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单词 worst
释义 worst noun the worst adjective | verb + the worst | the worst + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤absolute (especially name) 绝对最坏的情况◆christmas usually brings out the absolute worst in sentimental platitudes.圣诞节通常是表达情感的陈词滥调最泛滥的时候。verb + the worst➤believe, think认为最坏的情况◆she always thinks the worst of people.她总是把人往最坏处想。➤anticipate, assume, expect预期最坏的情况;假设最坏的情况;做最坏的打算◆it doesn't matter what i say. my mother always expects the worst.我说什么也没用,我母亲总是做最坏的打算。➤fear, suspect担心发生最坏的情况▸➤be prepared for, be ready for, prepare for(已)做最坏的打算◆although all the votes have not yet been counted, the party is preparing for the worst.尽管尚未统计完所有的选票,该党已开始做最坏的打算。➤confirm证实最糟的情况◆i had not expected to do well in my exams, and the letter confirmed the worst.我料到没考好,而这封信也证实确实考砸了。➤avoid, be spared, escape避免了最坏的情况◆scotland seemed to have escaped the worst of the recession.苏格兰似乎躲过了萧条最严重的阶段。➤do your尽力制造麻烦◆let them do their worst (= be as difficult as they can) -we'll fight them every inch of the way.让他们有什么狠招儿尽管使出来吧,我们将与他们斗争到底。the worst + verb➤be over最坏的情况已经过去◆he was still very ill, but the worst seemed to be over.他仍然病得很重,但最危险的时刻似乎已经过去了。preposition➤at (sb/sth's) worst(⋯)最坏的情况◆at worst, the drug can be fatal.在最坏的情况下,这种毒品可以致命。◆at its worst, bullying is a kind of torture.最严重的霸凌行为是一种虐待。➤through the worst渡过最严重的时刻◆her sister helped her through the worst of her illness.她姐姐帮助她挺过了病危期。phrases➤bring out the worst in sb使某人显出最恶劣的本性◆pressure can bring out the worst in people.压力可以使人们暴露出最恶劣的本性。➤get the worst of it遭到失败◆if he got in a fight, he would get the worst of it.如果他打架了,肯定会大败而归。➤the worst that can happen最坏的结果◆don't worry-the worst that can happen is that you'll get a fine.别担心,最坏的结果也只不过是罚款。worst¹/wɜ:st ||; wɝst/adj adv(the superlative of bad or of badly bad或badly的最高级) the least pleasant or suitable; the least well 最坏的;最差的;最糟的: ◇it's been the worst winter that i can remember. 我的记忆所及,这是最冷的一个冬天。◇a lot of the children behaved badly but my son behaved worst of all! 许多孩子都很不规矩,但我的儿子是当中最不规矩的一个! worst²/wɜ:st ||; wɝst/noun [sing] something that is as bad as it can be 最坏或最差的情况: ◇my parents always expect the worst if i'm late. 只要我回来晚了,父母就会往最坏处想。 at (the) worst if the worst happens or if you consider sb/sth in the worst way 在最坏的情况下: ◇the problem doesn't look too serious. at worst we'll have to make a few small changes. 问题似乎不太严重。即使发生最坏情况,我们也只须作几处小改动。 if the worst comes to the worst if the worst possible situation happens 如果情况坏到极点 worstsee ⇨ worse 4     • • •• ⇨ be your own worst enemy• ⇨ fear the worst☞ worst¹☞ worst²☞ worst³




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