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单词 lesson
释义 lesson noun¹ 1period of teaching or learning课时adjective | verb + lesson | lesson + noun | preposition adjective➤good, interesting好课;有趣的课▸➤boring无聊的课▸➤individual单独授课▸➤private私人授课▸➤driving, english, geography, history, music, piano, swimming, etc.驾驶课、英语课、地理课、历史课、音乐课、钢琴课、游泳课等verb + lesson➤attend, go to, have, take上课◆i go to italian lessons at the local college.我在当地的大学上意大利语课。◆i'm taking driving lessons at the moment.我正在上驾驶课。➤begin, start开始上课◆she started guitar lessons at the age of 38.她 38 岁开始上吉他课。➤give (sb), offer (sb), provide, take, teach(给某人)上课;(为某人)提供课程;教课◆she gives singing lessons.她教唱歌课。◆they're offering free lessons in computing.他们提供免费计算机课程。◆i had to take a biology lesson this afternoon because the biology teacher was away. (bre) 因为生物老师不在,下午我不得不替他上了一次课。◆he doesn't teach very many lessons these days.最近他教的课不多。➤get上课◆students get lessons on how to organize their study time.学生们要上如何安排学习时间的课。➤prepare备课◆the trouble is that teachers don't prepare their lessons carefully enough.问题在于老师备课不够仔细。➤miss, skip错过课;逃课◆he got into trouble for skipping lessons.他因为逃课有了麻烦。lesson + noun➤plan教案◆she was preparing a lesson plan for a class she was teaching.她正在为所教的一堂课准备教案。preposition➤during a/the lesson上课期间◆no talking was allowed during the lesson.上课不许交头接耳。➤in a/the lesson在上课◆you can't expect to learn all there is to know about the subject in a 45-minute lesson.你不能指望在 45 分钟的一节课上就学到这个科目的所有知识。➤lesson about有关⋯的课◆a lesson about the civil war有关内战的课➤lesson in⋯方面的课◆he took lessons in thai cookery.他上了泰式烹饪课。➤lesson on关于⋯的课◆a lesson on the roman empire关于罗马帝国的课➤lesson with⋯教的课◆they have a lesson with mrs evans at two o'clock.他们两点钟有埃文斯夫人的课。lesson noun² 2sth learned through experience教训;经验adjective | verb + lesson | preposition adjective➤basic, big, good, great, important, salutary, useful, valuable基本的教训;大教训;有益的教训;重大的教训;宝贵的教训▸➤bitter, hard, painful沉痛的教训◆it's a hard lesson to learn.这是一个应该吸取的沉痛教训。➤clear明白无误的教训▸➤real真正的教训▸➤life, moral人生教训;道德经验➤object (= a practical example of what you should or should not do in a particular situation) 可引以为鉴的实例verb + lesson➤draw, learn得出经验教训◆what lessons can we draw from this unfortunate experience?我们能从这次不幸的经历中得到什么教训?➤teach sb给某人教训◆it taught me some valuable lessons about working with other people.它给了我一些与人合作的宝贵经验。➤apply应用经验▸➤forget, remember忘记/记住教训◆we need to remember the lessons of history.我们应该记住历史的教训。preposition➤lesson from从⋯得到的教训◆there are important lessons to be learned from this mistake.从这个错误中能得到一些重要的教训。➤lesson in⋯方面的教训◆i had learned a lesson in respecting the privacy of others.我得到了一次教训:应该尊重他人隐私。➤lesson of⋯的教训◆it is dangerous to ignore the lessons of the past.忽视过去的教训是危险的。lesson [countable] a period of time in which sb is taught sth一节课;一课时◆new students get lessons in how to use the library.新生要上如何使用图书馆的课。◆piano / driving lessons钢琴课;驾驶课◆i've decided to take golf lessons.我决定上高尔夫球课。◆she made a living giving private lessons in english.她以做英语家教为生。◆ (especially bre) what did we do last lesson?我们上节课学了什么内容?note 辨析 class or lesson?a class is always for a group of people being taught together; a lesson can be for a group of people or for just one person. * class 总是一群人一起上课; lesson 可以是为一群人或只为一个人授课。lesson/ˈlesn ||; ˈlɛsṇ/noun[c] 1. a period of time when you learn or teach sth 课: ◇she gives piano lessons. 她教钢琴。◇i want to take extra lessons in english conversation. 我要多上几课英语会话。◇a driving lesson 驾驶课 2. something that is intended to be or should be learnt 教训: ◇i hope we can learn some lessons from this disaster. 我希望我们能从这场灾难中汲取一些教训。 learn your lesson→learnteach sb a lesson→teachlessonsee ⇨ class 2     • • •• ⇨ teach sb a lesson les·son /`lɛsṇ; ˈlesən/n [c]a period of time in which someone is taught a subject or skill 一堂课:◇take lessons hannah is taking guitar lessons. 汉娜在上吉他课。 ☞ lesson




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