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单词 redress
释义 redress verb /rɪdres/ [transitive] (formal) to correct sth that is unfair or wrong 纠正;改正;矫正◆they will attempt to redress the budget deficit next year. 他们明年将努力削减预算赤字。 ●redress the balanceto make a situation equal or fair again 恢复平衡;恢复公平合理的情况 redress noun /rɪdres; riːdres/ [uncountable] (law 法律) a legal solution to a problem, especially sth that you should get for sth wrong that has happened to you or harm that you have suffered 损失赔偿◆she is seeking legal redress for unfair dismissal. 她正因遭不正当解雇而提起赔偿诉讼。 syn compensation , remedy ☞ redress☞ redressredress /rɪdres/ [transitive] (formal) to correct sth that is unfair or wrong纠正,改正,平反(不公或错误的事)◆attempts were made to redress some of the injustices of the previous regime.作了一些尝试去纠正过去政权下不公平的事。◆for years poorer children have had to put up with a lower quality education, and now is the time to redress the balance (= make the situation fairer).多年来,较贫困的儿童不得不接受较差的教育,现在是扭转这一不公平状况的时候了。redress¹/rɪˈdres ||; rɪˈdrɛs/verb [t] (formal 正式) to correct sth that is unfair or wrong 纠正;矫正;改正: ◇to redress an injustice/a grievance 纠正不公;申冤 redress the balance to make a situation equal or fair again 恢复公平合理的情况;恢复平衡redress²/rɪˈdres ||; rɪˈdrɛs/noun [u] redress (for/against sth) (formal 正式) payment, etc that you should get for sth wrong that has happened to you or harm that you have suffered 赔款;损失赔偿: ◇to seek legal redress for unfair dismissal 因遭非法解雇而提起赔偿诉讼[syn]compensation 同义词为 compensation re·dress /rɪ`drɛs; rɪˈdres/v [t]formal to correct something that is wrong, not equal, or unfair 【正式】 纠正,矫正,改正[某事物] redress /`ridrɛs; rɪˈdres/n [u]




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