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单词 too/too much
释义 too/too much1 too2 too much or too many3 to do something too much4 not needed because there is already enough5 not too much1. too 太,过分 too /tuː/ [adverb] more than is right or necessary, or more than you want 太,过分 they didn't give him the job. they said he was too old. 他们没给他这份工作,说他年纪太大了。 don't work too hard! 工作不要太拼命! it's too hot in here. 这里太热了。too big/small/tired etc to do something i was too tired to get up off the couch. 我累得在长沙发上起不来了。 she's still too upset to talk about it. 她心情仍然太差,无法谈论这件事。far too small/way too big etc $200! that's way too expensive. 要200美元!那太贵了。 the temperature was well below zero - far too cold to spend more than a few minutes on deck. 气温在零下好几度,在甲板上待上几分钟会冷得受不了。too old/quick/big etc for my room's too narrow for a king-size bed. 我的房间太小,放不下一张特大号的床。 military officials believed that the harbor was too shallow for torpedo launches. 军官们认为该港口水太浅,不能发射鱼雷。2. too much or too many 太多 too much /ˌtuː ˈmʌtʃ◂/ [quantifier] use this about amounts or costs [数量或费用]太多的 jim drinks too much. 吉姆酒喝得太多。 that kid talks too much. 那孩子话太多了。 you spend too much time worrying about things. 你把太多的时间花在担心事情上了。far/way too much i'm sure my parents paid way too much for the land. 我肯定我父母买那块地付了太多的钱。 the surveys took up far too much time, and they were difficult to understand. 这些民意调查太费时,也很难理解。too much for there was too much baggage for one person to carry. 行李多得一个人无法拿。 too many /ˌtuː ˈmeni◂/ [quantifier] use this about number of people or things [人或物的数目]太多的 i've brought some more chairs - i hope i didn't bring too many. 我又拿了些椅子来,希望没拿得太多。 she can't come - she says she has too many things to do. 她不能来,她说有太多的事情要做。far/way too many far too many postgraduate students never finish their projects once begun. 有太多的研究生未能完成已经开始的研究课题。too many for there were too many bags for one person to carry. 行李多得一个人无法拿。 an excess of /ən ɪkˈses ɒv/ [quantifier] formal too much of something 【正式】过量的,过多的;过度的 an excess of alcohol 饮酒过量 an excess of fertilizer is harmful to trees and other garden plants. 过量的肥料对树木和其他的花园植物有害。 glut /glʌt/ [countable noun usually singular] a situation in which there is too much of a product available at a particular time, which often results in the price of the product being cut 供过于求,供应过剩 glut of a glut of bonds on the market pushed prices down. 市场上债券供应过剩使得价格下跌。 when there is a glut of milk more products like yoghurt are made. 当牛奶供应过剩时,便会多生产酸奶之类的产品了。 too much of a good thing /tuː ˌmʌtʃ əv ə gʊd ˈθɪŋ/ [noun phrase] if you say that something is too much of a good thing, you mean that it would be good in small amounts but you have too much of it 实在太多,多得过分 many koreans believe that the rush of foreign products may be too much of a good thing. 很多韩国人认为人们争相抢购外国货未必是好事。 getting six boxes of chocolates for my birthday was really too much of a good thing. 我在生日那天收到六盒巧克力,实在太多了。 excessive /ɪkˈsesɪv/ [adjective] use this about an amount, cost, or level which is much too high, especially when you think it is wrong or unfair that it is so high [数量、费用或水平]过多的;过分的;过度的[尤认为错误或不公平] the campaign is trying to stop the excessive use of chemicals in farming. 这个运动旨在阻止农耕中过量使用化学品。 $10 for two cups of coffee seems excessive. 两杯咖啡要十美元好像太过分了。 as usual, the opposition claims the government is guilty of excessive spending. 反对派一如既往地声称政府开支过大。 inordinate /ɪˈnɔːʳdənɪt, ɪˈnɔːʳdənət/ [adjective only before noun] formal much more than is reasonable, especially when this is unfair to other people or means that other things are not given enough attention 【正式】超出合理限度的,过分的;过度的[尤指对其他人不公平或其他事物未得到足够多的注意] scientists have been criticized for devoting an inordinate amount of time to research on animals. 人们批评科学家把过多的时间花在动物的研究上。 a man of inordinate ambition 野心太大的人 overkill /ˈəʊvəʳkɪl/ [uncountable noun] a situation in which something is done so much that it is no longer interesting or effective [某事做得]过分,过火[以至于不再吸引人或有效] of course, it's a serious disaster, but some of these sensational newspaper reports are just overkill. 