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单词 art/culture
释义 art/culture1 art and culture2 something that an artist has produced3 relating to art or culture4 someone who produces art5 good at producing art6 someone who is very interested in the arts7 someone who does not like art8 a place where art is shownrelated wordssee alsodraw,paint,picture,design,dance,music,perform/performance,actor/actress,film/movie,1. art and culture 艺术和文化 art /ɑːʳt/ [uncountable noun] a way of representing things or expressing ideas, using pictures, sculpture, and other objects that people can look at 艺术;美术 i studied art at school. 我在学校里学过美术。 the statue is a fine example of early christian art. 这尊塑像是早期基督教艺术的典范。 is a pile of bricks in a museum really art? 博物馆里的一堆砖块真的能算是艺术吗?modern art there was an exhibition of adams’ paintings at the museum of modern art. 现代艺术博物馆里举行过一次亚当斯的画展。abstract art art that does not show people or objects as they really look, but represents ideas or feelings in other ways 抽象艺术 many people find it difficult to understand abstract art. 许多人都觉得抽象艺术很难明白。art critic someone who's job is to write about how good or bad a piece of art is 艺术评论家 art critics were not impressed by the collection. 艺术评论家对这批收藏不以为然。 the arts /ði ˈɑːʳts/ [plural noun] art, music, theatre, film, literature etc, all considered together 艺术[指美术、音乐、戏剧、电影、文学等的总称] the government should provide more money for the arts. 政府应该提供更多的钱来发展艺术。 they have drama classes at the arts centre every thursday night. 他们每个星期四晚上在艺术中心上戏剧课。 i've always been interested in the arts even though i didn't have much talent myself. 我一向对艺术很感兴趣,虽然我本人并没有多少艺术天赋。(the) performing arts music, dance, and theatre considered as a group 表演艺术[音乐、舞蹈和戏剧的统称] under the new government much of the funding for the performing arts would be cut. 在新政府的控制下,表演艺术的资金将被大幅削减。(the) visual arts painting, drawing, sculpture, photography etc considered as a group 视觉艺术[绘画、雕刻、摄影等的统称] granston is a graphic artist who now teaches visual arts and journalism at the college. 格兰斯通是平面造型艺术家,目前他在大学里教授视觉艺术和新闻学。 fine art also the fine arts /ˌfaɪn ˈɑːʳt, ðə ˌfaɪn ˈɑːʳts/ [] art, especially painting, sculpture, drawing etc that is concerned with making beautiful things or expressing important ideas rather than with making useful objects 美艺术,美术[尤指绘画、雕刻等] pitt worked as a medical illustrator before turning to fine art. 皮特改行搞美术之前是医学书籍的插图画家。 sales of fine art on the internet are not booming, but many experts feel that the net will play a significant role in the market. 美艺术品的网上销售生意不是很好,但许多专家认为网络将会对这个市场起很大的作用。 morris and other artists sought to close the chasm between the decorative or ‘minor’ arts and the fine arts. 莫里斯以及其他一些艺术家在努力弥补装饰艺术或称“次要”艺术和美术之间的分歧。 culture /ˈkʌltʃəʳ/ [countable/uncountable noun] art, music, theatre, film, literature etc especially produced by a particular society or a particular group in society 文化[包括美术、音乐、戏剧、电影、文学等,尤指在特定社会或社会群体中产生的] the magazine is devoted to rock music, fashion, and other aspects of youth culture. 这本杂志专门介绍摇滚乐、时装等青年文化。 johnson's mother stressed intellectual and artistic achievement, while his father considered intellect and culture to be unmanly. 约翰逊的母亲重视知识和艺术成就,而他父亲却认为才识和文化缺乏阳刚之气。 art form /ˈɑːʳt fɔːʳm/ [countable noun] one of the ways that people express themselves through art 艺术形式 ballet is a 400-year-old art form, born in the courts of europe. 芭蕾舞是一种有400年历史的艺术形式,始见于欧洲的宫廷中。 lehr tries to help her students understand that theater is an expressive art form. 