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单词 exhaust
释义 exhaust nounadjective | exhaust + noun | preposition adjective➤auto, automobile, car, engine, vehicle汽车尾气▸➤diesel柴油发动机废气◆diesel exhaust contains a lot of soot.柴油机的废气含有许多油烟。exhaust + noun➤emission, fumes, gas, pollution, smoke废气排放;废气;废气污染;废气烟尘◆a plan to reduce exhaust emissions减少废气排放的计划➤air废气◆ducts which draw out exhaust air and replace it with fresh用于排出废气导入清新空气的导管➤fan, manifold, pipe, system排气扇;排气;歧管;排气管;排气系统preposition➤from an/the exhaust由于废气排放◆pollution from car exhausts汽车尾气造成的污染exhaust verb¹ 1make sb very tired使疲惫不堪adverb➤completely, totally, utterly使筋疲力尽;使彻底累垮◆the swimming had completely exhausted him.游泳使他筋疲力尽了。➤emotionally, mentally, physically情感上疲惫不堪;脑力耗尽;筋疲力尽◆the experience had exhausted her physically and emotionally.这一经历使她心力交瘁。exhaust verb² 2use sth up completely用光adverb➤completely完全用尽➤almost, nearly几乎用尽◆the funds are nearly exhausted.资金几乎用完了。➤quickly, rapidly迅速用尽◆their limited resources were quickly exhausted.他们有限的资源很快就用完了。 exhaust /ɪgzɔːst/ verb [transitive] to use all of sth so that there is none left 耗尽;用完◆the trust had exhausted its funds. 这个信托基金机构已用完其全部资金。◆don't give up until you have exhausted all the possibilities. 只要还有一点可能就不要放弃。☞ exhaustexhaust /ɪgzɔːst/ [uncountable] waste gases that come out of a vehicle, engine or machine(车辆、发动机或机器排出的)废气◆the proposals include new limits on car exhaust emissions.这些建议包括对汽车排放物的新限制。exhaust /ɪgzɔːst/ [transitive] to make sb feel very tired使筋疲力尽;使疲惫不堪◆even a short walk exhausted her.即使走一小段路也让她疲惫不堪了。exhaust /ɪgzɔːst/ [transitive] (rather formal) to use sth up用尽;花光;吃光◆within three days they had exhausted their supply of food.他们在三天之内就把贮存的食物吃光了。◆don't give up until you have exhausted all the possibilities.只要还有可能就别放弃。note 辨析 use sth up or exhaust? exhaust is rather formal and is used especially when talking about using up things in large quantities or things which are very important. use sth up is used especially to talk about smaller quantities of less important things. * exhaust 颇为正式,尤指耗尽量大或很重要的东西。use sth up 尤指用光量较小且不太重要的东西◆they had exhausted their food supply.他们把贮存的食物吃光了。◆they had used up their food supply. ◆sorry-i've used up the milk.对不起,我把牛奶用光了。◆sorry-i've exhausted the milk. exhaust¹/ɪgˈzɔ:st ||; ɪgˈzɔst/noun1. [u] the waste gas that comes out of a vehicle, an engine or a machine (车辆、发动机、机器等排出的)废气: ◇car exhaust fumes/emissions 汽车废气 2. [c] (also exhaust pipe (us 美) tailpipe) a pipe (particularly at the back of a car) through which waste gas escapes from an engine or machine 排气管(尤指汽车后面的) ☞picture at car 见car插图 exhaustsee ⇨ finish 12 ⇨ tired/tiring 6☞ exhaust¹☞ exhaust²




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