这当然是一次严重的灾难,但某些耸人听闻的新闻报道也太过分了。 many felt that the money spent amounted to overkill, and that a cheaper, less glossy advertising campaign would have been just as effective. 许多人觉得这么高的花费太过分了,花钱少一点的、不那么浮华的广告宣传会同样有效。3. to do something too much 某事做得太过分 try/think/push etc too hard /ˌtraɪ tuː ˈhɑːʳd/ to do something with too much effort, so that you do not get the result you want 努力/想/逼促等得过分[因而未能收到预期效果] you're hitting the ball too hard. 你击球用力过猛了。 i think you've been working too hard - you need a rest 我觉得你工作太卖力了,你需要休息一下。 many parents try too hard to engineer a safe environment for their child, with disastrous results. 许多父母竭力要为自己的孩子营造一个安全的环境,结果却酿成灾难性的后果。 overdo it /ˌəʊvəʳ ˈduː ɪt/ especially spoken to do or say something too much, especially to do too much work or exercise 【尤口】把…做得过分,做过头[尤指工作或锻炼] you need more exercise, but be careful not to overdo it. 你需要更多锻炼,但要注意别过了头。 the tour guide managed to be funny and informative, without overdoing it. 这个导游的讲解做到了既有趣味性又有知识性,并不过火。 overreact /ˌˈuʌəʳɪˈækt/ [intransitive verb] to get too angry or too worried when something happens which is not in fact very serious 反应过激 don't you think you're overreacting a little? i'm only ten minutes late. 你不觉得自己有点反应过激了吗?我不过迟到了十分钟。overreact to i think people have overreacted to the advertisement - we didn't intend of offend anyone. 我觉得人们对这个广告反应过激了,我们无意冒犯任何人。 go too far/take something too far /ˌgəʊ tuː ˈfɑːʳ, ˌteɪk something tuː ˈfɑːʳ/ [verb phrase] to do something so much or to such a great degree that you offend, upset, or annoy people, especially because you do not know when it is reasonable to stop 做得过分,做得过火[以至冒犯了别人,尤因不知何时该停止] officials were worried that the chairman's criticisms had gone too far. 官员们担心主席的批评过火了。 john had taken the joke too far and now betty was crying. 约翰玩笑开得过火了,贝蒂现在正在哭呢。go too far/take sth too far in doing something we all agree there have to be some controls, but the government has gone too far in ordering all immigration to be stopped. 我们都同意必须有所限制,但政府下令停止所有移民入境就太过分了。 go to extremes /ˌgəʊ tʊ ɪkˈstriːmz/ [verb phrase] to do something so much, state something so strongly etc, that people consider your actions unacceptable and unreasonable [说话或行为]走极端,太过分 hunt went to such extremes to get his promotion that everyone at the office hates him now. 亨特为得到提升做得那么过分,现在办公室里每个人都恨他。 you don't have to go to extremes to become healthier - a little exercise and slight changes to your diet can work wonders. 你想变得健康一点也不必走极端,适量锻炼加上改变一下饮食就能收到奇效。 to excess /tʊ ɪkˈses/ [adverb] if you do something to excess, you do it so much that it is wrong or harmful [做得]过分,过头 the government enthusiastically supports us foreign policy, sometimes to excess. 该政府热烈支持美国的外交政策,有时候过了火。 he drank to excess, occasionally causing scenes in front of cia officials. 他酒喝得过了量,有时候会在中情局官员面前出丑。 over the top /ˌəʊvəʳ ðə ˈtɒp ǁ -ˈtɑːp/ [adjective/adverb] something you say or do that is over the top is extreme, so that it is either very funny and entertaining, or very annoying or offensive [说话或举止]过分的[地] some of his remarks about women were really over the top. 有时候他说的关于女人的话非常过分。 the show was supposed to be a kind of over-the-top satire - it wasn't supposed to be taken seriously. 这个节目的本意是要进行夸张有趣的讽刺,而不是让人认真对待的。go over the top the movie's drawn-out finale goes over the top in its attempt to keep the audience in suspense. 为了抓住观众的悬念,这部影片那拖长了的结尾有点过火了。 overload /ˌəʊvəʳˈləʊd/ [transitive verb] to give someone too much work to do or try to make a system handle too much work 使负担过重 we can't take money from a school system that is already overloaded. 我们不能向已经负担过重的学校体制削减资金。 they overloaded the computer system, and the whole thing just stopped. 他们使电脑系统超负荷运转,因此整个系统就停顿了。 projects should stretch people and make them work hard, but not overload them. 这些项目应该使人发挥所长,努力工作,但不应该使他们负担过重。 