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单词 arrow
释义 arrow noun¹ 1weapon武器adjective | ... of arrows | verb + arrow | arrow + verb | arrow + noun | phrases adjective➤poison, poisoned毒箭... of arrows➤hail, volley一阵箭雨;齐发的箭◆a hail of arrows descended from the tower.从塔楼射下一阵箭雨。verb + arrow➤fire, release, shoot射箭;放箭➤draw拔出箭◆he drew two arrows and placed them in the bow.他拔出两支箭,搭到弓上。➤fit, string把箭装到⋯上;把箭放在弦上◆she strung an arrow to her bow.她把箭搭在弦上。➤aim把箭对准⋯◆he aimed an arrow at the target.他把箭对准了靶子。arrow + verb➤fly, shoot, whizz箭飞;箭射;箭嗖的一声飞◆an arrow whizzed past his head.一支箭嗖的一声飞过他的头顶。➤hit sb/sth, pierce sb/sth, strike sb/sth箭射中⋯;箭穿透⋯;箭击中⋯◆the arrow hit its target.箭正中目标。➤land箭落地➤rain, rain down箭如雨下▸➤miss (sb/sth)箭没有射中(⋯)◆she aimed carefully at the tree but the arrow missed.她仔细瞄准那棵树,但是射偏了。arrow + noun➤head (usually arrowhead) , point, tip箭头➤shaft箭杆▸➤slit射箭口◆the arrow slits in the castle's battlements城堡城垛上的射箭口➤wound箭伤phrases➤a bow and arrow一套弓箭◆the people used bows and arrows for hunting.当时人们用弓箭打猎。arrow noun² 2symbol符号adjective | verb + arrow | arrow + verb | arrow + noun adjective➤left, right左箭头;右箭头▸➤down, up向下的/向上的箭头◆the down arrow indicates rain.向下的箭头表示有雨。➤horizontal, vertical水平/垂直箭头▸➤broken, curved, dashed, shaded, solid虚线箭头;弯箭头;实心箭头◆the old road is shown on the map by broken arrows.这条老路在地图上用虚线箭头表示。verb + arrow➤follow沿着箭头所指的方向◆follow the red arrows to get to the camp reception.顺着红色的箭头就能到达营地接待处。arrow + verb➤denote sth, indicate sth, mark sth, point, represent sth, show sth箭头意味着⋯/表明⋯/标出⋯/指向⋯/代表⋯/表示⋯◆you will see an arrow pointing to the left.你会看到一个指向左边的箭头。arrow + noun➤key箭头键◆you can scroll through the text using the up and down arrow keys.你可以利用上下箭头键来翻看 ( 计算机屏幕上的 ) 整个文本。arrow/ˈærəʊ ||; ˈæro/noun[c] 1. a thin piece of wood or metal, with one pointed end and feathers at the other end, that is shot by pulling back the string on a curved piece of wood (a bow)and letting go 箭 look at archer. 参看 archer。 2. the sign (→) which is used to show direction 箭号(→) ar·row /`æro; ˈærəʊ/n [c] 1. a thin straight weapon with a point at one end that you shoot from a bow 箭,矢 2. a sign (→),used to show the direction or position of something [表示方向或方位的]箭号,箭头(符号)




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