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单词 thrash
释义 thrash verb¹ 1hit sb many times连续击打adverb | preposition adverb➤soundly痛打◆that boy deserves to be soundly thrashed!这孩子应该好好揍一顿!preposition➤with用⋯打◆he thrashed the poor servant with his stick.他用手杖一个劲儿地打那个可怜的仆人。thrash verb² 2move your arms and legs in an uncontrolled way胡乱扭动肢体adverb➤violently, wildly疯狂地/狂乱地扭动肢体▸➤about, around胡乱扭动肢体;乱踢腾◆the cow fell on its side and thrashed about wildly.牛倒向一侧,疯狂地踢腾着。thrash verb³ 3 (especially bre) defeat sb easily in a game比赛中轻易击败对手adverb➤comprehensively, soundly, thoroughly全面/酣畅淋漓地/彻底击败◆the visiting side were soundly thrashed.客队一败涂地。 thrash /θraʃ/ verb ●thrash sth outto discuss a situation or problem thoroughly in order to decide sth 反复讨论;彻底讨论◆the details have not been thrashed out yet. 细节还没有讨论解决。☞ thrashthrash [transitive] (especially bre, informal) to defeat sb very easily in a sport or game(赛事中)轻易击败,一举战胜◆they were thrashed 5-0 in the league.他们在联赛中以 0:5 被彻底击败。thrash/θræʃ ||; θræʃ/verb1. [t] to hit sb/sth many times with a stick, etc as a punishment 抽打;棒打 2. [i,t] thrash (sth) (about/around) to move or make sth move wildly without any control (使)猛烈移动或翻来覆去;打滚 3. [t] to defeat sb easily in a game, competition, etc (在比赛、游戏等中)大败,彻底击败 thrash sth out to talk about sth with sb until you reach an agreement (通过商谈)达成协议;(通过讨论)解决某事 thrash /θræʃ; θræʃ/v 1. [t] to hit someone violently, usually as a punishment 毒打,痛打[常作为惩罚] 2. [i] to move violently from side to side 猛烈摆动,翻腾:◇a fish thrashing around in the net 在网里乱蹦乱跳的一条鱼 3. [t] informal to easily win a game against someone 【非正式】 [比赛中]轻易地把…击败




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