莱尔试图让学生明白,戏剧是一种表现艺术形式。2. something that an artist has produced 艺术家的作品 work /wɜːʳk/ [countable noun] a picture, sculpture, piece of music etc 作品 the collection contains works by kahlo and picasso. 收藏品中有卡洛和毕加索的作品。 her later works reflected her growing depression. 她的后期作品反映出她越来越严重的忧郁倾向。 some of the director's best works were created during his neo-realist period. 这位导演的最佳作品中有些是在他的新现实主义时期创作的。 work of art /ˌwɜːʳk əv ˈɑːʳt/ [countable noun] something produced by an artist, especially something that most people agree is of very high quality [尤指大多数人认为具有很高品质的]艺术作品 from a single lump of clay, torrence had produced a work of art. 托兰斯就用单单的一块陶土创作出了一件艺术品。 the sketches were never meant to be works of art but are beautiful nonetheless. 这些素描根本不是什么艺术作品,但是却非常漂亮。 the best works of art deal with man's struggle with the human condition. 最好的艺术作品都是以人与生存环境作斗争为主题。 masterpiece /ˈmɑːstəʳpiːsǁˈmæs-/ [countable noun] a picture, sculpture, film etc that is of extremely high quality, especially one that is believed to be the best work of a particular artist 杰作;代表作 adam smith's masterpiece ‘the wealth of nations’ was written in the 18th century. 亚当·斯密的代表作《国富论》于18世纪写成。 thirteen people helped michelangelo create his masterpiece on the ceiling of the sistine chapel. 有13个人帮助米开朗琪罗完成了他在西斯廷礼拜堂天顶上的代表作。 the davis-evans recording of ‘porgy and bess’ has been rightly called a jazz masterpiece. 戴维斯和埃文斯录制的《波吉和贝丝》堪称爵士乐的代表作。3. relating to art or culture 与艺术或文化有关的 artistic /ɑːʳˈtɪstɪk/ [adjective only before noun] relating to art 艺术的 the czech republic has a long artistic tradition. 捷克共和国有着悠久的艺术传统。 in 1881 when the first moving pictures were shown to the public, it was hailed as an ‘artistic revolution’. 1881年,第一部电影在向公众播映之后,被誉为“艺术的革命”。 the director feared that business decisions would affect the film's artistic quality. 导演担心,商业决策将会影响电影的艺术品质。 cultural /ˈkʌltʃərəl/ [adjective usually before noun] relating to culture 文化的 the principal feels that cultural education is very important. 校长认为文化教育非常重要。 baroque music was part of a broader cultural movement that affected all the arts. 巴罗克音乐属于广义的文化运动,它影响了所有的艺术。4. someone who produces art 创作艺术的人 artist /ˈɑːʳtɪst, ˈɑːʳtəst/ [countable noun] someone who produces paintings, sculptures, or any kind of art 艺术家;美术家,画家 leonardo was the greatest artist of his time. 莱奥纳多是他那个时代最伟大的艺术家。 i bought some post cards of prints by japanese artists. 我买了一些日本画家版画作品的明信片。 the obituary described nureyev as ‘a great dancer and a true artist’. 讣文上称努里耶夫是一个“伟大的舞蹈家和真正的艺术家”。5. good at producing art 善于艺术创作 artistic /ɑːʳˈtɪstɪk/ [adjective] someone who is artistic is very good at drawing, painting, or sculpture 有艺术才华的 she described her mother as ‘very intelligent and artistic’. 她说她母亲“非常聪慧,精于艺术”。 that's a lovely picture - i never realized you were so artistic. 那幅画画得很好一没想到你那么有艺术天分。 creative /kriˈeɪtɪv/ [adjective] having a lot of imagination and able to think of new and original ideas in art, music, or literature 富有艺术想象力的,有创造力的 we encourage the children to use their creative abilities. 我们鼓励孩子们发挥自己的创造力。 ed, you are so creative - where did you learn to draw like that? 埃德,你真有创造力啊—你那样画是从哪里学的? davis was one of the most creative jazz musicians of our time. 戴维斯是我们那个时代最有创造力的爵士音乐家之一。6. someone who is very interested in the arts 对艺术很感兴趣的人 cultured /ˈkʌltʃəʳd/ [adjective] knowing a lot about art, literature, music etc 有文化修养的,风雅的 sempaio is a highly cultured lawyer with a love of classical music. 