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单词 worthless
释义 worthless adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, feel, prove, seem无价值;感到无价值;被证明无用;似乎无价值▸➤become变得毫无价值▸➤make sth, render sth使⋯毫无价值◆these contradictions made his evidence worthless.这些矛盾之处使他的证据毫无价值。➤consider sth, discard sth as, dismiss sth as, regard sth as, see sth as认为⋯无价值;认为⋯无价值而丢弃;认为⋯无用处而不理会◆the opinion polls were dismissed as worthless.那些民意测验被认为毫无价值而没有被采用。adverb➤absolutely, completely, quite, totally, utterly毫无价值;完全无用处;根本没有价值▸➤almost, nearly, practically, virtually几乎无价值;实际上无价值▸➤essentially, largely根本上/很大程度上无价值preposition➤to对⋯毫无价值◆the diseased plants are worthless to the farmer.有病害的植物对农民没有价值。 worthless /wɜːθləs; name wɜːrθ-/ adjectivehaving no practical or financial value 无价值的;没用的◆the technology is practically worthless if people don't know how to use it. 人们不知道如何使用的技术在实际上是毫无价值的。◆worthless currency/shares 毫无价值的货币/股票 opp valuable ▸ worthlessness noun [uncountable]☞ worthlessworthless (disapproving) (of a person) having no good qualities or useful skills(人)品质坏的,一无是处的◆he's just a worthless individual.他实在是个品质坏的人。◆constant rejections made her feel worthless.屡遭拒绝使她觉得自己一无是处。  ➡ see also worth → value noun 1 worthless/ˈwɜ:θləs ||; ˈwɝθlɪs/adj1. having no value or use 无价值的;没有用处的: ◇it's worthless -- it's only a bit of plastic! 这毫无价值,只不过是些塑料! 2. (used about a person) having bad qualities (指人)品行恶劣的,可鄙的 ☞look at priceless, valuable and invaluable. 参看priceless、valuable及invaluable。worthlesssee ⇨ value 7 worth·less /`wɜθlɪs; ˈwɜːθləs/adj 1. not worth any money 不值钱的,无价值的:◇are you saying the shares are worthless? 你说这些股票一钱不值了? 2. not useful or important 没有用的; 不重要的:◇worthless qualifications 无用的资历 3. a worthless person has no good qualities or useful skills [人]一无可取的; 不中用的:◇she made him feel completely worthless. 她让他感觉到自己全无用处。




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