释义 |
valentine/ˈvæləntaɪn ||; ˈvælənˌtaɪn/noun[c] 1. (also valentine card) a card that you send, usually without putting your name on it, to sb you love 情人卡(通常匿名) ☞it is traditional to send these cards on st valentine's day (14 february). 按照传统,情人卡在2月14日圣瓦伦廷节(st valentine's day,或称情人节)寄出。 2. the person you send this card to 接受情人卡的人;情人 val·en·tine /`væləntaɪn; ˈvæləntaɪn/ also 又作 valentine's cardn [c]a card sent to someone on valentine's day 情人卡[情人节赠送给情人的贺卡] |