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单词 timetable
释义 timetable noun¹ 1 (especially bre) list showing the time of events时间表  ➡ see also schedule adjective | verb + timetable | preposition adjective➤busy, full繁忙的/满满当当的时间表◆a full timetable of teaching满满当当的教学任务表➤college, school, etc.高校、学校等课程表▸➤exam, examination考试时间表▸➤bus, train, etc.公交车、列车等时刻表verb + timetable➤consult, look at查询时刻表preposition➤according to the timetable根据时刻表◆according to the timetable, the bus should have come in at 9.00.根据时刻表,公交车 9 点就该到了。➤in a/the timetable在时刻表中◆it said in the timetable that a train was due at 5.30.时刻表上写着 5 点 30 分有一趟火车到站。timetable noun² 2plan of events活动安排adjective | verb + timetable | preposition adjective➤detailed, precise, specific详细的/准确的/具体的时间表▸➤strict严格的时间表▸➤realistic (especially bre) 切实可行的时间表▸➤overall (bre) 总的时间表verb + timetable➤have有时间表▸➤agree on, draw up, establish, outline, set, set out商定时间表;制订时间表;确定时间表;拟出时间表;安排时间表▸➤adhere to, follow, keep to遵守时间表;按照时间表◆implementation of the reforms was kept to a very strict timetable.改革严格按照时间表实施。preposition➤timetable for为⋯的时间表◆the administration refused to set out a specific timetable for troop withdrawal.政府当局拒绝制订撤军的具体时间表。 timetable /taɪmteɪbl/ noun [countable] 1.a plan of when you expect particular events to happen 预定时间表;时间安排◆i have a busy timetable this week. 我这星期的时间安排得很紧。◆we have set out a timetable for the opening of four new branches. 我们已制订出新开设四个分支机构的时间表。⨁ a detailed / firm / strict / tight timetable详细的/固定的/严格的/紧凑的时间安排 ⨁ to draw up / set a timetable制订/定下时间安排 ⨁ to keep to / stick to a timetable坚持预定的时间表 2.a list showing what time particular events happen 时刻表;时间表◆a bus/train timetable (= when they arrive and leave) 公共汽车/火车时刻表  ➡  schedule timetable /taɪmteɪbl/ verb [transitive] (especially bre) (usually be timetabled) to arrange for sth to take place at a particular time 为…安排时间◆a discussion has been timetabled for next monday. 讨论已安排在下星期一进行。◆a timetabled meeting 安排好的会议 syn schedule ▸ timetabling noun [uncountable]☞ timetable☞ timetabletimetable [countable] a plan of when you expect or hope particular events to happen预定计划;时间安排◆i have a busy timetable this week (= i have planned to do many things).本周我的时间安排得很紧。◆the government has set out its timetable for the peace talks.政府已制订出和谈的时间表。ⓘ in british english a timetable is also a list showing the times when buses or trains leave or arrive at a place or showing which classes a student is taking in school.在英式英语中,timetable 也表示公共汽车或火车的时刻表,或学生的课程表◆a bus / flight / train timetable公共汽车/航班/列车时刻表◆we have a new timetable each term.我们每学期都有新课程表。the american english word for this is schedule.美式英语中表达此义用 schedule。note 辨析 schedule or timetable?often you can use either word.这两个词常可通用◆i have a busy schedule / timetable this week.本周我的时间安排得很紧。however, a schedule is usually a plan of what must happen and is often used about work. you can talk about work/production schedules and work can be on/ahead of/behind schedule.但是,schedule 通常指为必定发生之事所制订的计划,常为工作上的安排。可以说 work/production schedule (工作/生产计划),可以用短语 on/ahead of/behind schedule 表示工作如期进行/提前完成/进度落后◆work/production timetables ◆on/ahead of/behind timetable timetable is often used about a plan of what you hope will happen if things go according to plan, but this may partly depend on things outside your control. * timetable 常指为希望如期发生的事情所制订的安排,但这可能部份取决于非可控因素◆the government's timetable for the peace talks政府的和谈时间表◆the government's schedule for the peace talks timetable /taɪmteɪbl/ [transitive, usually passive] (especially bre) to arrange for sth to take place at a particular time or to be regularly repeated at the same time为⋯安排时间◆there were several timetabled events in the evenings.晚上有几项事先安排好的活动。◆the lessons were timetabled on wednesday from 10 to 12.这些课已安排在周三 10 点到 12 点。ⓘ in american english the usual word for this is schedule.在美式英语中,表达此义通常用 schedule。timetable/ˈtaɪmteɪbl ||; ˈtaɪmˌtebḷ/(us 美 schedule) noun [c] a list that shows the times at which sth happens 时刻表;时间表: ◇a bus/train/school timetable 公共汽车时刻表;火车时刻表;学校课程表 timetablesee ⇨ plan 3 ⇨ time 5,5 time·ta·ble /`taɪmˏtebḷ; ˈtaɪmˌteɪbəl/n [c] 1. a list of times and dates when things are planned to happen 时间表,日程表:◇the school timetable 学校里的课程表 2. bre a list of the times of buses, trains etc 【英】 [公共汽车、火车等的]时刻表; schedule ame 【美】 timetablev [t] ☞ timetable




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