overindulge/overindulge yourself /ˌəʊvərɪnˈdʌldʒ, ˌəʊvərɪnˈdʌldʒ jɔːʳself/ [intransitive/transitive verb] use this humorously when you have eaten too much rich food or drunk too much alcohol 过分沉溺于吃喝,大吃大喝[幽默用词] schneider told quite a funny story about how he had overindulged one night. 施奈德讲了一件有天晚上他如何大吃大喝的趣事。 what's the point of a vacation, after all, if not to overindulge yourself? 如果不能大吃大喝,那么度假还有什么意思呢? flog something to death /ˌflɒg something tə ˈdeθ ǁ ˌflɑːg-/ [verb phrase] british informal to talk too much about a subject or repeat a joke or story too often, so that no one is interested in it any more 【英,非正式】反复讲[某话题、笑话或故事]以至令人生厌 it was a good story a month ago, but the newspapers have really flogged it to death. 一个月前这是个精彩的故事,但报纸上已经把它反反复复地谈得令人厌烦了。4. not needed because there is already enough 已经足够所以不需要了 excess /ˈekses/ [adjective only before noun] an additional amount that is not wanted or needed because there is already enough of something 多余的,过多的 excess vitamin d can cause kidney damage in young children. 过量的维生素d会损害小孩的肾脏。 cut off the excess fat from the meat before cooking. 烹调前切掉肉上多余的脂肪。 the excess pounds had given him a double chin and a neck that made his shirt collar look too tight. 过重的体重使他有个双下巴,脖子也粗得使衬衫领子看起来很紧。 surplus /ˈsɜːʳpləs/ [countable noun] the additional amount of something, especially something that you produce or grow, which is more than you need and which can therefore be given or sold to other people 过剩;剩余物[尤指产品或种植的东西] the gulf states produce more oil than they need and sell the surplus to the rest of the world. 海湾国家的石油产量高于自己所需的数量,于是就把剩余部分卖给其他国家。 government subsidies have resulted in huge grain surpluses. 政府津贴造成了大量的谷物剩余。 the budget surplus could be used to hire and train more border guards. 多出的预算可以用来雇用和训练更多的边防警卫。 surplus [adjective only before noun] the state raised $130 million by selling off surplus land. 该州靠出售剩余的土地筹集了一亿三千万美元。5. not too much 不太多地 not too/very much /nɒt tuː, veri ˈmʌtʃ/ [adverb] not too much pizza for me please, i'm on a diet. 请不要给我太多比萨饼,我在节食。 i won't give you very much homework tonight, so you have time to finish your essay. 今晚我不会给你太多的家庭作业,让你有时间可以完成文章。not eat/drink/talk etc too much don't talk too much now - you need to rest. 现在不要讲得太多,你需要休息。 not too/very many /nɒt tuː, veri ˈmeni/ [adverb] you can have a few chips, but not too many. 你可以吃一点炸马铃薯条,但不能吃太多。 not very many people were interested in the project. 对这个项目感兴趣的人不多。 not too big/hard/loud etc /nɒt tuː ˈbɪg/ [adverb] i wasn't too upset when they told me i hadn't got the job. 他们告诉我我没有得到这份工作时,我不太难过。 it was a beautiful sunny day and not too cold. 那是个美丽的阳光普照的日子,不太冷。 don't hit it too hard - just nudge it over the net. 别打得太重,只要把它轻推过网就行。 moderate /ˈmɒdərɪt, ˈmɒdərətǁˈmɑː-/ [adjective] not too much - use this about eating, drinking, and other things that could be unhealthy if you did them too much 适量的,适中的[指饮食或其他做过量就不健康的东西] moderate exercise, such as walking and swimming, can help to prevent heart disease. 适量的运动,如步行和游泳,有助防止心脏病。 new studies show that moderate drinking is good for you. 最新的研究显示适量饮酒对健康有益。 in moderation /ɪn ˌmɒdəˈreɪʃən ǁ -ˌmɑː-/ [adverb] if you eat or drink something in moderation, you do not eat or drink too much of it [饮食适度地,有节制地 he only drinks wine in moderation. 他只是适量地饮酒。 children should be taught not about ‘bad foods’ and ‘good foods,’ but rather to eat a wide variety of foods in moderation. 不应该对孩子说“坏食物”和“好食物”之类,而应该让他们适量地吃各种各样的食物。 keep something in proportion /ˌkiːp something ɪn prəˈpɔːʳʃən/ [verb phrase] to not allow yourself to become so excited, annoyed etc by an event or situation that you lose a sense of what is reasonable, sensible, or possible 恰如其分[理智]地对待某事 my confidence was so low it was difficult to keep things in proportion -- the smallest problem seemed like a major tragedy. 我很缺乏自信,因此很难恰如其分地看待事情一小小的问题在我看来都像是重大的悲剧。 the party's recent successes in the polls are encouraging but they need to be kept in proportion. 该党派最近在选举中的成功令人鼓舞,但也要保持理智。




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