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单词 recompense
释义 recompense noun (formal) adjective | verb + recompense | preposition adjective➤reasonable, law法律) , sufficient合理的/足够的酬金➤financial (especially bre) 金钱补偿verb + recompense➤have获得报酬◆all struggles should have their recompense.一切奋斗都应得到回报。➤expect期待赔偿▸➤get, receive得到报酬▸➤give (sth in), pay (sth in)给予(⋯)赔偿;支付(⋯)赔偿金◆substantial damages were paid in recompense.给予了大笔赔偿金作为补偿。preposition➤as recompense, in recompense作为补偿;作为报酬◆she received a gift as recompense.作为报酬,她得到了一件礼物。➤recompense for⋯的赔偿;⋯的补偿◆he was given £1 000 in recompense for his loss.他得到 1,000 英镑作为损失补偿金。➤recompense from从⋯获得补偿◆recompense from the government从政府处得到的补偿 recompense /rekəmpens/ noun (formal) [uncountable; singular] money that is given to a person as payment or because they have suffered in some way 报酬;赔偿;补偿◆for those who have lost their savings, recompense looks unlikely. 对于失去存款的那些人而言,获得赔偿似乎是不可能的。 syn compensation recompense /rekəmpens/ verb (formal) [transitive] to give sb money as payment or because they have suffered in some way 报酬;赔偿;补偿 syn compensate ☞ recompense☞ recompenserecompense/ˈrekəmpens ||; ˈrɛkəmˌpɛns/verb [t] (formal 正式)recompense sb (for sth) to give money, etc to sb for special efforts or work or because you are responsible for a loss he/she has suffered (以金钱等)酬劳,赔偿,补偿: ◇the airline has agreed to recompense us for the damage to our luggage. 航空公司答应赔偿我们行李受到的损失。 recompense noun [sing] [u]: ◇please accept this cheque in recompense for our poor service. 请接受这张支票,作为我们服务欠佳的补偿。 rec·om·pense /`rɛkəmˏpɛns; ˈrekəmpens/v [t]formal to give someone something for trouble or loss that you have caused them 【正式】 酬报; 补偿; 酬谢 recompensen [singular 单数,u]




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