塞佩奥热爱古典音乐,是一个非常儒雅的律师。 the art nouveau cafe is a popular meeting place for the city's cultured classes. “新艺术咖啡馆”是这个城市文人雅士经常光顾汇聚的场所。 patron of the arts /ˌpeɪtrən əv ði ˈɑːʳts/ [countable noun] someone who supports the arts, especially with money 艺术赞助人 a genuine culture lover, the prime minister was a patron of the arts on a grand scale. 作为一名真正的文化爱好者,首相是一个很大的艺术赞助人。 performances are sponsored by fast food restaurants and other unlikely patrons of the arts. 演出由快餐店等与艺术不大有关的团体赞助。 culture vulture /ˈkʌltʃəʳ ˌvʌltʃəʳ/ [countable noun] informal someone who is very interested in all the arts - use this to talk about people like this 【非正式】热衷于文化的人,酷爱艺术的人 while the culture vultures looked round the ruined temples, the rest of us headed straight for the beach. 那些艺术爱好者去参观破败的庙宇,我们其他人却直奔海滨了。 he's a bit of a culture vulture - he goes to the theatre just about every week. 他可算是酷爱艺术,几乎每个星期都要去看戏。 arty british /artsy american /ˈɑːʳti, ˈɑːʳtsi/ [adjective] someone who is interested in or knows about art and culture - use this when you do not approve of people like this 似乎懂艺术的,附庸风雅的[用于表示不认同这类人] jake's having a party for all his arty friends. 杰克正在为他那些附庸风雅的朋友搞一个聚会。arty-farty/artsy-fartsy he thought of the band as just an artsy-fartsy bunch of students pretending to play rock ‘n’ roll. 他认为那个乐队不过是一群附庸风雅的学生在装模作样地演奏摇滚乐。7. someone who does not like art 不喜欢艺术的人 philistine /ˈfɪlɪstaɪn, ˈfɪləstaɪnǁ-stiːn/ [uncountable noun] someone who does not like or understand art, literature, music etc - used by people who disapprove of people who do not have this knowledge 不懂艺术的人,不喜欢艺术的人[贬称] i wouldn't expect a philistine like you to understand my paintings. 我才不会指望像你这样一个艺术的门外汉能看懂我的画。 the american desire for material goods caused europeans to dismiss them as philistines. 美国人的物欲使欧洲人对他们不屑一顾,认为他们不懂艺术。8. a place where art is shown 展览艺术的地方 gallery /ˈgæləri/ [countable noun] a building or room where you can go to look at paintings, sculptures etc 美术馆;画廊 one of the rooms has been made into a small modern art gallery. 其中一个房间已改成一个小小的现代艺术画廊。 we spent the afternoon looking at paintings in the national gallery. 下午我们在国家美术馆看画。 dale is showing some of his work in one of the galleries downtown. 戴尔要在城里的一家画廊展出他的部分作品。 museum /mjuːˈziːəmǁmjʊ-/ [countable noun] american a large building where you can go to look at paintings, sculptures etc 【美】[展出画作、雕塑品等的]博物馆 the museum has a few of van gogh's early paintings. 博物馆里藏有梵高的一些早期画作。museum of baldesaro is in new york preparing a showing at the museum of modern art. 鲍尔德萨罗正在纽约准备在现代艺术博物馆举行的一场画展。 exhibition /ˌeksɪˈbɪʃən, ˌeksəˈbɪʃən/ [countable noun] a collection of paintings, sculptures etc, often the work of one artist or a group of similar artists, which you can go to see - use this especially when they are only being shown for a limited period of time [尤指短期的]展出,展览 have you seen the o'keefe exhibition yet? 你看过奥基夫的画展了吗?exhibition of the exhibition of works by hans memling opens next week. 汉斯·梅林的作品展将于下周开展。on exhibition many of the photographs on exhibition were taken by artists who worked primarily in other media. 许多参展的摄影作品由主要在其他媒体工作的艺术家拍摄。 show /ʃəʊ/ [countable noun] an event at which the work of one artist or a group of artists is shown and is often for sale to the public [通常也向公众出售作品的]展览会 tomorrow is the opening night of her show in cork street, london. 明天晚上她在伦敦科克街举行的个人展品正式开幕。 a show of new work by young artists 青年艺术家的新作展




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