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单词 watch¹
释义 watch¹ /wɑtʃ; wɒtʃ/v 1. [i,t] to look at and pay attention to something that is happening or moving 观看,注视:◇harry was watching the game on tv. 哈里在看电视上的比赛。◇watch sb do(ing) sth she watched him drive away. 她看着他开车离去。 2. [t] to be careful about something 注意,留心:◇i need to watch my weight. 我要留心自己的体重了。 3. watch it spoken informal used to warn someone to be careful 【口,非正式】 小心! 当心!:◇hey, watch it — you nearly hit that truck! 嘿,当心! 你差点撞上那辆卡车! 4. watch your step be careful what you do, because you may make someone angry with you (做事)谨慎小心:◇the boss is back tomorrow, so you'd better watch your step. 老板明天回来,你要小心谨慎点。 5. [t] to take care of someone or something for a short time and make sure they are safe 照看,照管:◇can you watch my bags for me? 你能否帮我照管一下我的袋子?watch outto be careful and pay attention, because something unpleasant might happen 注意,当心:◇watch out! you might cut yourself. 当心! 你会割到自己的。+ for you can ride your bike here, but watch out for cars. 你可以在这儿骑脚踏车,不过得小心汽车。watch over sb/sthto take care of someone or something and make sure that nothing bad happens to them 看守,守护:◇his mother was there to watch over him. 他母亲在那里看守着他。




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