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单词 positively
释义 ☞ positivepositivelyadverb◆her attacker has now been positively identified by police.袭击她的人现在已被警方确认。positivelyadverb◆she was portrayed very positively in the movie.那部电影把她刻画得很正面。positivelyadverb◆her attacker has now been positively identified by police.袭击她的人现在已被警方确认。positivelyadverb◆she was portrayed very positively in the movie.那部电影把她刻画得很正面。positively/ˈpɒzətɪvli ||; ˈpɑzətɪvlɪ/adv1. with no doubt; firmly 肯定;坚决: ◇i was positively convinced that i was doing the right thing. 我确信自己做得对。 2. in a way that shows you are thinking about the good things in a situation, not the bad 积极;往好的方面看: ◇thinking positively helps many people deal with stress. 以积极的角度思考有助于许多人应付精神压力。 3. (used about a person's way of speaking or acting) in a confident and hopeful way (指人的说话或行动方式)充满希望,有信心: ◇the team played cautiously for the first ten minutes, then continued more positively. 该球队在前十分钟踢得谨慎,接下来就踢得比较有信心了。 4. (informal 非正式) (used for emphasizing sth) really; extremely (用于强调)很,极: ◇he wasn't just annoyed -- he was positively furious! 他不仅生气而已─他暴跳如雷! positivelysee ⇨ completely 1 pos·i·tive·ly /`pɑzətɪvlɪ; ˈpɒzɪtɪvli/adv 1. spoken used to emphasize what you are saying 【口】 确实,非常,很[用于加强语气]:◇some patients positively enjoy being in hospital. 有些病人很喜欢住在医院里。 2. in a way that shows you agree with something and want it to succeed 赞同地,支持地:◇news of the changes was viewed positively by most people. 大多数人都以积极的态度看待变革的消息。




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