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单词 triple
释义 triple verb  ➡ see also treble adverb | preposition adverb➤more than三倍多▸➤almost, nearly几乎/将近三倍➤roughly大约三倍preposition➤in三倍于⋯◆some homes have almost tripled in value.有些房子的价格几乎上涨了两倍。➤to增加两倍并达到◆the figure has more than tripled to 67%.这个数字已增加两倍多,达到 67%。triple/ˈtrɪpl ||; ˈtrɪpḷ/adj (only before a noun 只用于名词前) having three parts, happening three times or containing three times as much as usual 有三部份的;三次的;三倍的: ◇you'll receive triple pay if you work over the new year. 如果你在新年期间上班,你将得到三倍的工资。 triple verb [i,t] triplesee ⇨ increase 3     • • •• ⇨ double/triple in value• ⇨ double/triple/quadruple☞ triple¹☞ triple²




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