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单词 unpaid
释义 unpaid adjectiveverbs➤be未付款▸➤remain一直未支付▸➤leave sth⋯未付款◆customers who leave their bills unpaid till the last minute直到最后一分钟才结账的顾客 unpaid /ʌnpeɪd/ adjective (accounting 会计) not yet paid 未付的;未还的;未缴纳的⨁ unpaid bills / debts / fees / rent未付账单;未偿债务;未缴费用;未付租金 2.(about work, etc.) done or taken without payment (工作等)不付薪的,无偿的◆unpaid work 无偿工作◆to take unpaid leave 休不带薪假期3.(about people) not receiving payment for work that they do (人)不领薪水的,无偿工作的◆unpaid volunteers 无偿工作的志愿者 opp paid ◇ delivered duty unpaid ☞ unpaidunpaid /ʌnpeɪd/ (of work or time off work) done or taken without being paid; (of a person) doing work without being paid for it(工作或休息时间)无偿的,不付报酬的;(人)不领报酬的◆many of the children are used as unpaid labour.这些孩子中许多人被用作无偿劳力。◆he chose to take 6 weeks of unpaid leave.他选择停薪休假 6 周。◆the canteen is run by unpaid volunteers.这个食堂由一些不领报酬的志愿者经营。unpaid/ˌʌnˈpeɪd ||; ʌnˈped/adj1. not yet paid 未支付的: ◇an unpaid bill 未支付的账单 2. not receiving money for work done 不支薪水的;无酬的: ◇an unpaid assistant 义务助手 3. (used about work) done without payment (指工作)无报酬的: ◇unpaid overtime 无偿的超时工作 unpaidsee ⇨ earn 11 ⇨ owe 5 ⇨ pay 16 un·paid /ˏʌn`ped; ˌʌnˈpeɪd◄/adj 1. an unpaid bill or debt has not been paid 未支付的; 未偿还的 2. working without receiving any money 不领取薪酬的:◇unpaid workers 义工◇unpaid work 义务工作




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