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单词 tendency
释义 tendency nounadjective | verb + tendency | preposition adjective➤clear, great, marked, pronounced, strong明显的倾向;显著的趋势;强烈的趋向▸➤slight些许倾向▸➤greater, growing, increased, increasing更强烈的趋势;越来越强烈的倾向◆there's a growing tendency for women to marry later.女性越来越倾向于晚婚。➤broad, common, general广泛的趋势;普遍的倾向;大趋势▸➤inbuilt, inherent, innate, natural, underlying内在的倾向;固有的禀性;自然倾向;潜在脾性▸➤human人类倾向◆our natural human tendency to group all the things we don't like together把我们不喜欢的东西归在一起的人类自然倾向➤alarming, dangerous, unfortunate, worrying令人恐慌的倾向;危险的趋势;不利倾向;令人忧虑的趋势◆the later model has an unfortunate tendency to collapse after a few weeks' use.后一型号用不了几个星期就有易于崩溃的坏毛病。➤contradictory矛盾的倾向▸➤centrifugal离心的倾向◆the civil war reinforced the centrifugal tendencies at work within the economy.内战加剧了经济领域的离心倾向。➤aggressive, destructive, homicidal, psychopathic, suicidal, violent侵略/破坏/杀人/病态/自杀/暴力倾向▸➤artistic, criminal, etc.艺术气质、犯罪倾向等◆he displayed artistic tendencies at an early age.他小时候就显示出了艺术气质。➤homosexual, lesbian同性恋/女同性恋倾向verb + tendency➤have有倾向▸➤display, exhibit, reflect, reveal, show显示倾向;反映趋势;揭示趋势;显露趋势▸➤increase, reinforce强化/加剧趋势▸➤curb, reduce抑制趋势;减弱倾向▸➤overcome, resist克服/抵制倾向preposition➤tendency among⋯之中的倾向◆a worrying tendency among the abused to become abusers受虐者变为施虐者这一令人担忧的倾向➤tendency for⋯的倾向◆there is a tendency for farm sizes to increase.农场规模有扩大的倾向。➤tendency on the part of⋯表现出的倾向◆the tendency on the part of the children is to blame their parents for everything.子女一方往往事事都怪父母。➤tendency towards/toward朝⋯的趋势◆industry showed a tendency towards / toward increasingly centralized administration.工业领域显示出日益集中化管理的趋势。tendency nountendency ♦︎ orientation ♦︎ bias ♦︎ propensity ♦︎ bentthese are all words for the way a person or thing often behaves or is likely to behave.这些词均表示倾向、偏好、性情。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a tendency / an orientation / a bias toward / towards sth◆a tendency / a propensity to do sth◆a tendency / an orientation to sth◆a propensity / bent for sth◆a natural tendency / bias / propensity / bent◆an innate tendency / propensity◆to have a tendency / an orientation / a bias / a propensity / a bent■ tendency /tendənsi/ [countable] a characteristic that makes sb/sth likely to behave in a particular way倾向;偏好;性情◆this material has a tendency to shrink when washed.这种布料经洗涤容易收缩。◆there is a tendency for this disease to run in families.这种疾病易在家族里遗传。◆several patients admitted to suicidal tendencies.几个病人承认有自杀倾向。 ➡ see also tendency → trend ▸ tend verb [transitive] ◆women tend to live longer than men.女人往往比男人长寿。◆when i'm tired, i tend to make mistakes.我累了就容易出错。◆it tends to get very cold here in the winter.这里冬天往往会很冷。◆people tend to think that the problem will never affect them.人们往往认为这个问题绝不会影响到他们。■ orientation /ɔːriənteɪʃn/ [uncountable, countable] (rather formal) the type of aims or interests that a person or organization has; a person's basic beliefs or feelings about a particular subject取向;立场;(个人的)基本信仰,态度◆the classes are essentially theoretical in orientation.这些课程的基本方向是理论性的。◆he belonged to a group with a specific religious and political orientation.他从属于某个有特定的宗教和政治取向的团体。◆legislation forbidding discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation (= whether sb is attracted to men, women or both) 禁止性取向歧视的法规■ bias /baɪəs/ [countable, usually singular] an interest or ability in one thing more than others偏爱;偏重(某方面的能力)◆in british universities there was a bias towards pure science.英国的大学过去对纯科学有所偏爱。◆these classes have a strong practical bias.这些课程偏重实用。■ propensity /prəpensəti/ [countable, usually singular] (formal) a tendency to a particular kind of behaviour(行为方面的)倾向;习性◆there is an increased propensity for people to live alone.人们独自居住的倾向有所增加。◆they all knew about his propensity for violence.他们都知道他的暴力倾向。■ bent [countable, usually singular] a natural skill or interest in sth(某方面的)天赋,爱好◆some students have no natural bent for literature at all.有些学生一点儿文学天赋都没有。tendency /tendənsi/ [countable] a characteristic that makes sb/sth likely to behave in a particular way倾向;偏好;性情◆this material has a tendency to shrink when washed.这种布料经洗涤容易收缩。◆there is a tendency for this disease to run in families.这种疾病易在家族里遗传。◆several patients admitted to suicidal tendencies.几个病人承认有自杀倾向。 ➡ see also tendency → trend ▸ tend verb [transitive] ◆women tend to live longer than men.女人往往比男人长寿。◆when i'm tired, i tend to make mistakes.我累了就容易出错。◆it tends to get very cold here in the winter.这里冬天往往会很冷。◆people tend to think that the problem will never affect them.人们往往认为这个问题绝不会影响到他们。tendency [countable] a new custom that is starting to develop趋势;趋向◆there is a growing tendency among employers to hire casual workers.雇主雇用临时工有增加的趋势。 ➡ see also tendency → tendency tendency/ˈtendənsi ||; ˈtɛndənsɪ/noun [c] (plural tendencies)a tendency (to do sth/towards sth) something that a person or thing usually does; a way of behaving 倾向;趋向;行为方式: ◇they both have a tendency to be late for appointments. 他们两个人赴约往往会迟到。◇the dog began to show vicious tendencies. 那只狗开始露出凶相。◇she seems to have a tendency towards depression. 她似乎容易情绪消沉。 tendency• ⇨ have a tendency to do sth ten·den·cy /`tɛndənsɪ; ˈtendənsi/n [c] 1. a part of your character that makes you likely to develop, think, or behave in a particular way [性格的]倾向:◇+ towards some people may inherit a tendency towards alcoholism. 有些人可能天生有酗酒的倾向。◇have a tendency to do sth he has a tendency to talk too much. 他往往说话太多了。 2. something that people usually do, or a changing situation that makes them more likely to do it 趋势:◇+ for there's a tendency for men to marry younger women. 男人倾向于娶比自己小的太太。




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