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单词 twist
释义 twist noun¹ 1act of twisting sth扭adjective | verb + twist | preposition adjective➤little, slight轻轻的转动;轻微的旋转▸➤quick, sharp迅速的转动;急剧的旋转➤wry(面部表情的)扭曲◆'you're brave,' she said, with a wry twist of the mouth.“你很勇敢。”她不高兴地噘了噘嘴说。verb + twist➤give sth扭转⋯◆give the lid another twist.再拧一下盖子。preposition➤twist of⋯扭转◆he finished him off with a quick twist of the knife.他迅速将刀一转结果了他的性命。➤twist to⋯的扭歪◆a wry twist to her lips她不高兴地噘了噘嘴twist noun² 2change/development变化adjective | verb + twist | twist + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤final, latest最后的转折;最新的发展◆the latest twist in the saga of high-level corruption一连串高层腐败事件的最新发展➤added, extra, further增加的/额外的/进一步的转折➤fresh, modern, new新近的/现代的/新的转折◆the movie gives this old legend a real modern twist.电影让这个古老的传说转而产生了一种真正的现代色彩。➤clever, interesting, intriguing, neat, nice聪明的/有趣的/耐人寻味的/利索的/漂亮的转折➤bizarre, curious, dramatic, ironic, odd, strange, surprise, surprising, unexpected, unique, unusual, weird奇异的/古怪的/戏剧性的/具讽刺意味的/反常的/奇怪的/出人意料的/出其不意的/没有料到的/独特的/不寻常的/怪异的转折▸➤cruel, shocking, vicious残酷的/惊人的/凶险的变化◆a cruel twist of fate命运的残酷转变➤little, slight轻轻的转动;轻微的转变◆that adds a slight twist to this battle.那使这场战斗产生了轻微的变化。➤plot剧情转折verb + twist➤give sth改变⋯◆the writer takes well-known fairy tales and gives them an ironic twist.作者运用讽刺手法对家喻户晓的童话故事进行了新的诠释。➤have, offer有转折;有扭曲◆the movie has some unexpected twists.这部电影里有一些意想不到的曲折变化。➤add加入曲折经历◆i added my own twist to the whole thing.我在全部情节里加入了自己的曲折经历。➤take发生转折◆the scandal has taken a new twist this week.这个星期丑闻又有了新的发展。twist + noun➤ending (especially name) 意外的结局◆horror movies with twist endings结局出人意料的恐怖电影preposition➤in a twist, with a twist随着一个转折◆classic french dishes with a twist (= with a difference) 带有新花样的经典法式佳肴➤twist in⋯中的转折◆a twist in the plot情节的转折➤twist on在⋯上的扭转◆i thought it would be an interesting twist on the zombie movie.我认为这将成为一部情节曲折、有趣的僵尸还魂的电影。➤twist to⋯的转折◆in a bizarre twist to the evening the police came at eleven and arrested our host.晚会上发生了怪异的一幕,11 点钟警察来了并逮捕了主人。phrases➤a twist in the tale故事中意想不到的转折◆i find this latest twist in the tale most intriguing.我发现故事情节中最新的波折极为耐人寻味。➤a twist of fate命运的转折➤twists and turns意外的曲折变化◆the twists and turns in the economy经济的风云变化twist noun³ 3in a road, river, etc.公路;河流adjective | preposition | phrases adjective➤sharp急转弯preposition➤twist in⋯处的转弯◆a sharp twist in the road路上的急转弯phrases➤twists and turns弯弯曲曲处◆the twists and turns of the river这条河弯弯曲曲的地方twist verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤slightly略微地转身◆she twisted slightly in her chair to look up at him.她在椅子里略转过身抬头朝他望去。➤gently轻轻地扭动◆gently twist off the green stalks.轻轻掰掉绿色的柄。➤quickly, slowly快扭;慢扭◆she placed her hand on the doorknob and twisted slowly.她把手放在门把手上缓慢地转动了一下。➤violently急剧地扭动◆she fired again and saw the creature twist violently.她又开了一枪,见那动物剧烈地扭动着躯体。➤badly, painfully严重地/痛苦地扭曲◆she badly twisted her ankle on the high jump.她跳高时严重扭伤了脚踝。◆the boy's leg was twisted back painfully.男孩的腿被痛苦地往后扭转。➤bitterly嘲讽地歪(嘴)◆his mouth twisted bitterly.他痛苦地歪着嘴。➤nervously紧张地扭动◆amanda nervously twisted her hair.阿曼达紧张地缠扭着她的头发。➤away, off, together, up扭开;扭掉;搓拢;盘绕起◆her black hair was twisted up into a knot on top of her head.她的黑发盘在头顶挽成一个发髻。➤sideways侧扭◆he twisted sideways to face her.他侧扭过身体去面对着她。