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单词 call¹
释义 call¹ /kɔl; kɔːl/v 1. be called to have a particular name 名叫,叫作:◇what was that movie called again? 再说一遍,那部电影叫什么? 2. [t] to give someone a name 给[某人]取名为…:◇they finally decided to call the baby joel. 他们最后决定给宝宝取名为乔尔。 3. [t] to describe someone or something in a particular way, or to say that they have a particular quality 把…说成…; 把…称为:◇news reports have called it the worst disaster of this century. 新闻报道称之为本世纪最严重的灾难。 4. [i,t] to telephone someone (给某人)打电话:◇i called about six o'clock but no one was home. 我在六点左右打电话,但家里没人。◇he said he'd call me tomorrow. 他说明天会打电话给我。 5. [t] to ask or order someone to come to you 召唤[某人]; 传唤[某人]:◇i can hear mom calling me. i'd better go. 我能听见妈妈在叫我。我还是走吧。◇the headmaster called me into his office. 校长叫我到他的办公室去。 6. [t] to arrange for something to happen 安排举行[某事物]:◇call a meeting/strike/election etc a meeting was called for 3 pm wednesday. 会议于星期三下午三点召开。 7. also 又作 call out [i,t] to say or shout something because you want someone to hear you 高声说出; 大声叫喊:◇"i'm coming!" paula called down the stairs. “我就来!”葆拉朝楼下喊道。◇a little voice called out my name. 一个微弱的声音在叫我的名字。 8. also 又作 call by [i] bre to visit somewhere for a short time to see someone 【英】 [短时间]拜访某人:◇your friend alex called earlier. 你的朋友亚历克斯较早时候来过。 9. if a train, bus etc calls at a place, it stops there to let passengers get on or off [火车、公共汽车等]停靠,停留 10. call it a day informal to stop working, usually because you are tired 【非正式】 今天(的工作)就到此为止:◇come on, guys, let's call it a day. 好啦,伙计们,今天就做到这里吧。 11. call the shots if someone calls the shots, that person makes the important decisions about what should be done 作出重要决定[该做什么]; 发号施令call back1 [i,t call sb back] to telephone someone again, or to telephone someone who tried to telephone you earlier 再打电话[给某人]; 回电话[给某人]:◇okay, i'll call back around three. 好吧,三点左右我再打电话来。ms. brinston is on another line. can she call you back later? 布林斯顿女士正在和别人通话。她过一会儿给你回电话,好吗?2 [i] bre to return to a house or shop that you went to earlier for a short time 【英】 再次造访:◇i'll call back tonight with my car to pick it up. 今天晚上我会再开车来拿。call for1 [t call for sth] to demand or need something 要求; 需要[某事物]:◇congressmen are calling for an investigation into the scandal. 议员们正要求调查这桩丑闻。2 [t call for sb] bre to go to someone's home before you go somewhere together 【英】 接[某人]:◇i'll call for you at about eight. 我八点钟左右来接你。call in1 [t call sb ↔ in] to ask someone to come and help you with a difficult situation 请…来[帮助]:◇police have been called in to help with the hunt for the missing child. 已经请了警察去帮助找寻失踪的孩子。2 [i] to telephone the place where you work, especially to report something [尤指为报告某事向工作单位]打电话汇报3 [i] bre to visit a person or place while you are on your way to somewhere else 【英】 [顺路]拜访:◇nick often calls in on his way home from work. 尼克经常在下班回家时顺路来看我。call sth ↔ offto decide that a planned event will not happen 取消[某事]:◇the game was called off due to bad weather. 由于天气不好,比赛取消了。call on sb/sth1 also 又作 call upon to formally ask someone to do something [正式地]要求[某人做某事]:◇the un has called on both sides to start peace talks. 联合国已要求双方开始和平谈判。2 to visit someone for a short time [短时间]拜访[某人]:◇a salesman calling on customers 一个走访客户的推销员call out1 [i,t call sth ↔ out] to say something loudly 高声说出; 大声叫喊:◇"hey!" she called out to him. “嗨!”她朝他叫喊道。2 [t call sb/sth ↔ out] to ask someone to come and deal with something 使…出动; 请,叫[某人来帮忙]:◇"where's dr. cook?" "she's been called out." “库克医生在哪里?”“她被叫去出诊了。”call up1 [i,t call sb ↔ up] especially ame to telephone someone 【尤美】 (给某人)打电话:◇why don't you call suzie up and see if she wants to come over? 你为什么不打电话给苏齐,看看她是否想过来?2 [t call sth ↔ up] to make information appear on a computer screen 使[信息]显现在电脑屏幕上3 [t call sb ↔ up] bre to officially order someone to join the army, navy, or air force 【英】 征召…入伍; draft ame 【美】




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