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单词 understand
释义 understand verbadverb | verb + understand | preposition | phrases adverb➤clearly, well清楚地/很好地理解▸➤completely, fully, perfectly, quite, thoroughly, totally, truly充分理解;完全理解;相当理解;彻底理解;真正理解◆i fully understand the reason for your decision.我完全理解你作出这一决定的理由。➤better更好地理解◆these categories help us to better understand our readers.这些类别有助于我们更好地理解我们的读者。➤not really, not truly不十分理解;没有真正理解◆her actions wounded him in a way he did not really understand.她的行为伤害了他,但他也不太明白是如何伤害的。➤not necessarily不一定理解◆they won't necessarily understand the pros and cons of the matter.他们不一定理解这件事的利与弊。➤not entirely, partially不完全/部份理解◆a complex topic which i only partially understand一个我只能部份理解的复杂话题➤barely, hardly几乎不能理解◆i could barely understand a word of his story.他的故事我几乎一个字都没听懂。➤adequately充分理解▸➤accurately, correctly, precisely, properly, rightly准确地/正确地/精确地/恰当地/确切地理解◆if i've understood you correctly...如果我对你的话理解得没错⋯➤easily, readily容易理解;易于明白◆the reasons for this decision are not easily understood.作出这个决定的原因很难让人理解。➤immediately, instantly, quickly, suddenly马上/立刻/迅速/突然明白◆the girl understands immediately and promises to be more careful.女孩立刻就明白了,并保证会更仔细些。➤finally终于明白◆i finally understood what she meant.我终于理解了她的意思。➤instinctively, intuitively本能地明白;凭直觉理解◆she intuitively understood his need to be alone.她凭直觉就知道他需要独处。verb + understand➤be able to, can能够理解◆i can't understand what all the fuss is about.我不明白为什么这样大惊小怪。➤be unable to, fail to不能够/未能理解▸➤attempt to, hope to, seek to, strive to, try to试图理解;希望理解;尽力理解◆only specialists can hope to understand them.只有专家才有望理解他们。➤struggle to努力理解◆a woman struggling to understand an incomprehensible situation一位努力去理解异常复杂局势的女性➤help (to), help sb (to)有助于/帮助某人理解▸➤begin to, start to开始理解➤come to, learn to逐步/学会理解◆we came to understand why certain things happened in certain ways.我们逐步理解了为什么有些事情会以特定方式发生。◆she soon learnt to understand english.她很快就学会了英语。➤appear to, seem to好像/似乎理解➤claim to声称理解◆i don't claim to understand it.我不敢说懂这个。➤be easy to, be simple to容易理解;好理解▸➤be difficult to, be hard to难理解◆it is difficult to understand why he reacted in that way.很难理解他为什么会有那样的反应。preposition➤about了解⋯◆we understand little about this disease.对于这种病,我们知之甚少。➤as理解为⋯◆these beliefs are best understood as a form of escapism.对这些信仰的最恰当解读是将其理解为一种对现实的逃避。phrases➤be commonly understood, be generally understood, be popularly understood通常被理解为◆what is generally understood by 'democracy'?对“民主”的一般理解是什么?➤be imperfectly understood, be incompletely understood, be poorly understood对⋯了解不够;对⋯不清楚◆the effects of these chemicals on the body are still poorly understood.这些化学品对身体的影响还不太清楚。➤be universally understood, be widely understood被普遍/广泛了解understand verb 1➤understand french/how sth works懂法语;知道某事物如何运行➤understand how sb feels了解某人的感觉understand ♦︎ see ♦︎ get ♦︎ follow ♦︎ grasp ♦︎ comprehend ♦︎ catch on ♦︎ take sth inthese words all mean to know or realize sth, for example why sth happens, how sth works or what sth means.这些词均表示懂得、理解、明白。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to understand / see / get / follow / grasp / comprehend / catch on to / take in what / why / how...◆to understand / see / grasp / comprehend / take in that...