preposition➤around, round (especially bre) 缠绕⋯◆i twisted the bandage around his leg.我把他的腿缠上绷带。➤into扭成⋯◆my stomach twisted into knots.我的胃扭成了一团。◆nicola's face twisted into a grimace of disgust.尼古拉的脸厌恶地扭曲成一种怪相。➤with因⋯而扭曲◆his face was twisted with rage.他的脸被气歪了。phrases➤twist and turn蜿蜒◆the road twists and turns along the coast.这条路沿着海岸线迂回曲折。➤twist (yourself) free挣脱◆he managed to twist himself free.他挣脱了出来。➤twist sth out of shape使⋯扭曲变形◆her mouth was twisted out of shape by grief.她悲伤得嘴扭曲变形了。 twist verbtwist ♦︎ bend ♦︎ distort ♦︎ deform ♦︎ buckle ♦︎ warpthese words all mean to force sth into a new shape that is not straight.这些词均表示使弯曲、使变形。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to be slightly twisted / bent / distorted / deformed / warped◆to bend / buckle under the weight of sth◆to be twisted / bent out of shape■ twist [transitive, intransitive] to force sth into a particular shape, especially by turning each end in the opposite direction; to force sth into a shape or position that is not normal or natural; to be turned by force in this way使弯曲,使扭曲(尤指将两端并拢);(使)弯曲变形,扭曲变形◆twist the wire to form a circle.把铁丝弯成一个环。◆he grabbed me and twisted my arm behind my back.他抓住我,把我的胳膊拧到背后。◆her face twisted in anger.她气得脸都变形了。 ➡ see also twisted → bent ■ bend (bent, bent) [transitive] to force sth that was straight into an angle or curve使弯曲;使弯折◆mark the pipe where you want to bend it.在管子上要弄弯的地方做个记号。◆the knives were bent out of shape.那些刀已经弯曲变形了。 ➡ see also bent → bent ■ distort /dɪstɔːt; name dɪstɔːrt/ [transitive] to change the shape, appearance or sound of sth so that it is strange or not clear使变形;使扭曲;使失真◆it was like one of those fairground mirrors that distort your shape.它就像露天游乐场那些使人身形扭曲变形的哈哈镜。◆the loudspeaker seemed to distort his voice.他的声音从喇叭里传出来,好像失真了。■ deform /dɪfɔːm; name dɪfɔːrm/ [transitive] to change or spoil the usual or natural shape of sth改变⋯的外形;损毁⋯的形状;使成畸形◆the disease had deformed his spine.疾病导致他脊柱变形。  ➡ see also deformed → bent ■ buckle [intransitive, transitive] to become crushed or bent under a weight or force; to crush or bend sth in this way(被)压垮,压弯◆the steel frames began to buckle under the strain.钢架在重压下开始变形。◆the crash buckled the front of my car.我汽车的前部被撞扁了。■ warp /wɔːp; name wɔːrp/ [intransitive, transitive, usually passive] to become, or make sth become, twisted or bent out of its natural shape, for example because it has become too hot or too damp(使)扭曲,弯曲,变形(如因过热或过潮)◆the window frames had begun to warp.窗框已经开始变形。◆the big double doors were warped with heat and humidity.大的双扇门因受热和受潮变形了。twist [intransitive](of a road or river) to bend and change direction often, especially in a way that makes it dangerous or difficult to travel(道路或河流)曲折,蜿蜒,盘旋(尤指使通行险阻艰难)◆the road twists and turns along the coast.道路沿着海滨蜿蜒曲折。◆from the cellar a twisting staircase leads down to the dungeon.一道盘梯从地窖向下通往地牢。 ➡ see also twist → corner twist [transitive] to suddenly bend a part of your body, especially your ankle, wrist or knee, in an awkward way, causing an injury that involves pain and swelling扭伤(踝、腕、膝)◆she fell and twisted her ankle.她摔了一下,把脚崴了。note 辨析 sprain or twist?a sprain is an injury to your ankle, wrist or knee that causes pain and swelling; to sprain your ankle/wrist/knee is to injure it in this way. to twist your ankle/wrist/knee is to do the action (= to suddenly bend it in an awkward way) that causes the injury. * sprain 作名词表示踝、腕、膝的扭伤。