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单词 short cut
释义 ˌshort ˈcutnoun [c] a quicker, easier or more direct way to get somewhere or to do sth 快捷方式;近路: ◇he took a short cut to school through the park. 他穿过公园抄近路去上学。 short cutsee ⇨ way 9 short cut /ˌ· ˈ·/n [c] 1. a quicker, more direct way of going somewhere 近路:◇let's take a short cut across the park. 我们穿过公园走近路吧。 2. a quicker way of doing something 快捷办法,捷径:◇there are no short cuts to becoming an actor. 当演员是没有捷径可走的。




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