◆to understand / get / grasp / take in the meaning (of sth)◆to understand / see / get / grasp the point / idea (of sth)◆to understand / grasp a concept / principle◆to understand / follow the instructions◆can / can't understand / see / follow / grasp / comprehend / take in sth◆to try to understand / see / follow / grasp / comprehend / take in sth◆to begin to understand / see / grasp / comprehend / take in sth◆to be easy / difficult / hard to understand / see / follow / grasp / comprehend / take in◆to easily understand / see / grasp / comprehend◆to (not) quite understand / see / get / follow / grasp sth◆to fully understand / see / grasp / comprehend / take in sth■ understand (understood, understood) [transitive, intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to know or realize the meaning of words, a language, what sb says, etc.; to know or realize how or why sth happens, how it works or why it is important懂,理解,领会(词意、语言、话语等);了解,明白(事情如何或为何发生、如何起作用或为何重要等)◆do you understand french?你懂法语吗?◆he couldn't understand what she was saying.他弄不懂她在说些什么。◆doctors still don't understand much about the disease.医生对这种疾病还不太了解。◆the disease is still not fully understood.对这种疾病的了解还不充分。◆i could never understand why she was fired.我怎么也不明白她为何被解雇。◆i just don't understand!我就是想不通!◆i don't want you doing that again. do you understand?我不许你再那样做,听明白了吗?opp misunderstand → misunderstand ■ see (saw, seen) [intransitive, transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) (especially spoken) to understand what is happening, what sb is saying, how sth works or how important sth is理解,明白,领会(正在发生的事、某人的话、某事物如何起作用或有多重要)◆'it opens like this.' 'oh, i see.'“这样就打开了。”“哦,我明白了。”◆you see, she only heard about the plan yesterday.要知道,她昨天才得知这个计划。◆i don't think she saw the point of the story.我觉得她没有领会故事的中心意思。◆oh yes, i see what you mean.噢,我明白你的意思了。◆can't you see that he's taking advantage of you?他在利用你,难道你看不出来?■ get [transitive] (getting, got, got; name spoken getting, got, gotten) [no passive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) (informal, especially spoken) to understand a joke, what sb is trying to tell you, or a situation that they are trying to describe理解,明白(笑话、某人试图告知的事或描述的情况)◆she didn't get the joke.她没听懂那笑话。◆i don't get you.我不懂你的意思。◆i don't get it-why would she do a thing like that?我不明白,她怎么会干那种事?◆i get the message-you don't want me to come.我懂你的意思了,你是不希望我来。■ follow [intransitive, transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to understand an explanation, a story or the meaning of sth理解,明白(说明、故事或意思)◆sorry-i don't quite follow.对不起,我不太明白。◆i don't follow you.我听不懂你的话。◆the plot is almost impossible to follow.故事情节几乎叫人不明所以。■ grasp /grɑːsp; name græsp/ [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to come to understand a fact, an idea or how to do sth认识到,理解,领会(事实、想法或如何做某事)◆they failed to grasp the importance of his words.他们没能理解他的话的重要性。◆she was unable to grasp how to do it.她没弄明白这事该怎么做。note 辨析 understand or grasp?you can use understand or grasp for the action of realizing the meaning or importance of sth for the first time.第一次意识到某事的意义或重要性可用 understand 或 grasp◆it's a difficult concept for children to understand / grasp.对孩子来说,这是个很难理解的概念。for the state of knowing the meaning or importance of sth, use understand or have grasped.表示对某事的意义或重要性已有所认识可用 understand 或 have grasped◆by this time, engineers understood / had grasped the basic principles of aerodynamics.那时候,工程师已经掌握了空气动力学的基本原理。◆by this time, engineers grasped the basic principles... only understand can be used to talk about languages, words or writing.只有 understand 可指理解语言、词意或文章等◆i don't grasp french/the instructions. ■ comprehend /kɒmprɪhend; name kɑːmprɪhend/ [transitive, intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses; often used in negative statements不用于进行时,常用于否定陈述) (formal) to understand a fact, idea or reason理解,领悟,明白(事实、想法或原因)◆the concept of infinity is almost impossible for the human mind to comprehend.“无穷”这个概念几乎是人类的大脑无法理解的。