; ˈwaɪldˌlaɪf/noun [u] birds, plants, animals, etc that are wild and live in a natural environment 野生生物(野生植物、鸟兽等) wildlifesee ⇨ alive 3 wild·life /`waɪldˏlaɪf; ˈwaɪldlaɪf/n [u]animals and plants that live in natural conditions 野生生物:◇the wildlife of crete 克里特岛上的野生生物




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