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单词 solo
释义 solo nounadjective | verb + solo adjective➤extended, lengthy, long大段独唱/独奏▸➤brief, short小段独唱/独奏▸➤brilliant, great精彩的独唱/独奏➤opening开幕式独唱/独奏◆the opening piano solo开幕式钢琴独奏➤guitar, piano, violin, etc.吉他、钢琴、小提琴等独奏▸➤soprano, tenor, etc.女高音、男高音等独唱verb + solo➤do, perform独唱;独奏➤dance, play, sing独舞;独奏;独唱➤feature, include以独奏为主;含有独奏◆the song features an extended guitar solo.这首歌曲中有一大段吉他独奏。solo /səʊləʊ; name soʊloʊ/ [only before noun] done by one person on their own, without anyone helping or doing it with them独自(的);单独(的)◆his first solo flight was in 1954.他首次一人驾机飞行是在 1954 年。◆she went on to record a solo album after the band split up.乐队解散后,她又录制了个人专辑。◆she wanted to fly solo across the atlantic.她想独自一人驾机飞越大西洋。◆after three years with the band he decided to go solo.跟那支乐队合作三年后,他决定单飞。ⓘ solo is used especially to talk about performing music or flying. * solo 尤用来修饰音乐和飞行◆a solo instrument / piano / voice / performance / act / piece / album / record / artist / career / flight / pilot独奏乐器;钢琴独奏;独唱;单人表演;独角戏;单曲;独唱专辑;独唱唱片;单人表演者;单人表演生涯;独自飞行;单飞飞行员it can also be used to talk about other sorts of artistic or sporting performances or achievements. * solo 也可指其他种类的艺术表演或体育成就◆a solo exhibition / show / climb / goal个人展览;个人演出;单人攀登;独自射门得分solo¹/ˈsəʊləʊ ||; ˈsolo/noun [c] (plural solos) a piece of music for only one person to play or sing 独奏曲;独唱歌曲 ☞look at duet. 参看duet。 ➔soloist noun [c]solo²/ˈsəʊləʊ ||; ˈsolo/adj adv1. (done) alone; by yourself 独自(完成);单独: ◇a solo flight 单人飞行◇to fly solo 单独飞行 2. connected with or played as a musical solo 独奏的;独唱的: ◇a solo artist (= a singer who is not part of a group) 独唱歌手 solosee ⇨ alone 2 soloadv ☞ solo¹☞ solo²




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