◆he stood staring at the body, unable to comprehend.他站在那里,盯着那具尸体,弄不明白是怎么回事。■ catch on -->phrasal verb(caught, caught) (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) (informal, especially spoken) to come to understand a situation弄明白;搞清楚◆she still didn't catch on, even after all those hints.给了那么多暗示,她竟然还是没弄懂。◆he finally caught on to what was going on.他终于明白了正在发生的事。■ take sth in -->phrasal verb(took, taken) (often used in negative statements常用于否定陈述) to understand and remember sth that you hear or read理解并记住(听到或读到的东西)◆i realized i was reading without taking anything in.我意识到我什么都没读懂。understand verb 2➤understand french/how sth works懂法语;知道某事物如何运行➤understand how sb feels了解某人的感觉understand ♦︎ relate to sb/sth ♦︎ identify with sb/sth ♦︎ empathizethese words all mean to know, realize or share what sb else feels or experiences.这些词均表示了解、谅解、同情。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to try to understand / relate to / identify with / empathize (with) (sb / sth)◆to be able / unable to understand / relate to / identify with / empathize (with) (sb / sth)◆i, you, he, etc. can / could understand / relate to / identify with / empathize with sb / sth◆it's easy / difficult / hard to understand / relate to / identify with / empathize (with) (sb / sth)◆to really / totally understand / relate to / identify with / empathize (with) (sb / sth)◆to easily understand / relate to / identify with (sb / sth)■ understand (understood, understood) [transitive, intransitive] to know sb's character, how they feel and why they behave in the way they do了解;谅解;体谅◆nobody understands me.没有人了解我。◆he doesn't understand women at all.他根本就不了解女性。◆they understand what i have been through.他们对我的遭遇很同情。◆if you want to leave early, i'm sure he'll understand.如果你想早点离开,我相信他会体谅的。 ➡ see also understanding → sensitive 1 ■ relate to sb/sth -->phrasal verbto be able to understand and have sympathy with sb/sth理解并同情;认同;体恤◆many adults can't relate to children.许多成年人并不了解儿童的想法。◆our product needs an image that people can relate to.我们的产品需要一个大众能认同的形象。■ identify with sb/sth -->phrasal verbto feel that you can understand and share the feelings of sb else, especially because you feel that you are similar to them or are in a similar situation与⋯产生共鸣;感同身受◆i didn't enjoy the book because i couldn't identify with any of the main characters.我不喜欢这本书,因为我无法与其中的任何主要角色产生共鸣。note 辨析 relate to sb/sth or identify with sb/sth? relate to sb/sth is often used to talk about personal relationships. it can describe how successful a relationship is, for example between teacher and student, parent and child, boss and employee, etc. * relate to sb/sth 常用来谈论人际关系,可形容某种关系是多么融洽,如师生间、亲子间、老板与雇员间的关系等◆he's a successful and popular teacher because he really relates to the children.他是个成功且受欢迎的教师,因为他确实了解孩子们的想法。if you identify with sb, you feel that you are similar to them in some way or that you have shared the same experiences. it often describes people's positive feelings towards characters in a book or film or famous people such as writers or actors. * identify with sb 表示你觉得自己在某种程度上与某人相似或者有相同的经历,常用以描述人们对书或电影中的人物或作家、演员之类的名人所怀有的正面感情◆which character do you identify with most, the father or his son?你和里面哪个人物最能产生共鸣,父亲还是儿子?■ empathize (bre also empathise) /empəθaɪz/ [intransitive] to understand another person's feelings and experiences, especially because you can imagine yourself in a similar situation有同感;产生共鸣◆a glamorous 20-year-old stylist is unlikely to empathize with a working mother of three.一个光鲜的 20 岁形象设计师是不可能跟一名有三个孩子的在职母亲产生共鸣的。  ➡ see also empathy → bond , sympathize → sorry for sb understand [transitive, usually passive] to agree sth with sb without it needing to be said默认;默许;不言而喻◆i thought it was understood that my expenses would be paid.我原以为对方已同意支付我的费用。understand(understood, understood) [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) (rather formal) to think or believe that sth is true because you have been told that it is得知;据信;认为◆am i to understand that you refuse?你的意思是你拒绝了?◆the prime minister is understood to have been extremely angry about the report.据说首相对这份报告大为恼火。 ➡ see also understanding → definition understand(understood, understood) [transitive, intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to know or realize the meaning of words, a language, what sb says, etc.; to know or realize how or why sth happens, how it works or why it is important懂,理解,领会(词意、语言、话语等);了解,明白(事情如何或为何发生、如何起作用或为何重要等)◆do you understand french?你懂法语吗?◆he couldn't understand what she was saying.他弄不懂她在说些什么。◆doctors still don't understand much about the disease.医生对这种疾病还不太了解。◆the disease is still not fully understood.对这种疾病的了解还不充分。◆i could never understand why she was fired.我怎么也不明白她为何被解雇。◆i just don't understand!我就是想不通!◆i don't want you doing that again. do you understand?我不许你再那样做,听明白了吗?opp misunderstand → misunderstand understand(understood, understood) [transitive, intransitive] to know sb's character, how they feel and why they behave in the way they do了解;谅解;体谅◆nobody understands me.没有人了解我。◆he doesn't understand women at all.他根本就不了解女性。◆they understand what i have been through.他们对我的遭遇很同情。◆if you want to leave early, i'm sure he'll understand.如果你想早点离开,我相信他会体谅的。 ➡ see also understanding → sensitive 1 understand/ˌʌndəˈstænd ||; ˌʌndɚˈstænd/verb (past tense past participle understood /-ˈstʊd ||; -ˈstυd/) 1. [i,t] to know or realize the meaning of sth 明白;理解: ◇i'm not sure that i really understand. 我不肯定自己是否真的明白。◇i didn't understand the instructions. 我不明白那些指示。◇please speak more slowly. i can't understand you. 请说得慢一点,我听不明白。◇do you understand what i'm asking you? 你明白我在问你什么吗? 2. [t] to know how or why sth happens or why it is important 了解,理解(原因、情况或重要性): ◇i can't understand why the engine won't start. 我不知道发动机为什么开不动。◇as far as i understand it, the changes won't affect us. 据我所知,这些改变不会影响我们。 3. [t] to know sb's character and why he/she behaves in a particular way 体谅;谅解: ◇it's easy to understand why she felt so angry. 她那样生气,原因很易理解。 4. [t] (formal 正式) to have heard or been told sth 听说;得知;获悉 give sb to believe/understand (that)→believemake yourself understood to make your meaning clear 把意思表达清楚: ◇i can just about make myself understood in russian. 我的俄语仅足以表达意思。 ☞ understand/not understand un·der·stand /ˏʌndə`stænd; ˌʌndəˈstænd/v [i,t] understood /-`std; -ˈstʊd/ , understood, understanding 1. to know the meaning of what someone says, or the meaning of the words of a language 懂得,明白,理解:◇she spoke clearly, so that everyone could understand. 她说得很清楚,以便让所有人都明白。◇most people there understand english. 那里大多数人都懂英语。 2. to know how someone feels and why they behave in the way they do, and feel sympathy for them 了解; 理解,谅解:◇believe me, john — i understand how you feel. 相信我,约翰 — 我了解你的感受。 3. to know how something works, or why something happens 熟悉,通晓:◇scientists still don't really understand this phenomenon. 科学家仍未真正弄清这一现象。 4. make yourself understood to explain or say something in a way that people find easy to understand 表达自己的意思 5. i understand (that) spoken formal used to say politely that someone has told you something 【口,正式】获悉,听说:◇i understand that you want to buy a painting. 我听说你想买一幅画。 ☞ understand




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