sprain 作动词时可后接 ankle/wrist/knee,表示对这些部位造成扭伤。动词 twist 也可后接 ankle/wrist/knee,表示造成扭伤的动作。twist [transitive] to turn sth round in a circle with your hand(用手)转动,旋转◆try twisting the handle to the right.试着将把手向右旋转一下。◆she was nervously twisting the ring on her finger.她紧张地转动着手指上的戒指。twist [intransitive, transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to turn part of your body around while the rest stays still扭转,转动(身体部位)◆she twisted in her chair to look.她坐在椅子上扭身来看。◆hold your arms out to the sides and twist your upper body.保持双臂伸向两侧,转动上半身。twist [transitive, intransitive] to force sth into a particular shape, especially by turning each end in the opposite direction; to force sth into a shape or position that is not normal or natural; to be turned by force in this way使弯曲,使扭曲(尤指将两端并拢);(使)弯曲变形,扭曲变形◆twist the wire to form a circle.把铁丝弯成一个环。◆he grabbed me and twisted my arm behind my back.他抓住我,把我的胳膊拧到背后。◆her face twisted in anger.她气得脸都变形了。 ➡ see also twisted → bent twist [intransitive, transitive] to turn your body with quick sharp movements and change direction often(猛地将身体)转动,扭动◆she tried unsuccessfully to twist free.她试图挣脱出来,但无济于事。◆rachel twisted and turned in her sleep.雷切尔睡觉时翻来覆去地扭动身子。twist¹/twɪst ||; twɪst/verb1. [i,t] to bend or turn sth into a particular shape, often one it does not go in naturally; to be bent in this way 扭;扭曲 · ◇she twisted her long hair into a knot. 她把长发编成一个结。◇her face twisted in anger. 她气得脸都歪了。◇he twisted his anklewhile he was playing squash. 他打壁球时扭伤了脚踝。 2. [i,t] to turn a part of your body while the rest stays still 扭转身体的某个部位: ◇she twisted round to see where the noise was coming from. 她转过头来看声音来自什么地方。◇he kept twisting his head from side to side. 他把头不停地转来转去。 3. [t] to turn sth around in a circle with your hand (用手)拧: ◇she twisted the ring on her finger nervously. 她紧张地拧着指头上的戒指。◇most containers have twist-off caps. 大多数容器的盖子都是拧开的。 4. [i] (used about a road, etc) to change direction often (指道路等)曲折,盘旋: ◇a narrow twisting lane 狭窄蜿蜒的巷道◇the road twists and turns along the coast. 那条路沿着海岸弯弯曲曲地延伸。 5. [i,t] twist (sth) (round/around sth) to put sth round another object; to be round another object 缠绕 · ◇the telephone wire has got twisted round the table leg. 电话线缠在桌子腿上了。 6. [t] to change the meaning of what sb has said 歪曲,曲解(别人的意思): ◇journalists often twist your words. 记者经常曲解别人的话。 twist sb's arm(informal 非正式) to force or persuade sb to do sth 强迫或说服某人做某事twist²/twɪst ||; twɪst/noun[c] 1. the action of turning sth with your hand, or of turning part of your body 拧;扭;转动身体某部位: ◇she killed the chicken with one twist of its neck. 她扭了一下鸡脖子,就把它杀了。 2. an unexpected change or development in a story or situation (故事或情况)出人意料的变化或发展 3. a place where a road, river, etc bends or changes direction (道路、河流等的)弯曲处,转折处: ◇the twists and turns of the river 河流弯弯曲曲的地方 4. something that has become or been bent into a particular shape 扭结;环结;打结处: ◇straighten out the wire so that there are no twists in it. 拉直电线,别让它有扭结。 twistsee ⇨ bend 1,7,8 ⇨ change/not change 10 ⇨ turn 2,9     • • •• ⇨ can wrap/twist sb round your little finger• ⇨ drive sb round the bend/twist☞ twist¹☞ twist²




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