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单词 trance
释义 trance nounadjective | verb + trance | trance + noun | preposition adjective➤deep深度昏睡▸➤light轻度昏睡▸➤hypnotic, mesmeric催眠状态➤ecstatic, meditative心醉神迷;冥想状态verb + trance➤enter, enter into, fall into, go into进入昏睡状态▸➤put sb into使某人进入昏睡状态➤induce诱发昏睡状态➤break打破恍惚状态▸➤awake from, come out of, wake from从恍惚中醒来;从迷睡中醒来trance + noun➤state昏睡状态preposition➤in a trance在恍惚中◆in a deep trance, the subject is taken back to an earlier stage of their life.在深度迷睡中,接受催眠的人回到了他们的早年。 trance nountrance ♦︎ daze ♦︎ reverie ♦︎ daydream ♦︎ stupor ♦︎ dreamthese are all words for a state in which sb seems to be asleep or not aware of what is happening around them.这些词均表示昏睡状态、恍惚。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a reverie / daydream about sth◆to be in a trance / daze / reverie / daydream / stupor / dream◆to go / fall into a trance / stupor◆to be lost in a reverie / daydream / dream■ trance /trɑːns; name træns/ [countable, usually singular] a state in which sb seems to be asleep but is aware of what is said to them, for example if they are hypnotized; a state in which sb is thinking so much about sth that they do not notice what is happening around them昏睡状态;催眠状态;出神;发呆◆when the subject has gone into a deep trance, they are taken back to an earlier stage of their life.当实验对象陷入昏睡状态后,他们被带回到自己生命的早期阶段。◆she drove, gripping the wheel in a trance, hardly aware of her surroundings.她开着车,神情恍惚地握着方向盘,简直没留意置身何处。■ daze [singular] a confused state, in which you do not know what is happening around you, often caused by a surprise or shock, especially a pleasant one(常因惊喜或激动而产生的)迷茫,茫然,恍惚◆i've been in a complete daze since hearing the news.自从听到那消息,我一直茫然不知所措。ⓘ daze is always used in the phrase in a ...daze. * daze 总是用于短语 in a ... daze 中。■ reverie /revəri/ [countable, uncountable] (formal or literary) a state of thinking about pleasant things, as if you were dreaming but in fact while you are awake美妙幻想;白日梦;遐想◆as the train pulled away, he drifted into a reverie.火车开动了,他陷入遐想。■ daydream /deɪdriːm/ [countable] pleasant thoughts that make you forget about your surroundings or about what is happening in the present白日梦;幻想;空想◆in one of his daydreams, they were living in a little cottage in the country.他的其中一个幻想就是他们生活在乡间的小屋里。▸ daydream verb [intransitive] ◆she would spend hours daydreaming about a house of her own.她常常一连几个小时幻想自己有一所房子。■ stupor /stjuːpə(r); name stuːpər/ [singular, uncountable] (rather formal) a state in which you are unable to think or hear clearly, especially because you have drunk too much alcohol, taken drugs or had a shock(尤指由于醉酒、吸毒或遭电击而出现的)神志不清,恍惚,麻痹状态◆he drank himself into a stupor.他喝得酩酊大醉。◆they left him slumped in a drunken stupor.他们任他烂醉如泥地倒在那里。■ dream [countable] a state of mind in which your thoughts do not seem to be connected to what is real or to what is actually happening around you恍惚;出神◆she walked around in a dream all day.她整天都梦游似地到处转悠。ⓘ in this meaning a dream is a state of mind and may not be a dream about anything in particular. a dream about/of sth is usually more definite, closer in meaning to a hope.表达此义时,dream 指的是一种精神状态,并非指梦见的特定情景。a dream about/of sth 通常指更具体的梦想,与 hope 的含义更接近。  ➡ see also dream → hope noun 2 trance /trɑːns; name træns/ [countable, usually singular] a state in which sb seems to be asleep but is aware of what is said to them, for example if they are hypnotized; a state in which sb is thinking so much about sth that they do not notice what is happening around them昏睡状态;催眠状态;出神;发呆◆when the subject has gone into a deep trance, they are taken back to an earlier stage of their life.当实验对象陷入昏睡状态后,他们被带回到自己生命的早期阶段。◆she drove, gripping the wheel in a trance, hardly aware of her surroundings.她开着车,神情恍惚地握着方向盘,简直没留意置身何处。trance/trɑ:ns; us træns ||; træns/noun [c] a mental state in which you do not notice what is going on around you 出神;恍惚: ◇to go/fall into a trance 陷入恍惚状态 trance /træns; trɑːns/n [c]if you are in a trance, you seem to be asleep, but you are still able to hear and understand what is said to you 恍惚状态




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