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单词 workshop
释义 workshop noun¹ 1room/building房间;建筑adjective | verb + workshop | workshop + verb | preposition adjective➤craft, design, pottery工艺品作坊;设计车间;陶艺作坊▸➤engineering, railway (bre) 工程车间;铁路机车厂▸➤farm农场工场▸➤carpenter's, stonemason's, etc.木工、石工等的工作间verb + workshop➤set up建立工场◆he set up a workshop for his carving.他建了一个雕刻工作间。workshop + verb➤employ sb工场雇用某人◆the workshop employs 25 full-time workers.工场雇用 25 名全职工人。preposition➤in a/the workshop在车间/工场workshop noun² 2period of discussion/work研讨会;训练班adjective | ... of workshops | verb + workshop | workshop + verb | workshop + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤day-long, two-day, weekend, etc.为期一天、为期两天、周末等的讲习班▸➤group小组讨论会➤intensive强化训练班▸➤introductory入门讲习班▸➤hands-on, practical操作研习班;实践班▸➤development, educational, professional, training培训研讨班;教育研讨班;专业研讨班;培训班◆the company holds regular skills development workshops.公司定期举办技能培养研讨班。➤skills技能研讨班◆everyone in personnel has attended a media skills workshop.人事部门的每个人都参加过媒体技巧研讨班。➤research研讨会▸➤dance, drama, music, poetry, theatre/theater, writing舞蹈训练班;戏剧研讨班;音乐讲习班;诗歌讲习班;戏剧讲习班;写作训练班➤actors', artists', children's, writers', etc.演员、艺术家、儿童、作家等训练班... of workshops➤series一系列的讲习班◆we will be running a series of workshops for students.我们将为学生开设一系列的讲习班。verb + workshop➤hold, host, offer, organize, put on, run, schedule, sponsor举办讲习班;主办研讨会;组织讲习班;安排讲习班;赞助研讨会◆the institute will host a special two-day workshop on new building materials.这个机构将主办一个为期两天的新建筑材料专题研讨会。➤conduct, do, lead, present, teach组织研讨会;举办讲习班;主持研讨会;出席研讨会;在讲习班授课▸➤attend, go to, participate in, take part in参加讲习班/研讨会workshop + verb➤cover sth, examine sth, focus on sth, look at sth研讨会研讨⋯;研讨班考察⋯;讲习班主要探讨⋯◆the workshop covered a wide range of issues.研讨班的研讨课十分广泛。➤aim to, be aimed at sth, be designed to研讨班旨在探讨;研讨班目的在于◆a workshop aimed at brainstorming new marketing ideas旨在集思广益探讨新营销理念的研讨班workshop + noun➤discussion, session研讨班讨论;研讨会的一次会议➤leader, presenter研讨会主持人▸➤attendee, member, participant研讨会与会者;讲习班成员preposition➤at a/the workshop, during a/the workshop在研讨班上;在研讨会期间◆during the workshop, they each rehearsed their part in the performance.在研讨班期间,他们就各自扮演的角色进行了排练。➤in a/the workshop在讲习班中◆in the one-day workshop, she taught us the importance of breathing exercises.在为期一天的讲习班上,她向我们讲述了呼吸练习的重要性。➤workshop for针对⋯的研讨班◆a workshop for teachers教师研讨班➤workshop on有关⋯的研讨班◆i learned these new skills at a workshop on databases.我在数据库研讨班上学到了这些新技术。phrases➤a member of a workshop, a participant in a workshop研讨班成员/参加者 workshop /wɜːkʃɒp; name wɜːrkʃɑːp/ noun [countable] 1.a room or building in which things are made or repaired using tools or machinery 车间;工场;作坊◆the leaflet gives tips on safety in the workshop. 小册子介绍了车间安全的注意事项。◆both our branches have well-equipped workshop facilities. 我们两家分公司都配置了很好的车间设施。  ➡  shop noun (2) 2.a period of discussion and practical work on a particular subject, in which a group of people share their knowledge and experience 研讨会;工作坊;讲习班◆they run a two-day workshop on marketing techniques. 他们开设有为期两天的营销技巧研讨会。⨁ to conduct / do / hold / lead / organize / run a workshop开办/举行/举办/主持/组织/开研讨会 ⨁ to attend / take part in a workshop出席/参加研讨会 ☞ workshopworkshop /wɜːkʃɒp; name wɜːrkʃɑːp/ [countable] a period of discussion and practical work on a particular subject, in which a group of people share ideas, knowledge or experience研讨会;讲习班◆a drama / poetry workshop戏剧研讨班;诗歌讲习班◆there are two management development workshops per year.每年有两次管理层发展研讨会。workshop [countable] a room or building where things are made or repaired using tools or machinery车间;工场;作坊◆a car repair workshop汽车修理厂◆the craftsmen worked in a freezing cold workshop.工匠在极度寒冷的作坊里干活儿。  ➡ see also workroom → office 2 workshop/ˈwɜ:kʃɒp ||; ˈwɝkˌʃɑp/noun[c] 1. a place where things are made or repaired 车间;工场;作坊 2. a period of discussion and practical work on a particular subject, when people share their knowledge and experience 研讨会;研习班: ◇a drama/writing workshop 戏剧╱写作研讨会 work·shop /`wɜkˏʃɑp; ˈwɜːkʃɒp/n [c] 1. a room or building where tools and machines are used to make or repair things 车间,工场 2. a meeting at which people try to improve their skills by discussing their experiences and doing practical exercises [为提高技巧的]研讨会,研习班




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