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单词 urge
释义 urge nounadjective | verb + urge | preposition adjective➤desperate, great, incredible, intense, irresistible, overpowering, overwhelming, powerful, strong, uncontrollable强烈的冲动;挡不住的冲动;难以控制的冲动➤strange莫名其妙的冲动➤violent剧烈的冲动▸➤sudden一时冲动◆i felt a sudden urge to smash the teapot against the wall.我突然有种很想把茶壶摔到墙上的冲动。➤instinctive, natural本能的冲动◆an instinctive urge to tap your feet to the beat of the music双脚随着音乐节奏轻打拍子的本能冲动➤primal, primeval, primitive原始冲动◆the primal urge to reproduce原始的繁殖欲望➤human人类的强烈欲望◆the human urge to control the environment人类控制环境的欲望➤biological, creative, sexual生理上的冲动;创作冲动;性冲动verb + urge➤experience, feel, get, have有冲动▸➤avoid, bite back, control, fight, fight back, hold back, repress, resist, restrain, stifle, suppress避免冲动;强忍冲动;控制冲动;压抑冲动;控制欲望◆she resisted the urge to kiss him.她强忍着想吻他的冲动。◆i suppressed a strong urge to yawn.我强忍着不打呵欠。➤overcome克制冲动◆he overcame his urge to run from the room.他压抑住了想跑出房间的冲动。➤ignore不顾冲动▸➤satisfy满足欲望preposition➤urge for⋯的欲望◆leaving him off the guest list satisfied her urge for revenge.把他排除在客人名单之外满足了她报复的欲望。urge verbadverb➤strongly极力劝说➤gently温和地劝说▸➤constantly, repeatedly不断催促;反复敦促◆he has repeatedly urged the government to do something about this.他不断敦促政府处理此事。➤publicly公开促请▸➤quietly, silently默默激励urge [countable] a strong feeling that you must do sth, especially one that is hard to control or hard to understand强烈的欲望;(难以控制或理解的)冲动◆i had a sudden urge to hit him.我突然很想揍他一顿。◆freud claimed that this behaviour was caused by the repression of sexual urges.弗洛伊德声称这种行为是性压抑造成的。  ➡ see also urgent → urgent note 辨析 need or urge?both these words often describe feelings that seem to come from the body rather than the mind.这两个词均常指来自身体而非大脑的欲望◆a / an biological / instinctive / primitive need / urge生理/本能/原始的欲望◆sexual needs / urges性需求;性冲动however, needs are usually feelings that are shared by a lot of people and are easy to understand and accept; an urge may be less easy to understand and sth that you try to prevent yourself from doing or expressing.不过,need 通常为许多人共有且容易理解和接受的欲望,urge 则可能是较不易理解且尽量避免做或表达出来的欲望◆she felt a violent urge to laugh, but suppressed it, with difficulty.她很想大笑出声,可还是竭力忍住了。urge /ɜːdʒ; name ɜːrdʒ/ [transitive] to strongly advise or try hard to persuade sb to do sth敦促;催促;力劝◆she urged him to stay.她力劝他留下。◆police are urging anyone who saw the accident to contact them immediately.警方敦促事故的目击者立即与警方联系。◆the report urged that all children be taught to swim.这份报告呼吁要让所有儿童学游泳。◆'please come!' he urged.“请务必前来!”他劝道。urge [transitive] to recommend sth strongly大力推荐;竭力主张◆the situation is dangerous, but the un is urging caution.局势岌岌可危,但联合国力主谨慎行事。◆the report urged that all children be taught to swim.这份报告呼吁要教会所有儿童游泳。urge¹/ɜ:dʒ ||; ɝdʒ/verb[t] 1. urge sb (to do sth);urge sth to advise or try hard to persuade sb to do sth 敦促;力劝: ◇i urged him to fight the decision. 我力劝他反对那个决定。◇drivers are urged to take care on icy roads. 当局劝告司机在结冰的道路上小心驾驶。◇police urge caution on the icy roads. 路上结冰,警方敦促大家要小心。 2. to force sb/sth to go in a certain direction 驱策;激励: ◇he urged his horse over the fence. 他策马跨过栏栅。 urge sb on to encourage sb 鼓励(某人): ◇the captain urged his team on. 队长鼓励队员们继续努力。 urge²/ɜ:dʒ ||; ɝdʒ/noun [c] a strong need or desire 强烈的欲望;冲动: ◇sexual/creative urges 性冲动;创新欲 urgesee ⇨ advise 1 ⇨ want/not want 7☞ urge¹☞ urge²




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