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单词 take sth up
释义 ☞ taketake sth upphrasal verb(took, taken) [no passive] to begin sth such as a job or hobby开始从事(某项工作或业余爱好)◆he takes up his duties next week.他下周开始履行职责。◆she has taken up (= started to learn to play) the oboe.她学起吹双簧管来了。opp give sth up → stop verb 1 take sth upphrasal verb(took, taken) (especially spoken) to continue sth that sb else has not finished, or that has not been mentioned for some time继续(他人未完成的事);接着讲(以前提过的事)◆she took up the story where tim had left off.她接着讲蒂姆没讲完的故事。◆i'd like to take up the point you raised earlier.我想继续谈一谈你早些时候提出的问题。ⓘ in this meaning, take sth up is mainly used to talk about going back to talk about what sb said earlier, or starting a story again after stopping for a time.表达此义时,take sth up 主要指接着讲某人先前说的事,或重新讲停了一段时间没讲的事。 take sth up to start doing sth regularly (for example as a hobby) 开始爱好(某种活动): ◇i've taken up yoga recently. 我最近定期练瑜伽。




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